PSTP2019 - (other pstp conferences)
23 -27 September, 2019
Knoxville, Tennessee
published September 23, 2020
Entries on ADS

The Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets, and Polarimetry has been a tradition for more than 20 years, moving between Europe, USA, and Asia. The 18th International Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets, and Polarimetry (PSTP 2019) took take place in Knoxville, Tennessee in September of 2019. Over fifty speakers presented work addressing technical challenges and accomplishments related to polarized gas/solid targets, polarized electron/positron/ion/neutron sources, polarimetry, and applications of polarized techniques.


Editorial Board:

Lowell Crow (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Chenyang Jiang (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Fankang Li (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Leah Broussard (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Chris Keith (Jefferson Lab)
Dave Gaskell (Jefferson Lab)
Matt Poelker (Jefferson Lab)

Editorial Board

  • Josh Pierce
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory
conference main image
New Applications
Polarization Application for Fundamental Symetry Tests
Polarized Gas Targets
Polarized Neutrons
Polarized Sources
Solid Polarized Targets
New Applications
Using Polarized Electron Beams to Explore the Origins of Biomolecular Homochirality
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M. Famiano
The PREFER (Polarization REsearch for Fusion Experiments and Reactors) - collaboration: purposes and present status
G. Ciullo, L. Barion, M. Statera, R. Engels, L. Huxold, M. Büscher, A. Hützen, K.A. Ivshin, E.N. Komarov, L.M. Kotchenda, P.V. Kravchenko, P.A. Kravtsov, S.G. Sherman, V.A. Trofimov, A.A. Vasilyev, M.E. Vznuzdaev, D.K. Toporkov, I.A. Rachek, Y.V. Shestakov, T.P. Rakitzis, D. Sofikitis, C.S. Kannis, G.K. Boulogiannis, V.D. Fotev, A.N. Solovev and I.N. Solovyev
Shielding Charged Particle Beams
K. Dehmelt
Study of quantum spin correlations of relativistic electrons
M. Dragowski, M. Adamus, P. Caban, J. Ciborowski, M. Dehn, J. Enders, Y. Fritzsche, J. Rembielinski and V. Tioukine
Polarized Atomic Hydrogen Target at MESA
V. Tyukin and K. Aulenbacher
Development of a Dedicated Precision Polarimeter for Charged Particle EDM searches at COSY
I. Keshelashvili, O. Javakhishvili, D. Mchedlishvili, D. Shergelashvili and  on behalf of the Jedi Collaboration
The prospects on the absolute proton beam polarimetry at EIC
A. Poblaguev, A. Zelenski and G. Atoian
Compton polarimetry for EIC
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A. Camsonne
Polarized Electron and Hadron Beams at eRHIC
C. Montag
Proton Polarimetry at an Electron-Ion Collider
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O. Eyser
Hall A Moller polarimeter: overview and recent polarization measurements
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S. Malace
Moller Polarimetry Simulation for Jefferson Lab Hall-A
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K. Eric
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S. Premathilake
Polarized Electron and Hadron Beams at JLEIC
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V. Morozov
A Double scattering polarimeter for the P2 experiment at MESA
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M. Molitor
Polarization Application for Fundamental Symetry Tests
Search for Electric Dipole Moments of Charged Particles with Polarized Beams in Storage Rings
P. Lenisa
A Search for Axion-like Particles with a Horizontally Polarized Beam In a Storage Ring
E. Stephenson and  on behalf of the Jedi Collaboration
Spin-Dependent Sub-Millimeter Fifth Force Search Using Ferrimagnetic Test Masses
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J. Long
Preparing a Polarimetry Measurement for the Nab Experiment
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C. Hendrus
Resonant Axion Searches with \textsuperscript{3}He
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A. Reid
Measurement of Neutron Polarization and Transmission for the Neutron EDM at SNS Experiment
K. Imam and  on behalf of the nEDM@SNS Collaboration
Techniques and Systematic Effects of a Critically Dressed System
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C. Swank
Neutron Spin Rotation: Neutron Optical Polarimetry as a Probe of Fundamental Physics
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K. Steffen
Polarized Gas Targets
LHCspin: a polarized internal target for the LHC
P. Lenisa, E. Steffens, V. Carassiti, G. Ciullo, P. Di Nezza, L.L. Pappalardo and A.A. Vasilyev
Polarized $^{3}He$ Target for JLab 12 GeV Era
Polarized Neutrons
Amplification of neutron spin rotation due to the spin-orbit interaction in silicon
