2-5 December 2014
La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
published August 19, 2015
The conference Swift: 10 years of discovery was held in Roma at La Sapienza University on Dec. 2-5 2014 to celebrate 10 years of Swift successes. Thanks to a large attendance and a lively program, it provided the opportunity to review recent advances of our knowledge of the high-energy transient Universe both from the observational and theoretical sides. When Swift was launched on November 20, 2004, its prime objective was to chase Gamma-Ray Bursts and deepen our knowledge of these cosmic explosions. And so it did, unveiling the secrets of long and short GRBs. However, its multi-wavelength instrumentation and fast scheduling capabilities made it the most versatile mission ever flown. Besides GRBs, Swift has observed, and contributed to our understanding of, an impressive variety of targets including AGNs, supernovae, pulsars, microquasars, novae, variable stars, comets, and much more. Swift is continuously discovering rare and surprising events distributed over a wide range of redshifts, out to the most distant transient objects in the Universe. Such a trove of discoveries has been addressed during the conference with sessions dedicated to each class of events. Indeed, the conference in Rome was a spectacular celebration of the Swift 10th anniversary. It included sessions on all types of transient and steady sources. Top scientists from around the world gave invited and contributed talks. There was a large poster session, sumptuous lunches, news interviews and a glorious banquet with officials attending from INAF and ASI. All the presentations, as well as several conference pictures, can be found in the conference website (http://www.brera.inaf.it/Swift10/Welcome.html). Each paper, from submission to final acceptance, has been monitored by Paolo D'Avanzo who should be considered the main Editor of these Proceedings. The Conference has been made possible by the support from La Sapienza University as well as from the ARAP association. We acknowledge valuable inputs from the conference SOC and from the Swift User Committee Chair Dieter Hartmann. We also thank the LOC for their unrelenting efforts to solve all practical details. We would like to acknowledge financial support from INAF, ASI and NASA/GSFC.


Patrizia Caraveo
Paolo D’Avanzo
Neil Gehrels
Gianpiero Tagliaferri
conference main image
Swift and future GRB missions
Low luminosity - Very Long GRBs
Swift catalogs
Compact Objects and the Galactic Center
Tidal Disruption
AGN - Blazar
GRB Posters
Non-GRB Posters
GROND coverage of the main peak of Gamma-Ray Burst 130925A
J. Greiner, H.F. Yu, T. Krühler, D.D. Frederiks, A. Beloborodov, P.N. Bhat, J. Bolmer, H.J. Van Eerten, R.L. Aptekar, J. Elliott, S.V. Golenetskii, J.F. Graham, K. Hurley, D.A. Kann, S. Klose, A. Nicuesa Guelbenzu, A. Rau, P. Schady, S. Schmidl, V. Sudilovsky, D.S. Svinkin, M. Tanga, M.V. Ulanov, K. Varela, A. von Kienlin and X.L. Zhang
Optical properties of Swift long Gamma-Ray Bursts
