The “Neutrino Telescopes” is an international event in the field of Physics that takes place every two years. It is a crucial event, considered by many researchers a consolidated appointment where to discuss the latest discoveries and the fascinating future scenarios in topics that range from Neutrinos to Astrophysics and Cosmology.
Session i - convener: silvia pascoli – breakthrough prize 2016 |
Session ii - convener: chiara sirignano – neutrino oscillations (1) |
Results from Reno
New Results from the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
Session iv - convener: gianmaria collazuol – leptonic cp violation |
Theory and Phenomenology of Leptonic CP Violation
Session vi - convener: carlo broggini – astrophysics and neutrinos |
Latest Results from MEG
Nuclear Astrophysics and Luna MV
Session vii - convener: flavio gatti – double beta decays (1) |
Project 8: Towards a Direct Measurement of the Neutrino Mass with Tritium Beta Decays
Session viii - convener: david nygren – double beta decays (2) |
Testing creation of matter with neutrinoless double beta decay
NURE: an ERC project to "measure" the nuclear matrix elements
Status of NEXT and prospects for a future Next Array apparatUS with Improved CApAbilities (NAUSICAA)
Session ix - convener: eligio lisi – dark matter |
LHC-13 and Neutrinos
Session x - convener: marco laveder – sterile neutrinos (1) |
Phenomenology of light sterile neutrinos
The Short Baseline Neutrino Program at Fermilab
Session xi - convener: daniele gibin – sterile neutrinos (2) |
The SOX experiment hunts the sterile neutrino
Searches for sterile neutrinos with IceCube
More results from the OPERA experiment
Session xii - convener: emilio radicioni – neutrino cross sections |
Neutrinos from Stored Muons
High precision measurements of neutrino fluxes with ENUBET
Session xiii - convener: nicola bartolo – cosmology |
Cosmology and Neutrino Physics
Ultra-high energy neutrinos at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Session xiv - convener: alberto guglielmi – neutrino mass ordering |
Status and potentialities of the JUNO experiment
A Vision for Neutrino Particle Physics at the South Pole: from IceCube to PINGU
Session xv - convener: leonidas resvanis – neutrino telescopes |
Highlights from ANTARES
Gigaton Volume Detector in Lake Baikal: status of the project
IceCube: Astrophysics Results
Session xvi - convener: mauro mezzetto – round table |
Perspectives in Neutrino and Multi Messenger Physics
Poster session – conveners: gabriella catanesi, laura patrizii, chiara sirignano |
Lock Acquisition & Commissioning of the Advanced Virgo detector
Front-end electronics for large arrays of macro-bolometers
The commissioning of the CUORE experiment: the mini-tower run
SuperNova neutrino physics with nuclear emulsion detectors
Searching for supernova neutrinos with dark matter detectors
Event reconstruction in the KM3NeT/ORCA detector
On neutrino properties and gravitational waves
Positron identification in the ENUBET instrumented decay tunnel
Blazar origin of some Icecube events
Determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy with a new statistical method