We are organizing a four-day workshop on the theme “Prospects for Charged Higgs Discovery at Colliders” in Uppsala, Sweden, 25-28 September 2018. This is the seventh workshop of this kind. By the time of the workshop, the CERN's Large Hadron Collider will have provided most of its Run-2 proton-proton collision data at 13 TeV to the ATLAS and CMS experiments. Signs of new physics are being searched for, especially in the (charged) Higgs sector. Results on charged and other Beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) Higgs boson searches at the LHC will be presented at the workshop. Moreover, new theoretical and phenomenological ideas concerning BSM Higgs bosons have been developed since the last workshop in 2016 and will be discussed.
The plan is to bring together experimentalists and theorists to review the development of charged Higgs boson searches at colliders, analysis methods, theory/phenomenology, generator-level simulations, and strategies for future experimental data analysis. We are, as in the previous years, aiming at a lively, instructive and fruitful workshop. In addition to the invited talks (30-40 minutes including discussion), we solicit and welcome contributed talks (15+5 minutes). If you want to give a contributed talk, please submit a (be it tentative) title and abstract by latest August 15th, 2018. Write-ups of the talks will be published in proceedings.
Main session |
LHC status and performance
Review of Calculators for BSM Higgs bosons
Production and decays of BSM Higgs bosons in various models
Search for charged Higgs bosons with the H$^{±}$$\rightarrow\tau^{±}$$ν_{\tau}$ decay channel
Searches for doubly charged Higgs bosons with the ATLAS detector
Searches for BSM Higgs bosons in fermionic decays in ATLAS
Searches for BSM (neutral) Higgs bosons in fermionic decays in CMS
Searches for charged Higgs bosons in CMS; Run-1legacy and Run-2 results
A Higgs Boson at 96 GeV?!
Data-driven estimation of fakeτbackground inHiggs searches in ATLAS
Probing light charged Higgs at the LHC Run 2
Exploring the neutral sector in the doublet-triplet Higgs model
Searches for BSM Higgs bosons in the VV, Vh and hh decays in CMS
Searches for Higgs bosons with dark matter at the Large Hadron Collider
Composite Higgs bosons
Higgs physics and cosmology: gravitational waves from the electroweak phase transition
New Physics Insights from Two-Higgs-DoubletModels and Beyond
Summary of recent progress in searches foradditional Higgs bosons