Modave2017 - (other modave conferences)
10-16 September 2017
Modave, Belgium
published March 20, 2018
Entries on ADS

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The Modave Summer School on Mathematical Physics is a yearly summer school in topics of theoretical physics. Various topics ranging from quantum gravity and cosmology to theoretical particle physics and string theory. The school takes place in Modave, a charming village in the Belgian Ardennes close to Huy. Modave School is organised by PhD students for PhD students, and this makes it rather unique. The courses are taught by Post-Docs or late PhD students, and they are all made of pedagogical, basic blackboard lectures about recent topics in theoretical physics. Participants and lecturers eat and sleep in the same place where the lectures are given. The absence of senior members, and the fact of spending day and night together in an isolated, peaceful place contribute to creating an informal atmosphere and facilitating interactions. Lectures of the thirteenth edition are centered around the following subjects: bulk reconstruction in AdS/CFT, twistor theory, AdS$_2$/CFT$_1$ and SYK, geometry and topology, and asymptotic charges.

Editorial Board

  • Tim De Jonckheere
  • Saskia Demulder
    Ben Gurion University
  • Victor Lekeu
  • Tom Lemmens
  • Lucas Traina
conference main image
Main session
AdS$_{2}$ holography and the SYK model
G. Sarosi
Topology and Geometry for physicists
Lectures on twistor theory
Canonical charges in flatland
M. Riegler and C. Zwikel
Modave lectures on bulk reconstruction in AdS/CFT
T. De Jonckheere