A. Melandri
Linear and circular polarization in GRB afterglows
L. Nava, E. Nakar and T. Piran
Exploring the chemical enrichment at z>2 via GRB afterglow spectroscopy
A. Cucchiara
Swift and future GRB missions
The SVOM gamma-ray burst mission
B. Cordier, J. Wei, J.L. Atteia, S. Basa, A. Claret, F. Daigne, J. Deng, Y. Dong, O. Godet, A. Goldwurm, D. Gotz, X. Han, A. Klotz, C. Lachaud, J. Osborne, Y. Qiu, S. Schanne, B. Wu, J. Wang, C. Wu, L. Xin, B. Zhang and S.N. Zhang
Einstein Probe — a small mission to monitor and explore the dynamic X-ray Universe
W. Yuan, C. Zhang, H. Feng, S.N. Zhang, Z.X. Ling, D.H. Zhao, J. Deng, Y.L. Qiu, J.P. Osborne, P. O'Brien, R. Willingale and J.S. Lapington
Low luminosity - Very Long GRBs
Testing for a class of ULGRBs using Swift GRBs
M. Boer, B. Gendre and G. Stratta
Swift catalogs
The XRT catalogs
P. Evans
The Swift UVOT serendipitous source catalogue
M.J. Page, V. Yershov, A. Breeveld, P. Kuin, R. Mignani, P.J. Smith, J. Rawlings, S. Oates, M. Siegel and P. Roming
The Third Swift Burst Alert Telescope Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog
A. Lien, T. Sakamoto, S.D. Barthelmy, W. Baumgartner, K. Chen, N.R. Collins, J. Cummings, N. Gehrels, H.A. Krimm, C.B. Markwardt, D.M. Palmer, M. Stamatikos, E. Troja and T.N. Ukwatta
Swift, UVOT and Hot Stars
M. Siegel, C.A. Gronwall, L. Hagen and E.A. Hoversten
The Swift X-ray Cluster Survey
A. Moretti, T. Liu, J.X. Wang, P. Tozzi, E. Tundo, S. Campana, G. Tagliaferri and M. Giavalisco
The X-ray outburst of the Galactic Centre magnetar as monitored by Chandra and XMM-Newton
F. Coti Zelati, N. Rea, A. Papitto, D. Vigano', J.A. Pons, R. Turolla, P. Esposito, D. Haggard, F.K. Baganoff, G. Ponti, G. Israel, S. Campana, D.F. Torres, A. Tiengo, S. Mereghetti, R. Perna, S. Zane, R. Mignani, A. Possenti and L. Stella
Compact Objects and the Galactic Center
Swift contribution to our understanding of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources
L. Zampieri
Tidal Disruption
Spoon-feeding an active galactic nucleus
D. Mainetti, S. Campana, M. Colpi, G. Lodato, P. D'Avanzo, P. Evans and A. Moretti
AGN - Blazar
The largest Swift AGN monitoring: UV/optical variability in NGC 5548
S. Connolly, I. McHardy, D. Cameron, T. Dwelly, P. Lira, D. Emmanoulopoulos, J. Gelbord, E. Breedt, P. Arevalo and P. Uttley
GRB Posters
Simulations of GRB detections with the ECLAIRs telescope onboard the future SVOM mission
S. Antier, S. Schanne, B. Cordier, A. Gros, D. Gotz and C. Lachaud
The GRB's Sky Exposure Function
Z. Bagoly, L.G. Balazs, I. Horvath, I.I. Rácz, L.V. Toth and J. Hakkila
Lower orphan afterglow rates for Gaia and LSST
J. Kóbori, Z. Bagoly, L.G. Balazs, Z. Ivezic and I. Horvath
10 years of XRT light curves: a general view of the X-ray afterglow
O. Bardho, M. Boer and B. Gendre
Shedding light on the prompt high efficiency paradox - self consistent modeling of GRB afterglows
P. Beniamini, L. Nava, R. Barniol Duran and T. Piran
Comparing the spectral lag of short and long gamma-ray bursts and its relation with the luminosity
