Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications |
ETRIKS Cloud Platform: A Platform for Knowledge Management
Accurate Fitting SAXS Curves with NMR Structure Ensembles
Highly Distributed Computing Systems |
Evolutionary Neural Network Modeling for Energy Prediction of Cloud Data Centers
The LHCb Distributed Computing Model and Operations during LHC Runs 1, 2 and 3
Simplifying the Parallelization of Highly Concurrent Workloads
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation |
The Cloud Area Padovana? An OpenStack Based IaaS for the INFN User Community
AIST Super Green Cloud: Lessons Learned from the Operation and the Performance Evaluation of HPC Cloud
Containerization of CMS Applications with Docker
Virtual Facility at Fermilab: Infrastructure and Services Expand to Public Clouds
jOCCI - General-Purpose OCCI Client Library in Java
InfiniCloud: Leveraging the Global InfiniCortex Fabric and OpenStack Cloud for Borderless High Performance Computing of Genomic Data and Beyond
Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences |
MOOC Based Educational Mo del for Pre-University Writing Program
Big Data |
Exploring Patterns and Correlations in CMS Computing Operations Data with Big Data Analytics Techniques
Using the ELK Stack for CASTOR Application Logging at RAL
New Directions in Storage, Hard-disks With Built-in Networking
Physics & Engineering |
Multivariate Analysis of Variance for High Energy Physics Software in Virtualized Environments
Architecture of the LHCb Distributed Computing System
Virtual Research Environment |
Environmental Computing 1.0: The Dawn of a concept
Infrastructure & Operations Management |
ANSE Update on the Use of Dynamic Circuits in PhEDEx
An Analysis of Data Access Methods within WLCG
Earth, Environmental Science & Biodiversity |
Cloud Computing for Natural Disasters and Emergency Response Simulation Games
Data Management |
FTS3 - A File Transfer Service for Grids, HPCs and Clouds
Interoperability |
Creating and Managing Dynamic Cloud Federations
High Performance & Technical Computing (HPTC) |
Building a Chemical-Protein Interactome on the Open Science Grid