High-pT2019 - (other highpt conferences)
19-22 March 2019
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
published March 27, 2020

The purpose of this workshop is to offer an opportunity for experimentalists and theoreticians to get together and discuss experimental results from RHIC and LHC and theoretical developments. This meeting is in a workshop format, with only plenary presentations and ample room for discussion between the presentations.

Editorial Board

  • Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi
    Wigner Research Centre for Physics
  • Steffen A. Bass
    Duke University, Durham
  • Megan Elizabeth Connors
    Georgia State University and RBRC
  • Leticia Cunqueiro
    Sapienza Università di Roma
  • Constantinos Loizides
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Andreas Morsch
    European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
  • Christine Nattrass
    Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996.
  • Dennis Perepelitsa
    University of Colorado Boulder
  • Jan Rak
    University of Jyväskylä
  • Soren Sorensen
    University of Tennessee. Knoxville
conference main image
Main session
Symposium on The Past, Present, and Future of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Main session
Gamma-hadron and related Two- Particle Azimuthal correlations studies in PHENIX
A. Pun and  On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
Neutral mesons production measured with the ALICE experiment
A.T. Matyja and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
High-$p_T$ asymmetries as a probe of the initial stages in heavy-ion collisions
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C. Andrés Casas
PHENIX Results of $π^0$-Hadron Correlation
C.P. Wong and  On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
Probing Quark-Gluon Plasma with heavy-flavour particles
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D. Thomas
High-$p_{\rm T}$ hadron+jet correlations in ALICE
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F. Krizek
HIJING++ -- High-energy Jet Interaction Generator for the New Generations
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G.G. Barnaföldi
Jet-medium interaction in heavy-ion collisions
Aspects of heavy flavor jet physics in heavy ion collisions
Sensitivity of D meson azimuthal anisotropies to system size and nuclear structure
R. Katz, C.A.G. Prado, J. Noronha-Hostler, J. Noronha, A.A.P. Suaide and M.G. Munhoz
From Saturation to high $p_t$ jets: toward a unified picture of particle production at all transverse momenta
J. Jalilian-Marian
A quantile procedure for sorting out quenched jets
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J. Brewer
Jet hadronization at LHCb
Event plane dependence of jet quenching studied via azimuthal correlations and differential jet shape in Au--Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV with the STAR detector at RHIC
Detector Concepts of the Electron-Ion Collider
Generator-level studies for Z/photon-tagged jet measurements and effects of angular resolution driven by heavy-ion background
Forward Physics Opportunities at RHIC
Dynamical energy loss and its implications to QGP tomography
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M. Djordjevic
Jet modifications in nuclear collisions with ATLAS
Using bottomonium production as a tomographic probe of the quark-gluon plasma
M. Strickland
Measurements and Calculations of $\hat{q}L$ via transverse momentum broadening in RHI collisions using di-hadron correlations
M. Tannenbaum
Probng the Color Structure of Perfect QCD Fluids va Jet Quenching Observables at RHIC&LHC
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M. Gyulassy
Systematic studies of di-jet imbalance measurements at STAR
N. Elsey and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Probing the properties of fully reconstructed heavy flavour jets at ALICE
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N. Zardoshti
Jet sub-structure and parton shower evolution in p+p and Au+Au collisions at STAR
R. Kunnawalkam Elayavalli and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Photon-tagged jet asymmetry and substructure measurements with CMS
ALICE inclusive jet and jet substructure measurements
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R. Ehlers
High PT measurement opportunities with sphenix
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R.J. Reed
Probing the Constituent of QCD Plasma in CUJET3.1/CIBJET framework
S. Shi, J. Liao and M. Gyulassy
Hard Scatterings and Stochastic Reformulation of Parton Energy Loss
T. Dai, S.A. Bass, J.F. Paquet and D. Teaney
Modeling coherence effects of gluon emission for heavy flavor studies
W. Ke, Y. Xu and S.A. Bass
Heavy jet analysis within the JETSCAPE framework
W. Fan, W. Ke and S.A. Bass
Jet quenching at RHIC and LHC
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X.N. Wang
Measurements of two-particle correlations in e+e− collisions at 91 GeV with ALEPH archived data
Automated discovery of jet substructure analyses
Jet substructure with and without grooming
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Z.B. Kang
Symposium on The Past, Present, and Future of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
30 years of jet quenching
Toward an effective theory of quarkonium production nuclear matter
Past, present and future of high pt observables
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M. Djordjevic
Miklos++ version 70th
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G.G. Barnaföldi
Fulfilling Miklos’s Dream: Quark-Gluon Plasma Everywhere
The geometry and physics of jet energy loss