Introduction |
b hadrons lifetime, mixing and CPV |
Measurement of CP violation in Bs->Jpsi Phi decays with the CMS experiment
CP violating phase phi_s and DeltaGamma_s measurements at LHCb
Penguins in phi_s, phi_d
CPV in mixing at LHCb
B hadron properties at CMS
Lifetime, mixing and CPV in ATLAS
b-hadrons decays at LHCb
b-hadrons decays at ATLAS
Spectroscopy, onia and exotics |
Exotic Discoveries in Familiar Places: Theory of the Onia and Exotics
Exotic quarkonium states at CMS
Spectroscopy including XYZ states at BESIII
Spectroscopy, onia including exotics at LHCb
Charm physics |
Charm CPV and rare decays at LHCb
D0-D0bar mixing and rare D decays as probes of NP
Charm at B-factories
Charm at BESIII
CP violation including gamma |
Gamma measurements at LHCb
Multibody charmless b-hadron decays
Charmless B decays at LHCb
B decays to open charm
Heavy flavor production |
Heavy flavour production at LHCb
Heavy flavour production at CMS
Review of Higgs results at LHC
Theoretical review on new Higgs
Instrumentation |
LHCb Run 2 trigger performance
Kaons, EDM, LFV |
Theory of EDMs and LFV
The Renaissance of Kaon Flavour Physics
Semileptonic and rare decays |
Very rare decays at LHCb
Hadronic uncertainties in semileptonic B decays
EW and radiative penguin transitions from B-factories
b-anomalies related to leptons and LFUV
Rare/semi-rare decays (B->K*mumu, B->mu mu, ...) at ATLAS
BSM fits for rare B decays
B to K*ll and rare decays at CMS
Semileptonic at B-factories (RD, RD*)
Future Programs |
BelleII: physics and early measurements
Extreme flavor factories (FCC, ...)
LHCb long term plans beyond the current upgrade
SuperKEKB, Beast and BelleII prospects
B physics with CMS upgraded detector
ATLAS future upgrade
Poster session |
Matching of gauge invariant dimension 6 operators for b to s and b to c transitions
Measurement of the branching fraction ratio Br(Bc -> Psi(2S) pi)/Br(Bc -> Jpsi pi) at LHCb
Measurement of CP violation and mixing in $B_s\to J/\psi\phi$ in ATLAS
Semileptonic $B_c$ decays from full lattice QCD
Measurement of time-integrated $D^0\to hh$ asymmetries at LHCb
Precise measurement of the branching fraction of B0 to D*3pi