CORFU2016 - (other corfu conferences)
31 August - 23 September, 2016
Corfu, Greece
published October 05, 2017
Entries on ADS

The Corfu Summer Institute meetings consist of a series of high quality scientific events aiming in the training of young researchers as well as the exchange of knowledge and the collaboration among experienced scientists in the research area of Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity.

Summer School and Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
Recent Developments in Strings and Gravity
Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Ringberg Castle, 20-25 November 2016, invited contributions
G. Zoupanos
Summer School and Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
Neutrino physics from A to Z : Two lectures at Corfu
J.W.F. Valle
Stringy Origin of Discrete R-symmetries
P.H. Nilles
Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
F. Knechtli
Precision tests of CPT symmetry and Quantum coherence with entangled neutral K
A. Di Domenico
Status, results and prospects from the MoEDAL experiment at LHC
V.A. Mitsou and  on behalf of the MoEDAL Collaboration
SUSY searches with the ATLAS detector
V.A. Mitsou
New Dimensions from Gauge-Higgs Unification
Y. Hosotani
Effective action with composite fields and Clairaut-type equations
P. Lavrov and B. Merzlikin
IDM and not only
A.J. Ilnicka, M. Krawczyk, T. Robens and D. Sokolowska
Self-Interacting Right-Handed Neutrinos as Warm Dark Matter and Small-Scale Cosmology “Crisis"
N. Mavromatos
Charged Higgs Beyond the MSSM at the LHC
Strong CP problem, axions, and cosmological implications of CP violation
Non-perturbative Gauge-Higgs Unification, a quantum and bosonic mechanism of spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking
Reduction of couplings in the FUTs and the MSSM
M. Mondragon, S. Heinemeyer, N. Tracas and G. Zoupanos
Open Issues in Neutrino Reactions
E. Paschos
Latest Higgs Physics results from the ATLAS experiment
N. De Groot and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Non Leptonic Decays : a Long Story
F. Buccella
F(750), We Miss You as a Bound State of 6 Top and 6 Antitop Quarks, Multiple Point Principle
H.B. Nielsen, D.L. Bennett, C.R. Das, C.D. Froggatt and L.V. Laperashvili
The Phase Diagram of QCD Matter
N.G. Antoniou
Charged lepton flavour violation from low scale seesaw neutrinos
F. Scarcella, V. De Romeri, M.J. Herrero and X. Marcano
A Fermionic bi-Doublet Effective Field Theory for Dark Matter
D. Karamitros
Asymptotically Safe gravitational collapse: Kuroda-Papapetrou RG-improved model
A. Bonanno, B. Koch and A. Platania
First Results on Higgs to WW at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with CMS detector
Non-minimally coupled gravity and vacuum stability
O. Czerwinska, Z. Lalak, M. Lewicki and P. Olszewski
Scale symmetry without the anomaly
P. Olszewski
One-loop neutrino mass in $SU(5)$
I. Dorsner
Recent Developments in Strings and Gravity
Exact results in four-dimensional Gauge Theories from Matrix models
On scattering amplitudes in higher spin theories
A. Tseytlin
An Object Model of String Field Theory and Derivation of Veneziano Amplitude
H.B. Nielsen and M. Ninomiya
Illuminating Light Bending
E. Bjerrum-Bohr, J.F. Donoghue, B. Holstein, L. Planté and P. Vanhove
Infinite derivative gravity: non-singular cosmology & blackhole solutions
A. Mazumdar
Asymptotic symmetry algebras of conformal gravity in four dimensions
I. Lovrekovic
Holographic Wilson loops in spacetimes with spatial anisotropy
D. Ageev, I.Y. Aref'eva and A. Golubtsova
Gauging as constraining: the universal generalised geometry action in two dimensions
A. Chatzistavrakidis, A. Deser, L. Jonke and T. Strobl
Supersymmetric flux backgrounds and generalised special holonomy
A. Coimbra and C. Strickland-Constable
Aspects of Skyrmion Black Hole Hair
A. Gussmann
Constrained superfields and applications
F. Farakos
A holographic dual to Fisher information and its relation with bulk entanglement
D. Sarkar, S. Banerjee and J. Erdmenger
On the substructure of the cosmological constant
G. Dvali, C. Gomez and S. Zell
Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Ringberg Castle, 20-25 November 2016, invited contributions
Calogero, spherically reduced and PT-deformed
F. Correa and O. Lechtenfeld
Supersymmetric String Vacua with Torsion and Geometric Flows
D. Phong, S. Picard and X. Zhang
Robinson-Trautman spacetimes and gauge/gravity duality
K. Skenderis and B. Withers
The Robinson–Trautman spacetime and its holographic fluid
L. Ciambelli, A.C. Petkou, M. Petropoulos and K. Siampos
Towards the 1-loop effective action of type IIB orientifolds
M. Haack and J.U. Kang
$N=3$ four dimensional field theories
I. Garcia-Etxebarria and D. Regalado
On Mirror Symmetry for Calabi-Yau Fourfolds with Three-Form Cohomology
S. Greiner
Challenges for Moduli Stabilization and String Cosmology near the Conifold
F. Wolf, R. Blumenhagen and D. Herschmann
Elliptic Classical String Solutions in $AdS_3$ and Elliptic Minimal Surfaces in $AdS_4$
G. Pastras
Backreaction in Axion Monodromy, 4-forms and the Swampland
I. Valenzuela
$SL(2)\times\mathbb{R}^+$ Exceptional Field Theory: An Action for F-Theory
F. Rudolph
NS5 Duals in Supergravity and Double Field Theory
V. Vall Camell
Moduli stabilization, de Sitter vacua and supersymmetry breaking
Non-geometric heterotic backgrounds and 6D SCFTs
C. Mayrhofer, A. Font, I. Garcia-Etxebarria, D. Lüst and S. Massai
Half-maximal consistent truncations using exceptional field theory
Asymmetric CFTs and GSUGRA II
R. Blumenhagen, M. Fuchs and E. Plauschinn
Double Field Theory on Group Manifolds in a Nutshell
R. Blumenhagen, P. du Bosque, F. Hassler and D. Lüst
Weak Gravity Conjecture and Black Holes in $N = 2$ Supergravity
G. Shiu, W. Cottrell and P. Soler
Non-commutative geometry from large N gauge theories
J. Iliopoulos