M.G. Bernardini and G. Ghirlanda
The Swift UVOT grism calibration and example spectra
P. Kuin, A. Breeveld and M.J. Page
Numerical Models of Blackbody-Dominated GRBs
C. Cuesta-Martínez, M.A. Aloy, P. Mimica, C. Thöne and A. de Ugarte Postigo
GRB 130831A: The Birth and Death of a Magnetar at z=0.5
M. De Pasquale, S.R. Oates, J. Racusin, D.A. Kann, B. Zhang, A. Pozanenko, A.A. Volnova, A. Trotter, N.R. Frank, A. Cucchiara, E. Troja, B. Sbarufatti, N.R. Butler, S. Schulze, Z. Cano, M.J. Page, A.J. Castro-Tirado, J. Gorosabel, A. Lien, O.D. Fox, O. Littlejohns, J. Bloom, J.X. Prochaska, J.A. de Diego, J. Gonzalez, M.G. Richer, C. Roman-Zuniga, A. Watson, N. Gehrels, S.H. Moseley, A. Kutyrev, S. Zane, V. Hoette, R. Russell, V. Rumyantsev, E. Klunko, O. Burkhonov, A. Breeveld, D. Reichart and J. Haislip
Properties of Low Luminosity Afterglow GRBs
H. Dereli, M. Boer, B. Gendre, L. Amati and S. Dichiara
Binary progenitors of GRBs in the fireshell model: relevance of Swift observations
M. Enderli, C.L. Bianco, L. Izzo, M. Kovacevic, M. Muccino, G. Pisani, J.A. Rueda Hernandez, R. Ruffini and Y. Wang
The Microchannel X-ray Telescope on board the SVOM satellite
D. Gotz, C. Adami, S. Basa, V. Beckmann, V. Burwitz, R. Chipaux, B. Cordier, P. Evans, O. Godet, R. Goosmann, N. Meidinger, A. Meuris, C. Motch, K. Nandra, P. O'Brien, J.P. Osborne, E. Perinati, A. Rau, R. Willingale, K. Mercier and F. Gonzalez
Constraining GRB progenitors environment with Swift XRT
D. Saez and D. Gotz
The distribution of GRB spectral lags: implications for the lag - Liso relation
V. Heussaff, J.L. Atteia and J.P. Dezelay
Anomalies in the GRBs' spatial distribution
I. Horvath, Z. Bagoly, J. Hakkila and L.V. Toth
Nucleosynthesis of heavy elements in gamma-ray bursts
A. Janiuk and B. Kaminski
Fitting GRB afterglow broadband data to hydrodynamical simulations
F. Knust, H.J. Van Eerten, J. Greiner and R. Filgas
Photospheric emission from long duration gamma-ray bursts powered by variable engines
D. Lopez-Camara, B.J. Morsony and D. Lazzati
GRB 140619B: a short GRB from a neutron star merger leading to the black hole formation
M. Muccino, R. Ruffini, M. Kovacevic, L. Izzo, F.G. Oliveira, J.A. Rueda, C.L. Bianco, M. Enderli, A.V. Penacchioni, G. Pisani, Y. Wang and E. Zaninoni
Black Hole Spin Down in GRB observations and cosmology
A. Nathanail, I. Contopoulos and S. Basilakos
Metallicity Measurements of GRB Explosion Sites: Lessons from HII regions in M31
Y. Niino, K. Nagamine and B. Zhang
The early afterglow and magnetized ejecta present in GRB 110731A
N. Fraija and W.H. Lee
Reviewing the case of atypical central-engine activity in GRB 110709B
N. Fraija, E. Moreno-Mendez and B. Patricelli
Exploring the behaviour of long gamma-ray bursts with intrinsic afterglow correlations
S. Oates, J. Racusin, M. De Pasquale, M.J. Page, A.J. Castro-Tirado, J. Gorosabel, P.J. Smith, A. Breeveld and P. Kuin
Numerical study of relativistic shock breakout in circumstellar medium
Y. Ohtani, A. Suzuki and T. Shigeyama
Gamma-ray burst jets: uniform or structured?
