ISGC2015 - (other isgc conferences)
15-20 March 2015
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
published March 04, 2016
The International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2015 is held at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan from 15-20 March 2015, with co-located events and workshops. The conference is hosted by the Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre (ASGC). “Global e-Infrastructure for Global Challenges” is the theme of ISGC 2015.Nowadays, the world is facing complex and global challenges in climate, health, energy, safety that impact whole populations and that are not restricted by country borders. Being of continental or even transcontinental size, these challenges can be tackled only through collaboration between multiple user communities, crossing nations and regions. Such collaborations are complicated by fragmented research, where individual groups and nations merely solve isolated pieces of the global puzzle. While not a panacea, the global e-Infrastructure supporting international collaboration helps us work on the puzzle effectively, accessibly, and completely. The universality of the global e-Infrastructure concept must find its way into its proper implementation, resulting from close interaction and collaboration with communities that use it. ISGC 2015 solicits papers and contributions that show this interaction benefitting both sides – the global communities dealing with global challenges (and the pieces of the global puzzle) and the e-Infrastructure developers and managers who face new challenges of size and multiplicity of requirements. Topics of discussion include Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications, Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications, Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Application, Virtual Research Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, etc.), Data Management, Big Data, Infrastructure & Operations Management, Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation, Interoperability, Business Models & Sustainability, Highly Distributed Computing Systems, and High Performance & Technical Computing (HPTC).
conference main image
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
Highly Distributed Computing Systems
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
Big Data
Physics & Engineering
Virtual Research Environment
Infrastructure & Operations Management
Earth, Environmental Science & Biodiversity
Data Management
High Performance & Technical Computing (HPTC)
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
ETRIKS Cloud Platform: A Platform for Knowledge Management
Accurate Fitting SAXS Curves with NMR Structure Ensembles
A. Krenek
Highly Distributed Computing Systems
Evolutionary Neural Network Modeling for Energy Prediction of Cloud Data Centers
Y.W. Foo, C. Goh, H.C. Lim and Y. Li
The LHCb Distributed Computing Model and Operations during LHC Runs 1, 2 and 3
S. Roiser, A. Casajus Ramo, M. Cattaneo, P. Charpentier, P. Clarke, J. Closier, M. Corvo, A. Falabella, J. Flix Molina, J.V. De FRANCA MESSIAS MEDEIROS, R. Graciani Diaz, C. Haen, M. Hushchyn, C. Luzzi, Z. Mathe, A. McNab, R. Nandakumar, S. Perazzini, D. Remenska, V. Romanovskiy, M. Salichos, R. Santana, M.W. Slater, L. Tomassetti, A. Tsaregorodstsev, A. Ustyuzhanin, V. Vagnoni, A. Vedaee and A. Zhelezov
Simplifying the Parallelization of Highly Concurrent Workloads
R. Berlich, S. Gabriel and A. Garcia
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
The Cloud Area Padovana? An OpenStack Based IaaS for the INFN User Community
M. Verlato
AIST Super Green Cloud: Lessons Learned from the Operation and the Performance Evaluation of HPC Cloud
R. Takano, Y. Tanimura, A. Oota, H. Oohashi, K. Yusa and Y. Tanaka
Containerization of CMS Applications with Docker
D. Bonacorsi
Virtual Facility at Fermilab: Infrastructure and Services Expand to Public Clouds
S. Timm, G. Garzoglio, G. Cooper and S. Fuess
jOCCI - General-Purpose OCCI Client Library in Java
M. Kimle, B. Parak and Z. Sustr
InfiniCloud: Leveraging the Global InfiniCortex Fabric and OpenStack Cloud for Borderless High Performance Computing of Genomic Data and Beyond
H. Andrew, K. Ban, J. Chrzeszczyk, D. Li and T.W. Tan
Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
MOOC Based Educational Mo del for Pre-University Writing Program
T. Yamamoto
Big Data
Exploring Patterns and Correlations in CMS Computing Operations Data with Big Data Analytics Techniques
D. Bonacorsi, T. Wildish, L. Giommi and V. Kuznetsov
Using the ELK Stack for CASTOR Application Logging at RAL
R. Appleyard and J.H. Adams
New Directions in Storage, Hard-disks With Built-in Networking
P. Fuhrmann, Y. Kemp, P. Millar, T. Mkrchtyan and C. Squires
Physics & Engineering
Multivariate Analysis of Variance for High Energy Physics Software in Virtualized Environments
V. Fernandez, J. Saborido, V. Mendez, R. Graciani Diaz, M. Seco and P. Tomás
Architecture of the LHCb Distributed Computing System
F. Stagni and P. Charpentier
Virtual Research Environment
Environmental Computing 1.0: The Dawn of a concept
M. Heikkurinen, M. Schiffers and D. Kranzlmüller
Infrastructure & Operations Management
ANSE Update on the Use of Dynamic Circuits in PhEDEx
V. Lapadatescu, T. Wildish, B. Ball, A. Barczyk, J. Batista, K. De, S. McKee, A. Melo, H. Newman, A. Petrosyan, P. Sheldon, R. Voicu, A. Mughal and I. Legrand
An Analysis of Data Access Methods within WLCG
S. De Witt and A. Lahiff
Earth, Environmental Science & Biodiversity
Cloud Computing for Natural Disasters and Emergency Response Simulation Games
R.P. Saldana
Data Management
FTS3 - A File Transfer Service for Grids, HPCs and Clouds
A. Kiryanov, A. Alvarez Ayllon, M. Salichos and O. Keeble
Creating and Managing Dynamic Cloud Federations
G. Andronico, M. Fargetta, S. Monforte, M. Paone and M. Villari
High Performance & Technical Computing (HPTC)
Building a Chemical-Protein Interactome on the Open Science Grid
R. Quick, S. Teige, S. Hayashi, D. Yu, S. Meroueh, M. Rynge and B. Wang