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T.R. Gentile
New Methods for Understanding Precision in Spherical Neutron Polarimetry
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J. Tosado
Polarized 3He for neutron scattering applications
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W. Chen
Polarized 3He neutron spin filter activities at the J-PARC spallation neutron source
Design and performance of a superconducting neutron resonance spin flipper
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R. Dadisman
Wide Angle Spherical Neutron Polarimetry at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
N. Silva, T. Wang, C. Jiang, F. Li, L. Debeer-Schmitt, M. Masaaki, J. Ruff, R. Pynn, T. Tong and B. Winn
Developing Neutron Polarimetry for time-of-flight Neutron
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T. Wang
Developing Polarized neutron capability at the China Spallation Neutron Source
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Z. Buck
Development of Polarized 3He Neutron Spin Filters at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
C. Jiang, X. Tong, T. Wang, L. Mcdonald, L. Robertson, J. Ruff and N. Silva
Polarimetry of NIST NG-C Neutron Beam for the aCORN Experiment
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G. Jones
NOPTREX: Polarized $^3$He Neutron Spin Filter and Polarized Xenon Pseudomagnetic Precession
High performance in-situ $^3$He polarizers for neutrons
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E. Babcock
Polarized neutron diffraction at DEMAND (HB-3A)
Polarized Sources
New Simulations for Ion-Production and Back-Bombardment in GaAs Photo-guns
J. Yoskowitz, J. Grames, J. Hansknecht, C. Hernandez-Garcia, G. Krafft, M. Poelker, R. Suleiman, G. Palacios-Seranno, S. Wijethunga and B. Van Der Geer
Cryogenic GaAs cathode development for improved lifetime
T. Eggert, J. Enders and Y. Fritzsche
Lifetime Measurements of GaAs photocathodes at the Upgraded Injector Test Facility at Jefferson Lab*
M. Herbert, J. Enders, M. Poelker and C. Hernandez-Garcia
Development of a Polarized 3He++ Ion Source for the EIC
M. Musgrave, R. Milner, G. Atoian, E. Beebe, S. Ikeda, S. Kondrashev, M. Okamura, A. Poblaguev, D. Raparia, J. Ritter, S. Trabocchi, A. Zelenski and J. Maxwell
Design of a Compact Photon Source for Compton Scattering from Solid Polarized Targets
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G. Niculescu
Precision absolute polarimeter development for the 3He++ ion beam at 5.0-6.0 MeV energy
G. Atoian, A. Zelenski and A. Poblaguev
Laser-Driven Polarized Deuterium Source
Improved robustness of GaAs-based photocathodes activated by Cs, Sb, and O2
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J.K. Bae
Solid Polarized Targets
Small-angle neutron scattering, reflectometry, and diffractometry using proton-polarized samples
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T. Kumada
Polarized target at COMPASS
N. Doshita, T. Iwata, K. Kondo, Y. Miyachi, G. Nukazuka, G. Reicherz, W. Meyer, M. Finger, M. Pesek, N. Horikawa, H. Suzuki, J.H. Koivuniemi, Y. Kisselev, S. Ishimoto, C. Pires and T. Matsuda
Experiments with Frozen Spin Target at MAMI
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A. Thomas
Developing New Q-meters for NMR Measurements of Polarized Solids
J. Maxwell
Spin-Polarization using Microwave Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
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J. Hoskins
Status and Outlook for the Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Program at ORNL
J. Pierce
A Polarized Target for E1039 (SPINQUEST) at FERMILAB
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D. Crabb
Magnetic Field Requirements for the CLAS12 Polarized Target
V. Lagerquist
1 K refrigerator for the CLAS12 Polarized Target Design, Construction, and First Results
Thermal Analysis and Simulation of the Superconducting Magnet in the SpinQuest Experiment at Fermilab
Z. Akbar and D. Keller
Testing Frozen-Spin HD with electrons at Jefferson Lab – status update
A New Target Polarization Measurement System for the Fermilab Polarized Drell-Yan SpinQuest Experiment
M. Yurov, P. L. McGaughey and J. Mirabal-Martinez
Progress on the Reconstruction of a Dilution Refrigerator
M. Roberts, D. Keller, D. Crabb and B. Norum
Polarized Lanthanum Target for the T-violation Search in Slow Neutron Transmission
K. Ishizaki, H.M. Shimizu, M. Kitaguchi, T. Matsushita, M. Iinuma, H. Kohri, H. Yoshikawa, M. Yosoi, T. Shima, T. Iwata, Y. Miyachi, S. Ishimoto, M. Fujita and Y. Ikeda
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization with Solid-State Millimeter Waves, 3D Printed Components, and Software-Defined-Radio-based NMR
E. Long and K. Slifer