The past few years have been pivotal for multi-messenger astrophysics, with the first detection of gravitational waves from the merging of two neutron stars and the recent announcement of a high-energy neutrino event detected by IceCube coincident in direction and time with a gamma-ray flare from a blazar detected by Fermi. Gravitational Wave and Neutrino sources and their electromagnetic counterparts, together with new developments in transient astronomy, are a vibrant field where the nature of many phenomena is still unknown or debated. Furthermore, the generation of new sensitive, wide-field instrumentation across the entire electromagnetic and astroparticle spectrum (SKA, CTA, KM3NeT, ELT, Athena) are set to radically change the way we perceive the Universe. In the next decade, space and ground-based detectors will jointly explore the Universe through all its messengers. Adequate e-infrastructures and algorithms will be needed to manage and analyse the data.
We look forward to welcoming you to discuss the recent developments in the fields of gravitational waves, astrophysical neutrinos, the highly energetic dynamic sky, and to explore new methods for multi-messenger science and the related research infrastructures.
The conference is hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) on behalf of the ASTERICS collaboration at Martini Plaza in Groningen, The Netherlands. ASTERICS is a Horizon 2020 funded project that collects knowledge and experiences from astronomy, astrophysics and particle physics and fosters synergies among existing research infrastructures and scientific communities, with the ambition of seeing them interoperate as an integrated, multi-wavelength and multi-messenger facility.
Multi-Messenger observations of Gravitational Waves and search for counterparts |
The ASTERICS project: developing a new era of Multi-messenger astrophysics
Gravitational waves and the birth of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics
Machine learning classification for gravitational-wave triggers in single-detector periods
Hunting for elusive multi-messenger transients with INTEGRAL
Short Gamma Ray Bursts: what we have learnt from GW170817
Multi-messenger characterization of BH-NS mergers
The binary neutron star merger rate via the modelled rate of short gamma-ray bursts
Joint gravitational wave - gamma-ray burst detection rates in the aftermath of GW170817
Neutron Star Merger Afterglows: Population Prospects for the Gravitational Wave Era
Searches for counterparts of Gravitational Waves with VHE gamma-ray observatorie
Identifying EM counterparts to NS-NS mergers: an Optimized Radio Follow-up Strategy
LOFAR triggered observations of gravitational wave merger events and GRBs
The Rate of Short Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Local Universe
Prospects for kilonova signals in the gravitational wave era
The detection of high energy spectral cutoff of bright GRBs detected via Fermi telescope
MAGIC as a Neutrino Follow-Up Instrument
MAGIC follow-up of gravitational wave events in the third LIGO/Virgo observation run
The limited contribution of gamma-ray bursts to ultra-high energy cosmic rays
Continuous gravitational waves from axion clouds
Fast Radio Bursts |
Fast Radio Bursts
Observing a Fast Radio Burst from radio wavelengths to very high energy gamma-rays
Rapid-response radio telescopes in the era of multi-messenger astrophysics
A VOEvent Standard for Fast Radio Bursts
VLITE-Fast: VLA's commensal FRB search engine
Data Access and Open Science |
Access, Discovery and Interoperability of Multi-wavelength/multi-messenger Data
All-sky astrophysics enabled by innovative systems for indexing the sky
Exploring Time Domain Multi-Messenger Astronomy through the Virtual Observatory
Coordinating observations among ground and space-based telescopes in the multi-messenger era
Working with Gravitational-Wave sky localizations: new methods and implementations
ESFRIs & VO: networking and discussing
GWOSC: Gravitational Wave Open Science Center
Archiving data from a software telescope
The benefits of public engagement
Public engagement as a scientific tool to implement multi-messenger strategies with the Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory
Astrophysical Online Data Analysis powered by provenance data model
The ASTERICS Virtual Observatory schools. Getting closer to the astronomical community
International Coordination |
About policies for multi-wavelengths/multi-messenger astrophysics
SKA Science and Coordination with Multi-messenger facilities
Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array: The Multi-wavelength and multi-messenger scene
30 ELT science and its potential for multi-messenger astrophysics
KM3NeT science and multi-messenger synergies
Multi-messenger science in the European Astroparticle Physics Strategy 2017-2026
Future NASA Missions for Multi-Messenger Astrophysics
A Platform for Multi-Messenger Observing
Multi-messenger science with VIRGO
ENGRAVE: Electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources at the Very Large Telescope
The Athena X-ray mission and its synergy with the next generation of multi-messenger facilities
J-GEM collaboration: an optical-infrared follow-up observation network
RISCAPE: an analysis of the international landscape of research infrastructures in astronomy and astroparticle physics.
Multi-Messenger observations of Neutrinos and search for counterparts |
On the sources of high energy neutrinos
Neutrinos on ice - Blazars as counterparts to neutrinos above 100 TeV
Neutrinos from TXS 0506+056
Correlation of IceCube neutrinos with 2MRS
Multi-messenger real-time analysis framework of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope
Searching for Optical Counterparts to High-Energy Neutrino Sources with ZTF
Search for High-Energy Neutrinos from Populations of Optical Transients
Multi-messenger searches with the ANTARES and KM3NeT neutrino telescopes
Supernova detection and real-time alerts with the KM3NeT neutrino telescopes
Multi-messenger Astroparticle Physics in the Gravitational-wave Era
Alert Mechanisms and Mult-Messenger coordination platforms |
Searches for ultra-high-energy photons at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Follow-up observations of multi-messenger alerts with H.E.S.S.
The H.E.S.S. transients alert system
Glowbug, a Gamma-Ray Telescope for Bursts and Other Transients
Gemini Operations for Multi-Messenger Astronomy
Discovering electromagnetic counterparts with ZTF, DECam, and GROWTH facilities
Joint Observation planning and Follow-ups
AMON: Multimessenger Alerts from High-Energy Gamma Rays and Neutrinos
Standardizing VOEvents and archives
Facilitating Data sharing
Towards a framework for multi-messenger data sharing
Alert Mechanisms and multi-messenger coordination platforms
Facilitating Joint Analysis
AMPEL: a streaming data analysis framework
LOFAR's fast response capabilities
Software and technology for Multi-Messenger observations and data analysis |
Observatory e-environments linked by common challenges
High Performance Computing applied to the Cherenkov Telescope Array data analysis
Simulation of fluorescence radiation for Cherenkov observatories
pLISA: a parallel Library for Identification and Study of Astroparticles
Open data and tools for gamma-ray astronomy
Telescope and space mission scheduling towards a multi-observatory framework
White rabbit time and frequency transfer in SURFnet8 network for VLBI purposes
Dwingeloo telescope VLBI with a remote maser
Are you up for faster dissemination of your data?
Operational Concepts of the CTA Observatory in the Time Domain Astronomy
Data and Software Preservation through Containerisation in KM3NeT
ROAst (ROot extension for Astronomy)
CORELib: COsmic Ray Event Library