VERTEX2015 - (other vertex conferences)
1-5 June 2015
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
published December 30, 2015
The 24th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors reviews progress on silicon-based vertex detectors. The workshop covers existing and future detectors, radiation hardness, simulation, tracking alignment, electronics, triggering, and applications to other fields.
conference main image
Current detectors: operational experience
Detectors in preparation I
Detectors in preparation II
Non-HEP applications
R&D and detector applications I
R&D and detector applications II
Radiation hardness
Vertexing at future accelerators
Vertexing and tracking methods
Electronics and integration
Summary and closeout
Current detectors: operational experience
ATLAS inner detector: the Run 1 to Run 2 transition, and first experience from Run 2
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D. Dobos
CMS inner detector: the Run 1 to Run 2 transition and first experience of Run 2
ALICE ITS: the Run 1 to Run 2 transition and recent operational experience
D. Colella
LHCb siliicon detectors: the Run 1 to Run 2 transition and first experience of Run 2
K. Rinnert
Current and prospective performances of the LHCb tracking system
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S. Gallorini
Detectors in preparation I
ATLAS pixel upgrade for the HL-LHC
Upgrades of the CMS pixel detector for the HL-LHC
R. Stringer
The LHCb VELO upgrade
S.E. Richards
Upgrade of the inner tracking system of ALICE
M. Varga-Kőfaragó
ATLAS strip detector upgrade for HL-LHC
Upgrade of the CMS tracker for the High Luminosity LHC
M. Dragicevic
LHCb upstream tracker upgrade
Detectors in preparation II
Developments in tracking with STAR's heavy flavor tracker
G. Van Buren, L. Didenko, Y. Fisyak, L. Hajdu, J. Lauret, V. Perevoztchikov, D. Smirnov, F. Videbaek, J. Webb, X. Dong, M. Mustafa, H. Qiu, A. Schmah, J. Bouchet, M. Lomnitz, Y. Wang and Z. Ye
BELLE II pixel detector
M. Boronat Arevalo
The BELLE II silicon vertex detector upgrade
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C. Schwanda
The NA62 GigaTracker
M. Perrin-Terrin
The Phase 1 upgrade of the CMS pixel detector
L.M. Caminada
Pilot system for the Phase 1 pixel upgrade of CMS
Non-HEP applications
Detector developments for photon science
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C. Kenney
Developments in neural vision technology
Neutron detector systems at ESS
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O. Kirstein
AMS tracking in-orbit performance
Lessons learned for high precision trackers for future space missions in light of the FERMI Large Area Telescope experience
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E. Charles
Antimatter annihilation detection with AEgIS
A. Gligorova
R&D and detector applications I
Ultra-fast silicon detectors
A. Seiden
Recent progress on 3D silicon detectors
Semiconductor neutron detectors
R. Mendicino, G.F. Dalla Betta, M. Boscardin, A. Quaranta, M. Dalla Palma and A. Bagolini
Developments in CMS for strip detectors
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H. Grabas
HR-CMOS: status of fully-depleted monolithic active pixel sensors
HV/HR-CMOS sensor technology R&D for ATLAS Itk
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M. Benoit
R&D and detector applications II
Novel real-time alignment and calibration of the LHCb detector in Run II
G. Dujany
Alignment of the ATLAS inner detector for the LHC Run II
Qualification of pixel modules for the CMS phase 1 FPIX upgrade
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J. Stupak
Radiation hardness
Simulation of radiation-induced defects
T. Peltola
Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders
M. Baselga Bacardit
RD42: Radiation hard diamond sensors
G. Kasieczka
Advanced Transient Current Techniques
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V. Cindro
Radiation damage monitoring of the ATLAS pixel detector
S. Seidel
Vertexing at future accelerators
Vertex detector R&D for CLIC
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S. Kulis
Vertexing at the ILC
M. Stanitzki
Chronopixel project status
N. Sinev, J. Brau, D. Strom, C. Baltay, W. Emmet and D. Rabinowitz
Vertexing and tracking methods
CMS developments for track-triggers
M. De Mattia
The ATLAS fast tracker processor design
G. Volpi, J. Adelman, P. Albicocco, J. Alison, L.S. Ancu, J. Anderson, N. Andari, A. Andreani, A. Andreazza, A. Annovi, M. Antonelli, N. Asbah, M. Atkinson, J. Baines, E. Barberio, R. Beccherle, M. Beretta, N.V. Biesuz, R.E. Blair, M. Bogdan, A. Boveia, D. Britzger, P. Bryant, B. Burghgrave, G. Calderini, A. Camplani, V. Cavaliere, V. Cavasinni, D. Chakraborty, P. Chang, Y. Cheng, S. Citraro, M. Citterio, F. Crescioli, N. Dawe, M. Dell'Orso, S. Donati, P. Dondero, G. Drake, S. Gadomski, M. Gatta, C. Gentsos, P. Giannetti, S. Gkaitatzis, J. Gramling, J.W. Howarth, T. Iizawa, N. Ilic, Z. Jiang, T. Kaji, M. Kasten, Y. Kawaguchi, Y.K. Kim, N. Kimura, T. Klimkovich, M. Kolb, K. Kordas, K. Krizka, T. Kubota, A. Lanza, H.L. Li, V. Liberali, M. Lisovyi, L. Liu, J. Love, P. Luciano, C. Luongo, D. Magalotti, I. Maznas, C. Meroni, T. Mitani, H. Nasimi, A. Negri, P. Neroutsos, M. Neubauer, S. Nikolaidis, Y. Okumura, C. Pandini, C. Petridou, M. Piendibene, J. Proudfoot, P.K. Rados, C. Roda, E. Rossi, Y. Sakurai, D. Sampsonidis, J. Saxon, S. Schmitt, A. Schoening, M. Shochet, J. Shoijaii, H.K. Soltveit, C.l. Sotiropoulou, A. Stabile, M.J. Swiatlowski, F. Tang, P.T.E. Taylor, M. Testa, L. Tompkins, V. Vercesi, R. Wang, R. Watari, J. Zhang, J.C. Zeng, R. Zou and F. Bertolucci
ATLAS experiment: novel techniques for track reconstruction in dense environments
G. Facini
Recent developments in tracking and vertexing methods
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R. Fruehwirth
Electronics and integration
RD53 status
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M. Garcia-Sciveres
VeloPix: the pixel ASIC for the LHCb VELO upgrade
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K. Rinnert
Monolithic active pixel sensors
M. Deveaux
Summary and closeout
C. Parkes