CPOD2021 - (other cpod conferences)
15-19 March 2021
published September 01, 2022
Entries on ADS

CPOD2021 - the International conference on Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement was held online during March 15 - March 19, 2021. The aim of the meeting was to discuss latest developments in understanding the phase structure of strongly interacting matter. Particular emphasis was put on studies of critical phenomena associated with the second order phase transitions.

David Blaschke, david.blaschke@gmail.com, University of Wroclaw
Peter Braun-Munzinger, p.braun-munzinger@gsi.de, EMMI/GSI
Helen Caines, helen.caines@yale.edu, Yale University
Hannah Elfner, elfner@fias.uni-frankfurt.de, GSI/GU Frankfurt/FIAS
Tetyana Galatyuk, t.galatyuk@gsi.de, GSI/TU Darmstadt
Marek Gazdzicki, marek.gazdzicki@cern.ch Goethe University Frankfurt and Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
Katarzyna Grebieszkow, katarzyna.perl@cern.ch, Warsaw University of Technology
Hideki Hamagaki, hideki.hamagaki@cern.ch, Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science
Norbert Herrmann, herrmann@physi.uni-heidelberg.de, Univ. Heidelberg
Mikhail Kapishin, kapishin@jinr.ru, JINR
Frithjof Karsch, karsch@physik.uni-bielefeld.de, Bielefeld University
Vladimir Kekelidze, kekelidze@jinr.ru, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Adam Kisiel, adam.kisiel@pw.edu.pl, JINR/Warsaw University of Technology
Volker Koch, vkoch@lbl.gov, LBNL
Roy Lacey, roy.lacey@stonybrook.edu, Stony Brook University
Larry McLerran, mclerran@mac.com, University of Washington Seattle
Swagato Mukherjee, swagato@bnl.gov, BNL
Szymon Pulawski, s.pulawski@cern.ch, University of Silesia
Krishna Rajagopal, krishna@mit.edu, MIT
Jorgen Randrup, jrandrup@lbl.gov, LBNL
Anar Rustamov, a.rustamov@gsi.de, GSI
Peter Seyboth, pxs@mppmu.mpg.de, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
Edward Shuryak, shuryak@me.com, Stony Brook University
Alexander Sorin, sorin@theor.jinr.ru, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Misha Stephanov, misha@uic.edu, UIC

