BEAUTY2016 - (other beauty conferences)
2-6 May 2016
Marseille, France
published November 15, 2016
Entries on ADS
The 16th International Conference on B-Physics at Frontier Machines, "Beauty 2016, will be held in the Hôtel Mercure Vieux-Port, Marseille, France from 2nd to 6th May 2016. It will be the 16th edition of the cycle “International Conference on B-Physics at Frontier Machines", initiated in Prague (Czech Republic) in 1993. The last edition took place in Edinburgh in 2014. The aim of this conference is to review the latest theoretical and experimental results in heavy flavor physics. The scientific program covers a wide range of researches including study of CP violation and rare decays properties of beauty and charm hadrons. This edition will be particularly interesting since the first results from the LHC are expected to be presented, following the LHC re-start in 2015 at an unprecedented colliding energy of 13TeV.
conference main image
b hadrons lifetime, mixing and CPV
Spectroscopy, onia and exotics
Charm physics
CP violation including gamma
Heavy flavor production
Kaons, EDM, LFV
Semileptonic and rare decays
Future Programs
Poster session
O. Leroy, R. Fleischer and N. Harnew
b hadrons lifetime, mixing and CPV
Measurement of CP violation in Bs->Jpsi Phi decays with the CMS experiment
T. Jarvinen
CP violating phase phi_s and DeltaGamma_s measurements at LHCb
C. Vazquez Sierra
Penguins in phi_s, phi_d
K. De Bruyn
CPV in mixing at LHCb
J. De Vries
B hadron properties at CMS
I. Heredia de la Cruz
Lifetime, mixing and CPV in ATLAS
M. Skinner
b-hadrons decays at LHCb
A. Poluektov
b-hadrons decays at ATLAS
S. Turchikhin
Spectroscopy, onia and exotics
Exotic Discoveries in Familiar Places: Theory of the Onia and Exotics
Exotic quarkonium states at CMS
L. Cristella
Spectroscopy including XYZ states at BESIII
Spectroscopy, onia including exotics at LHCb
D.C. Craik
Charm physics
Charm CPV and rare decays at LHCb
M.J. Morello
D0-D0bar mixing and rare D decays as probes of NP
A. Petrov
Charm at B-factories
Charm at BESIII
P. Li and Y. Zhang
CP violation including gamma
Gamma measurements at LHCb
F. Cheung
Multibody charmless b-hadron decays
G. Dujany
Charmless B decays at LHCb
L. Eklund
B decays to open charm
S. Haines
Heavy flavor production
Heavy flavour production at LHCb
S. Barsuk and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Heavy flavour production at CMS
Review of Higgs results at LHC
A. Favareto
Theoretical review on new Higgs
LHCb Run 2 trigger performance
B. Sciascia
Kaons, EDM, LFV
Theory of EDMs and LFV
The Renaissance of Kaon Flavour Physics
Semileptonic and rare decays
Very rare decays at LHCb
Hadronic uncertainties in semileptonic B decays
J. Martin Camalich
EW and radiative penguin transitions from B-factories
b-anomalies related to leptons and LFUV
A. Crivellin
Rare/semi-rare decays (B->K*mumu, B->mu mu, ...) at ATLAS
U. De Sanctis
BSM fits for rare B decays
B. Capdevila, S. Descotes-genon, L. Hofer, J. Matias and J. Virto
B to K*ll and rare decays at CMS
Semileptonic at B-factories (RD, RD*)
J. Hasenbusch
Future Programs
BelleII: physics and early measurements
S.G. Shiu
Extreme flavor factories (FCC, ...)
S. Monteil
LHCb long term plans beyond the current upgrade
F. Teubert
SuperKEKB, Beast and BelleII prospects
B physics with CMS upgraded detector
ATLAS future upgrade
P. Vankov
Poster session
Matching of gauge invariant dimension 6 operators for b to s and b to c transitions
J. Aebischer, A. Crivellin, M. Fael and C. Greub
Measurement of the branching fraction ratio Br(Bc -> Psi(2S) pi)/Br(Bc -> Jpsi pi) at LHCb
Measurement of CP violation and mixing in $B_s\to J/\psi\phi$ in ATLAS
T. Jakoubek
Semileptonic $B_c$ decays from full lattice QCD
A. Lytle, B. Colquhoun, C. Davies, J. Koponen and C. McNeile
Measurement of time-integrated $D^0\to hh$ asymmetries at LHCb
P. Marino
Precise measurement of the branching fraction of B0 to D*3pi