RADCOR2019 - (other radcor conferences)
9-13 September 2019
Palais des Papes, Avignon, France
published February 18, 2020
Entries on ADS

The conference is devoted to the applications of quantum field theory to particle physics phenomenology. Subjects will include precision calculations for colliders; progress in higher-loop and higher-multiplicity calculations in the Standard Model; cross sections for new physics; interpretations of experimental data; new techniques for calculations; advances in computer-algebra methods; and new theoretical developments.

Editorial Board

  • David A Kosower
    IPhT, CEA-Saclay
conference main image
Gravitational Waves
B Decay
Mixed EW-QCD
PDFs and DIS
Infrared Resummation
Integral Techniques
Integral Results
Precision measurements at the LHC
S. Amoroso and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
LHC observables with NNLOJET
A. Gehrmann-De Ridder, R. Gauld, N. Glover, A. Huss and I. Majer
NNLO QCD Corrections for Higgs-plus-jet Production in the Four-lepton Decay Mode
X. Chen, T. Gehrmann, N. Glover and A. Huss
Top-quark hadroproduction in NNLO QCD
S. Devoto
Five-Point Two-Loop Amplitudes Beyond the Planar Limit
The two-loop five-gluon all-plus helicity amplitude
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D. Chicherin
Analytic Two-Loop Five-Parton QCD Amplitudes from Numerical Unitarity
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V. Sotnikov
On the two-loop amplitude for $\mathbf{gg\to ZZ}$ production with full top-mass dependence
B. Agarwal and A. von Manteuffel
Two loop QCD amplitudes for di-pseudoscalar Higgs production
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P. Mathews
Two-Loop QCD Helicity Amplitudes for Higgs Production Associated with a Vector Boson through Bottom Quark Annihilation
A. Taushif, A.H. Ajjath, L. Chen, P.K. Dhani, P. Mukherjee and V. Ravindran
Second order QCD corrections to the $g + g \rightarrow H + H$ four-point amplitude
P. Banerjee, S. Borowka, P.K. Dhani, T. Gehrmann and V. Ravindran
Four-Loop Higgs- and Z-Decay and the Five-Loop Beta-Function
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J. Kühn
Heavy quark form factors at three loops
P. Marquard, J. Blümlein, N. Rana and C. Schneider
On the four-loop form factors of massless QCD
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R. Schabinger
Matter dependence of the four-loop cusp anomalous dimension
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M. Stahlhofen
The four-loop slope of the Dirac form factor
S. Laporta
Probing the scalar potential via double Higgs boson production at hadron colliders
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A. Shivaji
Shape analysis in Higgs boson pair production
G. Heinrich and M. Capozi
Di-Higgs production in bottom quark annihilation at NNLO QCD
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V. Ravindran
Top mass effects in HJ and HH production
M. Kerner
CP even and odd Higgs boson production in electron-photon collisions
T. Uematsu and K. Sasaki
NNLO real corrections to $gg$ → $HH$ in the large- $m_t$ limit
J. Davies, F. Herren, G. Mishima and M. Steinhauser
N3LO predictions for the decay of the Higgs boson to bottom quarks
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R. Mondini
Top-quark effects in diphoton production through gluon fusion at NLO in QCD
Cross section ratios as a precision tool for ttgamma at the LHC
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M. Worek
Photon pair production in gluon fusion: Top quark effects around threshold
L. Chen, G. Heinrich, S. Jahn, S. P. Jones, M. Kerner, J. Schlenk and H. Yokoya
Gravitational Waves
Calculating the static gravitational two-body potential to fifth post-Newtonian order with Feynman diagrams
S. Foffa, P. Mastrolia, R. Sturani, C. Sturm and W.J. Torres Bobadilla
Orbital dynamics from the double copy and effective field theory
The Gravitational Potential of Two Point Masses at Five Loops
J. Blümlein, A. Maier and P. Marquard
Binary Black Holes and Scattering Amplitudes
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M. Solon
B Decay
Completing the four-body contributions to $\bar{B}\rightarrow X_s \gamma$ at NLO
L.T. Moos and T. Huber
Non-leptonic B-decays at two loops in QCD Factorization
G. Bell, M. Beneke, T. Huber and X.Q. Li
On charm-mass dependent NNLO corrections to $\mathcal{B}(\bar{B} \rightarrow X_s \gamma)$
A. Rehman, M. Misiak and M. Steinhauser
Quark and gluon jet functions at three loops in QCD
P. Banerjee, P.K. Dhani and V. Ravindran
Threshold resummation at next-to-leading power
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R. Szafron
Violation of the Kluberg-Stern-Zuber theorem and operator mixing in SCET
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M. Beneke
Scale-dependence of the $B$-meson LCDA beyond leading order from conformal symmetry
V. Braun, Y. Ji and A. Manashov
Factorisation and resummation for double differential cross-section in tau_1 and tau_0
Next-to-leading power threshold factorization for Drell-Yan production
S. Jaskiewicz
Mixed EW-QCD
NNLO mixed EW-QCD corrections to single vector boson production
R. Bonciani, F. Buccioni, N. Rana and A. Vicini
Mixed EW-QCD corrections to the Higgs decay into bottom quarks
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U. Schubert
Mixed QCD-EW two-loop corrections to Drell-Yan production
M. Heller, A. von Manteuffel, R. Schabinger and H. Spiesberger
