The High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows (HEPRO) conference series are devoted to the discussion of the latest and more relevant observational, phenomenological, and theoretical developments in the field of high-energy astrophysics related to systems displaying relativistic winds and jets. Some specific topics traditionally included in the HEPRO conferences include gamma-ray production in relativistic outflows, multi-wavelength jet/outflow emission, formation and propagation of relativistic jets, and particle acceleration in different relativistic contexts.
Previous editions of HEPRO were held in Dublin (2007), in Buenos Aires (2009), in Barcelona (2011), in Heidelberg (2013), in La Plata (2015), and in Moscow (2017). The next edition will take place in Barcelona on July 9th to 12th 2019, and it will focus on similar topics and with emphasis on the physics of high-energy processes in all kinds of relativistic outflows.
The meeting will be hosted by the Institut de Ciències del Cosmos of the Universitat de Barcelona (ICCUB). The workshop will take place at the Faculty of Physics in the Aula Magna Enric Casassas, which can accommodate up to 190 attendants. There will be invited and contributed talks, posters, and plenty of time for discussion.
Formation and propagation of relativistic outflows |
The Interaction Of AGN Jets With Obstacles
Structure of a collisionless pair jet in a magnetizedelectron-proton plasma: Flow-aligned magnetic field
Relativistic Jets From Black Hole Accretion Disc
Mhd Accretion Disk Winds And The Blazar Sequence
Magnetically arrrested disk around a black hole, and jet formation
Propagation and stability of relativistic jets
Particle acceleration and Radiation processes |
Present Status Of Particle Acceleration In Relativistic Outflows
Extreme Regimes Of Emission In Relativistic Outflows
Generalized Fermi Acceleration
Relativistic Jet Of Markarian 421: Observational Evidences Of Particle Acceleration Mechanisms
Acceleration Of Relativistic Outflows With Tangled Magnetic Field
Relativistic outflows from extragalactic sources |
UHE Cosmic Rays And Agn Jets
Multi-wavelength properties of AGN jets: some recent highlights
CTA 102 -- Year Over Year Receiving You
Optical Variability Modelling Of Newly Identified Blazars And Blazar Candidates Behind Magellanic Clouds
Unraveling The Complex Nature Of The Very High-Energy $\gamma$-Ray Blazar PKS 2155-304
Gamma-Rays From Large-Scale Outflows In Starburst Galaxies
On the interaction of pulsar winds and clumpy stellar winds
5.5 years multi-wavelength variability of Mrk 421: evidences of leptonic emission from the radio to TeV
Relativistic outflows from galactic sources |
The Theory Of Pulsar Wind Nebulae: Recent Progress
Inclination Dependence Of The Time-Lag – Photon-Index Correlation In BHXRBs And Its Explanation With A Simple Jet Model
Gamma rays from $\eta$ Carinae
GRS 1758-258 as a winged microquasar
Relativistic Outflows From Compact Galactic Sources
Multiwavelength and multi-messenger aspects |
Synchrotron Maser From Weakly Magnetised Neutron Stars As The Emission Mechanism Of Fast Radio Bursts
Poster Session |
Time-Dependent, Multi-Wavelength Models For Active Flares Of 3C 279
Pitch-Angle Diffusion And Bohm-Type Approximations In Diffusive Shock Acceleration
3D Numerical Study Of An Anisotropic Heat Transfer In Outer Layers Of Magnetized Neutron Stars
The New Relativistic Hydrodynamic Code for Numerical Simulation of Jet Evolution
Time Variability Of Low Angular Momentum Accretion Flows Around Black Hole.
Calibrating The Power Of Relativistic Jets
Kinetic Simulations Of Relativistic Radiative Steady-State Magnetic Reconnection
A Mechanism For Triple-Ridge Emission Structure Of AGN Jets
Analyzing The December 2013 Orphan Gamma-Ray Flare From 3C 279
Stability analysis of magnetized astrophysical relativistic jets without current sheets
Tidal Disruption Events With An On-Beam Or Off-Beam Relativistic Jet
The Onset of Hadronic Supercriticality in ExpandingSources
MHD Simulation Of Laboratory Jets
Centrifugal acceleration of protons in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole
Chandra Observation of Pulsar Wind Nebula Powered by PSR J1135-6055
The problematic connection between gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR)
Modelling flux variability from internal shocks in relativistic jets
Gamma-ray spectrometry in the cutoff region as a key for the understanding of radiation processes in 3C 279
Searching for gamma-ray binaries using GOSC and Gaia DR2
Are jets in GRS 1758-258 precessing?