O.S. Salafia, A. Pescalli, F. Nappo, G. Ghisellini, G. Ghirlanda, R. Salvaterra and G. Tagliaferri
Binary-driven HyperNovae and their nested late X-ray emission
G. Pisani, R. Ruffini, M. Muccino, C.L. Bianco, M. Enderli, A.V. Penacchioni, J.A. Rueda Hernandez, Y. Wang, E. Zaninoni and L. Izzo
Early detections of properties of Gamma-Ray Bursts
G. Pizzichini
Survival analysis of the optical brightness GRB host galaxies
I.I. Rácz, L.G. Balazs, Z. Bagoly and L.V. Toth
Testing and Performance of UFFO Burst Alert & Trigger Telescope
J. Ripa, M.B. Kim, J. Lee, H. Park, E. Kim, H. Lim, S. Jeong, A.J. Castro-Tirado, P. Connell, C. Eyles, V. Reglero, J.M. Rodrigo, V. Bogomolov, M.I. Panasyuk, V. Petrov, S. Svertilov, I. Yashin, S. Brandt, C. Budtz-Jørgensen, Y. Chang, P. Chen, M.A. Huang, T.C. Liu, J. Nam, M.Z. Wang, C.R. Chen, H.S. Choi, S.W. Kim and K.W. Min
What is the Astrophysical Meaning of the Intermediate Subgroup of GRBs
J. Ripa and A. Meszaros
Investigating the peak energy-intensity correlation for GRB Physics and Cosmology
D. Sawant and L. Amati
The ECLAIRs GRB trigger telescope onboard the future SVOM mission
S. Schanne, B. Cordier, J.L. Atteia, O. Godet, C. Lachaud and K. Mercier
Short gamma-ray bursts from binary neutron star mergers: the time-reversal scenario
R. Ciolfi and D. Siegel
Temporal Variability and the Bulk Lorentz Factor of GRBs
E. Sonbas, G. MacLachlan, K.S. Dhuga, P. Veres and A. Shenoy
Hydrodynamical models for low-luminosity GRBs and relativistic SNe
A. Suzuki, K. Maeda and T. Shigeyama
Determining the Dust Composition of GRB Host Galaxies
A. Updike and D.H. Hartmann
Constraining the fireball scenario of GRB afterglows with GROND and multi-wavelength data
K. Varela, H.J. Van Eerten, J. Greiner and P. Schady
GRB Cosmology and SOC in GRBs
Effect of Rapid Evolution of Magnetic Tilt Angle of a Newborn Magnetar on Light Curve of Gamma-ray Burst
Ten years of Swift: a universal scaling for short and long gamma-ray bursts (EX,iso-Egamma,iso-Epk)
E. Zaninoni, M.G. Bernardini, R. Margutti and L. Amati
Magnetically-induced outflows from binary neutron star merger remnants
D. Siegel and R. Ciolfi
Evidence for Two-Component Jet in Sw J1644+57
J. Wang, W. Lei, D. Wang, W. Xie and B. Zhang
Hypercritical accretion, induced gravitational collapse and binary driven Hypernovae
L.M. Becerra Bayona, C.L. Bianco, M. Enderli, C.L. Fryer, L. Izzo, M. Muccino, A.V. Penacchioni, G. Pisani, J.A. Rueda Hernandez, R. Ruffini, Y. Wang and E. Zaninoni
Non-GRB Posters
Mining the XRT archive to probe the X-ray absorber structure in the AGN population
L. Ballo, P. Severgnini, A. Moretti, R. Della Ceca, S. Andreon, V. Braito, A. Caccianiga, S. Campana and C. Vignali
SOUSA's Swift Supernova Siblings
P. Brown
Follow-up of X-ray transients detected by SWIFT with COLORES using the BOOTES network
M.D. Caballero Garcia, M. Jelinek, A.J. Castro-Tirado, R. Hudec, R. Cunniffe, O. Rabaza and L. Sabau-Graziati
High energy gamma-ray emission from PSR B1259-63 SS 2883 during 2014 and 2010 periastron passages
G.A. Caliandro, C.C. Cheung, J. Li, D.F. Torres and K.S. Wood
The non standard evolution of the Compton corona in the three 2008-2010 subsequent outbursts of the Black Hole Candidate 4U 1630-47
F. Capitanio, R. Campana, G. De Cesare and C. Ferrigno
Swift Communications and Public Outreach
L. Cominsky, A. Simonnet and S. E/PO team
Long-Term X-ray Spectral Variability of Seyfert Galaxies with Swift
S. Connolly, I. McHardy and T. Dwelly
The 4th Palermo Swift-BAT catalogue: 100 months of survey of the hard X-ray sky
A. Segreto, G. Cusumano, V. La Parola and A. Maselli
