The 10th International Workshop on Charm Physics (CHARM 2020), was held from 31 May 2021 to 4 June 2021 in Mexico City (virtually). Its purpose was to bring together particle and nuclear physicists working in the field related to physics of the charm quark to discuss recent results in this area, including the impact on and from theory as well as projections for results to be expected from upcoming experimental facilities.
We dedicate this meeting to the memory of Simon Eidelman, who was a fundamental and enthusiastic participant in this CHARM conference series and was -unfortunately- unable to attend this workshop. We ended the event wishing having him back in the next CHARM conference in Shanghai, and it is terribly sad to realize now this will not be possible.
Sessions |
Plenary programme |
Parallel programme |
Plenary programme |
Reliably estimating the statistical significance of a new physics signal by exploiting GPUs
Charm (-onium) physics at PANDA
Charm at CMS
Recent charm results at Belle
Experimental Program for Super Tau-Charm Facility in China
Charm at KEDR
Precision hyperon physics at J/$\psi$ and $\psi'$ factories
Charm spectroscopy from amplitude analyses in B(s) decays @ LHCb
Heavy Quark Masses (from QCD Sum Rules) and their impact on the muon g-2
$m_c$ (and $m_b$) from lattice QCD
Charm (and bottom) baryons and charmonium excitations from the lattice
Quarkonium production in pNRQCD: the P-wave case
Charmed baryon decays at BESIII
Rare semileptonic charm D decays and possible new physics in charm
QCD-based estimates of direct CP asymmetry in charm decays
Parallel programme |
XYZ States at BESIII
Charm baryon production and fragmentation fractions in pp collisions with ALICE
A combined description of D+ --> K-pi+pi+ and D_s --> pi-K+K+ decays
Heavy-meson chiral Lagrangians, effective flavored couplings, SU(4) flavor breaking and their consequences
Study of baryon pair production at BESIII
Triangle singularities in the production of X(3872)
Charmonium production in pp and p–Pb collisions with ALICE
Novel description of $P_c(4312)^+$, $P_c(4380)^+$, and $P_c(4457)^+$ with double triangle cusps
Charm baryons at LHCb
Charming bound states in a symmetry preserving contact interaction
Hadronic charm meson decays at BESIII
Renormalisation scale setting for D-mixing
Mixing and indirect CP violation in charm decays at LHCb
Study of $\tau^- \to\nu_{\tau} \pi^{-}\pi^{0}\ell^{+}\ell^{-}$ decays in the framework of Resonance Chiral Theory
Beyond the Standard Model invisible particle searches in tau lepton decays
$J/\psi$ production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 54.4$ GeV
Constraints on Intrinsic Charm from the SeaQuest Experiment
In medium Langevin dynamics of heavy quarkonium
Finite-temperature effects on D-meson properties
Charmonium in nuclear matter and nuclei
First Results and Prospects for Tau Lepton Physics at Belle II
Isospin-breaking corrections to $\tau \to \pi \pi \nu_\tau$ decays and the muon $g-2$
Probes of non-standard interactions from exclusive hadronic tau decays
Non-standard interactions and the τ→(Kπ) ντ decays
Observation of the $Z_{cs}(3985)^{-}$ and studies on the $Z_{c}$ states at BESIII
Light Cone Distribution Amplitudes of Heavy-Light Mesons and Quarkonia
(Semi-) leptonic charmed meson decays at BESIII
A Study of J/$\psi$ Decays into baryon-antibaryon pairs
Charm status and prospects at Belle II
Null test searches for BSM physics with rare charm decays
Rare and forbidden decays of the D0 meson
Quarkonium production and polarization in high-energy collisions
Evolution of open charm production with event multiplicity with ALICE
Decay of the scalar charmonium state $\chi_{c0}(IP)$ in the extended Linear Sigma Model
Radiative production of the hidden-charm pentaquarks
Revisiting X(3872) at Belle II Experiment
Direct CPV in Charm decays at LHCb
Charm quark transport within viscous QCD medium : colliding and radiating
Towards a measurement of charm production induced by 400 GeV/c protons on a thick target at CERN SPS
Charm jet and correlation measurements with ALICE in pp and p -- Pb collisions at the LHC