Current detectors: operational experience |
ATLAS inner detector: the Run 1 to Run 2 transition, and first experience from Run 2
CMS inner detector: the Run 1 to Run 2 transition and first experience of Run 2
ALICE ITS: the Run 1 to Run 2 transition and recent operational experience
LHCb siliicon detectors: the Run 1 to Run 2 transition and first experience of Run 2
Current and prospective performances of the LHCb tracking system
Detectors in preparation I |
ATLAS pixel upgrade for the HL-LHC
Upgrades of the CMS pixel detector for the HL-LHC
The LHCb VELO upgrade
Upgrade of the inner tracking system of ALICE
ATLAS strip detector upgrade for HL-LHC
Upgrade of the CMS tracker for the High Luminosity LHC
LHCb upstream tracker upgrade
Detectors in preparation II |
Developments in tracking with STAR's heavy flavor tracker
BELLE II pixel detector
The BELLE II silicon vertex detector upgrade
The NA62 GigaTracker
The Phase 1 upgrade of the CMS pixel detector
Pilot system for the Phase 1 pixel upgrade of CMS
Non-HEP applications |
Detector developments for photon science
Developments in neural vision technology
Neutron detector systems at ESS
AMS tracking in-orbit performance
Lessons learned for high precision trackers for future space missions in light of the FERMI Large Area Telescope experience
Antimatter annihilation detection with AEgIS
R&D and detector applications I |
Ultra-fast silicon detectors
Recent progress on 3D silicon detectors
Semiconductor neutron detectors
Developments in CMS for strip detectors
HR-CMOS: status of fully-depleted monolithic active pixel sensors
HV/HR-CMOS sensor technology R&D for ATLAS Itk
R&D and detector applications II |
Novel real-time alignment and calibration of the LHCb detector in Run II
Alignment of the ATLAS inner detector for the LHC Run II
Qualification of pixel modules for the CMS phase 1 FPIX upgrade
Radiation hardness |
Simulation of radiation-induced defects
Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders
RD42: Radiation hard diamond sensors
Advanced Transient Current Techniques
Radiation damage monitoring of the ATLAS pixel detector
Vertexing at future accelerators |
Vertex detector R&D for CLIC
Vertexing at the ILC
Chronopixel project status
Vertexing and tracking methods |
CMS developments for track-triggers
The ATLAS fast tracker processor design
ATLAS experiment: novel techniques for track reconstruction in dense environments
Recent developments in tracking and vertexing methods
Electronics and integration |
RD53 status
VeloPix: the pixel ASIC for the LHCb VELO upgrade
Monolithic active pixel sensors
Summary and closeout |