The multi-faceted synergy between Swift and Fermi in radio-loud AGN studies
F. D'Ammando
An overview of the EXTraS project: Exploring the X-ray Transient and Variable Sky
A. De Luca, R. Salvaterra, A. Tiengo, D. D'Agostino, M.G. Watson, F. Haberl and J. Wilms
Exploring Multiwavelength AGN Variability with Swift Archival Data
J. Gelbord, C.A. Gronwall, D. Grupe, D. Vanden Berk and J. Wu
Collisionless shocks and X-ray emission around supernova shock breakout
G. Giacinti and A.R. Bell
UVOT Measurements of Dust and Star Formation in the SMC and M33
L. Hagen, M. Siegel, C.A. Gronwall, E.A. Hoversten, A. Vargas and S. Immler
The Swift-XRT observations of HBL Source 1ES 1959+650
B. Kapanadze, P. Romano, S. Vercellone, S. Kapanadze and G. Kharshiladze
Seyfert galaxies with Swift: giant flares, rapid drops, and other surprises
S. Komossa, D. Grupe, R. Saxton and L. Gallo
Finding AGN in Deep X-ray Flux States with Swift
D. Grupe, S. Komossa, M. Bush, C. Pruett, S. Ernst, T. Barber, J. Carter, N. Schartel, P. Rodriguez and M. Santos-Lleo
Using X-ray catalogues to find counterparts to unassociated high-energy Fermi/LAT sources
R. Landi, L. Bassani, J.B. Stephen, N. Masetti, A. Malizia and P. Ubertini
Swift XRT monitoring of the ULX M33 X8
V. La Parola, G. Cusumano, T. Mineo and A. D'ai
Three years of X-ray Light Curve of Swift J164449.3+573451
V. Mangano, D. Burrows, B. Sbarufatti and J.K. Cannizzo
New blazars from the cross-match of recent multi-frequency catalogs
A. Maselli, G. Cusumano, V. La Parola, A. Segreto, F. Massaro, R. D'Abrusco and G. Tosti
Energy Dependent Intensity Variations of Persistent X-ray Emission of Magnetars
Y. Nakagawa and K. Ebisawa
Flaring activity of Mrk 421 in 2012 and 2013: orphan flare and multiwavelength analysis
N. Fraija, J.I. Cabrera, E. Benitez and D. Hiriart
SWIFT/BAT AGN2 reveal broad emission lines in the NIR: the first virial measure of their black hole masses
F. Onori, F. La Franca, F. Ricci, M. Brusa, E. Sani, R. Maiolino, S. Bianchi, A. Bongiorno, F. Fiore, A. Marconi and C. Vignali
Long-term spot topography and multi-band flare analysis of active ultra-fast rotator LO Peg
S.B. Pandey, J.C. Pandey, S. Karmakar and I.S. Savanov
Electromagnetic follow-up of gravitational wave candidates: perspectives in INAF
S. Piranomonte, E. Brocato, M. Branchesi, S. Campana, E. Cappellaro, S. Covino, A. Grado, E. Palazzi, L. Nicastro, E. Pian, G. Stratta, G. Greco, M. Castellano, G. Giuffrida, S. Marinoni, L. Pulone, L.A. Antonelli, M.G. Bernardini, P. D'Avanzo, A. Melandri and L. Stella
A systematic search for periodicities of X-ray binaries in the Swift BAT data
R. Poggiani
The 100-month Swift Catalogue of Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients
P. Romano, H.A. Krimm, D.M. Palmer, L. Ducci, P. Esposito, S. Vercellone, P. Evans, C. Guidorzi, V. Mangano, J. Kennea, S.D. Barthelmy, D. Burrows and N. Gehrels
Numerical simulations of the internal shock model in magnetized relativistic jets of blazars
J. Rueda-Becerril, P. Mimica and M.A. Aloy
Broad-band Transient Monitor using the Swift/BAT and the MAXI/GSC data
T. Sakamoto, Y. Oda and A. Yoshida
Wide-band X-ray Studies of Inner Disc Structure in Galactic Black Hole Binaries
M. Shidatsu, Y. Ueda, T. Hori, C. Done and S. Nakahira
Swift and Suzaku observations of spectral evolution in the FRED type GRBs
M. Tashiro, H. Ueno and J.i. Enomoto
Search and Machine Learning Classification of Short Untriggered Transients
M. Topinka and R. Hudec
X-ray and UV long-term properties of 3C 454.3 during low gamma-ray states: the Swift view
S. Vercellone and P. Romano