Preface |
Summer School and Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond |
Introduction to Extra dimensions and Sting Phenomenology
Neutrino theory 1: mass and interactions
Higgs Effective Field Theory
Kimberlite Pipes from Impacts of Dark Matter being (Ordinary) Matter Compactified into Bubles before BBN
Dark Matter searches status as of 2015
Introduction to SARAH and related tools
Flavour structure of R-Violating Operators and the LHC
A manifestly scale-invariant regularization and quantum effective operators
Towards EW scale DM with dark gauge symmetries
CP Violation in the scalar sector
Top physics in ATLAS
CULTASK, The Coldest Axion Experiment at CAPP/IBS in Korea
Scalar leptoquarks at LHC
Quantum statistical parton distribution function
Tutorial to SARAH
A Novel Parametrization for Leptonic Mixing Matrix and CP Violation
dark matter in Z' extensions of the Standard Model
Right-Handed lepton mixings at the LHC
Spin-1 resonance in a non--linear dynamical Higgs context
Holographic Entanglement Entropy from Numerical Relativity
Supersymmetry breaking from complex linear superfield
Search for Supersymmetry in final states with two same sign leptons or three leptons and jets
Higgs bosons: discovered and hidden, in extended supersymmetric standard models at the LHC
Gauge Unification from Split Supersymmetric String Models
Readout via Flexprints for the Mu3e Experiment
The coupling of non-linear Supersymmetry to Supergravity
Dark matter and neutrino masses from a scale-invariant multi-Higgs portal
Workshop on Particles and Cosmology |
Top Yukawa New Strong Sector, Higgs Decay and Production
Including birefringence into time evolution of CMB: Current and future constraints
Black holes, Boyle's Law and the Quark-Gluon plasma
Modified Gravity: Nonlinear interactions for massive spin-2 fields
Humboldt Kolleg Open Problems in Theoretical Physics: the Issue of Quantum Space-Time |
Asymptotically safe inflation from quadratic gravity
Perspectives on Nonassociative Geometry
Non-isometric T-duality from gauged sigma models
New mathematical tools in perturbative quantum field theory
Harmonic superspaces for N = (1, 1) SYM theory
Twisted reality condition for spectral triple on two points
Spectral geometry approach to Horava-Lifshitz type theories: gravity and matter sectors in IR regime
An overview on algebraic quantum field theory on curved spacetimes
The numerical approach to quantum field theory in a noncommutative space
Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity |
Aspects of non-associative structures in physics
Aspects of perturbative quantum field theory on non-commutative spaces
Matrix models I
Tensor Field Theory
Permutations and the combinatorics of gauge invariants for general $N$
Planck's Inconstant
Membrane Matrix models and non-perturbative checks of AdS/CFT
Exponential and power-law expansion of the Universe from the type IIB matrix model
Matrix Geometry and Coherent States
Aspects of the Bosonic Spectral Action Successes & Challenges
Power counting and scaling for tensor models
Invariant Differential Operators in Noncommutative Quantum Group Setting
Photon polarization tensor on deformed spacetime: A four-photon-tadpole contribution
Phase diagram of scalar field theory on fuzzy sphere and multitrace matrix models
Sigma models for genuinely non-geometric backgrounds
Alternative multiplications and non-associativity in physics