Mixed QCD x QED Corrections to Drell-Yan Z Production
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I. Fabre
Recent developments in $q_T$ subtraction: EW corrections and power suppressed contributions
L. Buonocore
QED challenges at FCC-ee precision measurements
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S. Jadach
Revisiting the $O(\alpha^2)$ Initial State QED Corrections to e+ e- Annihilation into a Neutral Boson
J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, C.G. Raab and K. Schönwald
PDFs and DIS
The Polarized Three-Loop Anomalous Dimensionsfrom a Massive Calculation
J. Blümlein, A. Behring, A. De Freitas, A. Goedicke, S. Klein, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider and K. Schönwald
Heavy meson hadroproduction:open issues
M.V. Garzelli, S. Alekhin, M. Benzke, B. Kniehl, S.O. Moch and O. Zenaiev
Master integrals for all unitarity cuts of massless 4-loop propagators
V. Magerya and A. Pikelner
Infrared Resummation
The High-Energy Limit of 2 to 2 Partonic Scattering Amplitudes
E. Gardi, S. Caron-Huot, J. Reichel and L. Vernazza
Soft-gluon effective coupling and cusp anomalous dimension
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M. Grazzini
Soft gluon resummation for the associated top-pair quark production at the LHC
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A. Kulesza
The role of soft quarks in next-to-leading power threshold effects
M. van Beekveld, W. Beenakker, E. Laenen, A. Misra and C.D. White
Threshold effects at next-to-leading power
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J. Sinninghe Damsté
Wilson-line geometries and the relation between IR singularities of form factors and the large-x limit of DGLAP splitting functions
C. Milloy, G. Falcioni and E. Gardi
Precision Event Shapes at the LHC: the Transverse Energy-Energy Correlator in the Back-to-Back Limit
Local analytic sector subtraction for final state radiation at NNLO
S. Uccirati, L. Magnea, E. Maina, G. Pelliccioli, C. Signorile-Signorile and P. Torrielli
The $R^*$-method: Recent applications and developments
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F. Herzog
Infrared structure of $N$ =4 SYM and Leading trancendentality principle in gauge theory
A. Chakraborty, T. Ahmed, P. Banerjee, V. Ravindran, S. Seth and P.K. Dhani
Towards $2 \rightarrow 3$ NNLO QCD calculations
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R. Poncelet
Integral Techniques
Simple differential equations for Feynman integrals associated to elliptic curves
S. Weinzierl
Syzygies for no-numerator or no-dot relations between Feynman integrals
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A. von Manteuffel
On the choice of variables in IBP reductions
J.A.M. Vermaseren
Decomposition of Feynman Integrals on the Maximal Cut by Intersection Numbers
M.K. Mandal, H. Frellesvig, F. Gasparotto, S. Laporta, P. Mastrolia, L. Mattiazzi and S. Mizera
Diagrammatic Coaction of Two-Loop Feynman Integrals
S. Abreu, R. Britto, C. Duhr, E. Gardi and J. Matthew
Intersection Theory and Higgs Physics
H. Frellesvig
Generalized hypergeometric functions and intersection theory for Feynman integrals
S. Abreu, R. Britto, C. Duhr, E. Gardi and J. Matthew
Integral Results
Two-loop non-planar master integrals for top-pair production in the quark-annihilation channel
M. Becchetti, R. Bonciani, V. Casconi, A. Ferroglia, S. Lavacca and A. von Manteuffel
Planar Master Integrals for the two-loop light-fermions electroweak corrections to Higgs plus jet production
V. Casconi, M. Becchetti, R. Bonciani, F. Moriello and V. Del Duca
From sum-integrals to continuum integrals and back
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Y. Schröder
Hidden Analytic Structure of Higgs Amplitudes and Maximal Transcendentality Principle
G. Yang and Q. Jin
Systematic integration of higher loop gauge theory amplitudes in position space
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M. Borinsky
A new formulation of the loop-tree duality at higher loops
R. Runkel, Z. Szőr, J.P. Vesga and S. Weinzierl
Loops from trees in four space-time dimensions
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W.J. Torres Bobadilla
QFT with FDR
R. Pittau
Renormalization schemes for mixing angles in extended Higgs sectors
A. Denner, S. Dittmaier and J.N. Lang
Analytic multi-loop results using finite fields and dataflow graphs with FiniteFlow
T. Peraro
A refined machinery to calculate large moments from coupled systems of linear differential equations
C. Schneider, J. Blümlein and P. Marquard
Padé approach to top-quark mass effects in gluon fusion amplitudes
J. Davies, R. Gröber, A. Maier, T.J.G. Rauh and M. Steinhauser
Non-factorizable QCD Effects in Higgs Boson Production via Vector Boson Fusion
Rational terms in two-loop calculations
M. Zoller, S. Pozzorini and H. Zhang
Elastic neutrino-electron scattering within the effective field theory approach
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O. Tomalak
Off-shell renormalization of spontaneously broken effective gauge theories
A. Quadri and D. Binosi
Quark condensate and spectral density from renormalization group optimized perturbation
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J.L. Kneur
ISR and IFI in Precision AFB Studies with KKMC-hh
S.A. Yost, J. Stanislaw, W. B.F.L. and W. Zbigniew
Role of IR-improvement in Precision LHC/FCC Physics and in Quantum Gravity
B. Ward, S. Jadach, W. Placzek, M. Skrzypek, Z. Was and S. Yost