Editorial Board

  • Anar Rustamov
    GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
session Mon1
session Mon2
session Mon3
session Tue1
session Tue2
session Tue3
session Wed2
session Wed3
session Thu1
session Thu2
session Fr1
session Fr2
session Mon1
Results from beam energy scan program at RHIC-STAR
S. Esumi and S.E. for the STAR Collaboration
Highlights from NA61/SHINE
S. Kowalski and  on behalf of the NA61/SHINE Collaboration
HADES and the QCD phase diagram
 on behalf of the HADES collaboration, J. Adamczewski-Musch, C. Asal, A. Belyaev, A. Blanco, C. Blume, L. Chlad, P. Chudob, I. Ciepał, D. Dittert, J. Dreyer, W.A. Esmail, O. Fateev, P. Fonte, J. Förtsch, J. Friese, I. Fröhlich, T. Galatyuk, T. Gniazdowski, O. Golosov, M. Golubeva, R. Greifenhagen, M. Grunwald, D. Grzonka, F. Guber, M. Gumberidze, S. Harabasz, S. Harabasz, T. Heinz, B. Heybeck, C. Hohne, F. Hojeij, R. Holzmann, H. Huck, A. Ierusalimov, A.P. Ivashkin, K.H. Kampert, B. Kämpfer, B. Kardan, M. Karpushkin, V. Kedych, V. Khomyakov, I. Koenig, W. Koenig, M. Kohls, J. Kolas, G. Korcyl, G. Kornakov, F. Kornas, R. Kotte, A. Kozela, W. Krueger, J. Kuboś, A. Kugler, P. Kulessa, V.P. Ladygin, R. Lalik, A. Lebedev, S. Lebedev, L. Lopes, M. Lorenz, G. Lykasov, A. Malige, M.V. Mamaev, J. Markert, T. Matulewicz, V. Metag, J. Michel, S.M. Morozov, C. Müntz, L. Naumann, J.H. Otto, Y. Parpottas, C. Pauly, V. Pechenov, O. Pechenova, G. Perez Andrade, O. Petukhov, D. Pfeifer, K. Piasecki, J. Pietraszko, T. Povar, A. Prozorov, W. Przygoda, K. Pysz, B. Ramstein, N. Rathod, A. Reshetin, S.G. Reznikov, J. Ritman, P. Rodriguez-Ramos, A. Rost, A. Rustamov, P. Salabura, J. Saraiva, N. Schild, E. Schwab, F. Seck, I. Selyuzhenkov, A. Shabanov, U. Singh, J. Smyrski, M. Sobiella, S. Spataro, S. Spies, M. Strikhanov, H. Strobele, J. Stroth, K. Sumara, O. Svoboda, M. Szala, J. Szewczyk, A. Taranenko, P. Tlusty, M. Traxler, H. Tsertos, V. Wagner, M. Wasiluk, A.A. Weber, C. Wendisch, P. Wintz, B. Włoch, H.P. Zbroszczyk, E. Zherebtsova, A. Zhilin, M. Zielinski, A. Zinchenko and P. Zumbruch
session Mon2
Anisotropic Flow Measurements of Identified Particles in The STAR Experiment
S. Lan and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Invariant yield and azimuthal anisotropy measurements of strange and multi-strange hadrons in Au+Au collision at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 27 and 54.4 GeV at STAR
P. Dixit and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
session Mon3
Cumulants: it’s more than you think
A. Sorensen, D. Oliinychenko, V. Koch and L. McLerran
Strangeness neutral equation of state with a critical point
J. Karthein, D. Mroczek, J. Noronha-Hostler, P. Parotto, C. Ratti, A.R.N. Acuna and D.R.P. Price
High-order baryon number fluctuations within the fRG approach
Baselines for higher-order cumulants of net-charge distributions from local charge conservation
I. Altsybeev
session Tue1
Phenomenological developments for event-by-event fluctuations of conserved charges
V. Vovchenko
session Tue2
How an ω0 condensate can spike the speed of sound in cold quarkyonic matter
R. Pisarski
Moat Regimes in QCD and their Signatures in Heavy-Ion Collisions
F. Rennecke and R. Pisarski
session Tue3
Strangeness production and onset of deconfinement study in NA61/SHINE
M. Kuich and  on behalf of the NA61/SHINE Collaboration
Meson Production in Au+Au Collisions at $√sNN$ = 3.0 GeV at STAR
B. Kimelman
STAR results on femtoscopy at the BES program
H. Zbroszczyk and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
session Wed2
Baryon diffusion near the QCD critical point
L. Du, X. An and U. Heinz
Dilepton production rate near the critical temperature of color superconductivity
T. Nishimura, M. Kitazawa and T. Kunihiro
Competition between diffusion and rapid expansion andits impact on critical fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions.
G. Pihan, M. Bluhm, M. Kitazawa, T. Sami and M. Nahrgang
session Wed3
Event-by-Event correlations and fluctuations with strongly intensive quantities in heavy-ion and
I.A. Sputowska and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Fluctuations and correlations in nucleus-nucleus collisions observed by NA61/SHINE at CERN SPS energies
M. Mackowiak-Pawlowska and  on behalf of the NA61/SHINE Collaboration
Collision energy dependence of C5 and C6 of net-proton distributions at RHIC-STAR
A. Pandav and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Measurements of net-proton fluctuation for $p$+$p$ collisions at $√s$ = 200 GeV from the STAR experiment
N. Risa and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
session Thu1
The physics goals of the CBM experiment at FAIR
P.P. Bhaduri and  on behalf of the CBM Collaboration
The heavy-ion program at the upgraded Baryonic Matter@Nuclotron Experiment at NICA
P. Senger and  On behalf of the BM@N collaboration
The Physics program of the NA60+ experiment at the CERN SPS
A. De Falco
session Thu2
Freezing out critical fluctuations
M. Pradeep, K. Rajagopal, M. Stephanov and Y. Yin
Constraining the chemical freeze-out with coarse-grained transport
T. Reichert, G. Inghirami and M. Bleicher
In-medium masses and S-matrix
Chiral criticality and the role of repulsive interactions in hot hadronic matter
M. Marczenko, K. Redlich and C. Sasaki
session Fr1
Search for critical point via intermittency analysis in NA61/SHINE
T. Czopowicz and  on behalf of the NA61/SHINE Collaboration
${}^3_{\Lambda}$H and ${}^4_{\Lambda}$H Lifetime, Yield and Directed Flow Measurements in Au+Au Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 3$ GeV with the STAR Detector
Y.H. Leung and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Light Nuclei v1 and v2 in Au+Au Collisions at $√sNN$ = 3 GeV from STAR
X. He and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
session Fr2
QCD Equation of State and Phase Diagram from Holographic Black Holes
J. Grefa, J. Noronha, J. Noronha-Hostler, I. Portillo, C. Ratti and R. Rougemont
Conservation laws in a novel hybrid approach
A. Schäfer, I. Karpenko and H. Elfner