NUFACT2014 - (other nufact conferences)
25 -30 August, 2014
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
published July 21, 2015
These proceedings present the written contributions from participants of the 16th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Future Neutrino Beam Facilities (NUFACT 2014) that was held at the University of Glasgow (Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom) from 25-30 August 2014. This edition of the NUFACT annual meetings, which started in 1999, consisted of 24 plenary and 92 parallel talks and various poster sessions, with the participation of 124 delegates. Furthermore, the International Neutrino Summer School 2014 was held from 10-22 August 2014 at St Andrews, Scotland, in the two weeks before NUFACT 2014. It was intended for young scientists with an interest in neutrino physics in such a way that they would be able to participate and contribute to the NUFACT workshop as well. The objectives of the NUFACT workshops are to review progress on different studies for future accelerator-based neutrino oscillation facilities, with the goal to discover the mass hierarchy of neutrinos, CP violation in the leptonic sector, charged lepton flavour violation, and possible new phenomena. The workshops are interdisciplinary in that experimenters, theorists and accelerator physicists share their expertise to further developments in accelerator-based neutrino facilities. The organisation of the workshop is based around four working groups: Neutrino Oscillation Physics, Neutrino Scattering Physics, Accelerator Physics and Muon Physics. Each workshop is tailored to ensure continuity and growth of knowledge from the previous workshop, by posing a series of questions that are updated on a yearly basis. These proceedings reflect a summary of the topics covered during NUFACT 2014 and reflect not only the state-of-the-art in current experimental endeavours in neutrino physics, but also the current thinking towards developing the next generation of accelerator-based neutrino and muon facilities, with the goal to determine solutions to some of the most fundamental questions in particle physics. It is a pleasure to thank the University of Glasgow and the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) for sponsoring the workshop and the Glasgow City Council for organising a Civic Reception for the delegates. The lively and stimulating atmosphere was aided by the other social events during the workshop, a whisky tasting session delivered with great enthusiasm and knowledge by Dr David Wishart, an excursion to Stirling Castle and a workshop banquet at the Bute Hall of the University of Glasgow, in which Professor John Butt, the university’s Gardiner Professor of Music, played the magnificent Lewis Organ in the Bute Hall. The editors wish to thank the Scientific Program Committee and the Working Group conveners for their engagement in making NUFACT 2014 a success, and all participants for the high quality of their contributions. We now look forward to the next instalment of the NUFACT conferences to be held in Rio de Janeiro in 2015. We also wish to thank Ms Valerie Flood, especially, for providing all the administrative support of the workshop. Paul Soler and Ryan Bayes, Glasgow, 2014.
Plenary sessions
Working Group 1 (WG1): neutrino physics
Working Group 2 (WG2): neutrino scattering physics
Working Group 3 (WG3): accelerator physics
Working Group 4 (WG4): muon physics
Working Group 1 and 2 joint sessions
Working Group 3 and 4 joint sessions
Plenary sessions
Theoretical Status of Neutrino Physics
M. Drewes
Neutrino-nucleus Scattering Physics Theory
A. Ankowski
Hyper-KamiokaNDE Project
F. Di Lodovico
European Long-baseline Neutrino Oscillation Projects
M. Dracos
Muon Accelerator R&D Programme
D. Stratakis
Lepton Flavour Violation Experiments
Working Group 1 (WG1): neutrino physics
Model comparison and experimental constraints
D. Meloni
Neutrino masses and mixings from continous symmetries and discussion
T2K oscillation results
C. Bronner
M.M. Devi
J.P. Athayde Marcondes de André and  IceCube-Pingu Collaboration
Tagged electron neutrinos
F. Terranova, A. Longhin and L. Ludovici
Short-baseline oscillation measurements at T2K
J. Caravaca
Recent oscillation analysis results from Daya Bay
New Results from RENO
Status of the Double Chooz experiment
M. Vivier
The measurement of the reactor antineutrino flux and spectrum of Daya Bay Experiment
MIND at Neutrino Factories
Constraints on non-standard flavor-dependent interactions from Superkamiokande and Hyperkamiokande
O. Yasuda
Working Group 2 (WG2): neutrino scattering physics
nuPRISM: A new way of probing neutrino interactions
Fine-Grained Tracker as a Near Detector for LBNE
X. Tian, S. Mishra and H. Duyang
T2K off-axis cross section measurements
R. Castillo Fernandez
Status of muon neutrino cross section measurements with the T2K on-axis detectors
K. Suzuki
Hadron Production measurements at the NA61/SHINE experiment for the T2K Neutrino Flux Prediction
D. Sgalaberna
Hadronization processes in neutrino interactions
T. Katori
Extraction of Neutrino Flux from the Inclusive Muon Cross Section
T. Murata and T. Sato
Quasielastic neutrino-nucleus scattering in a continuum random phase approximation approach
V. Pandey, N. Jachowicz, T. Van Cuyck, J. Ryckebusch and M. Martini
Using electron scattering to constrain the axial-vector form factor
R. Gonzalez Jimenez
2p-2h excitations in neutrino scattering: angular distribution and frozen approximation
I. Ruiz Simo, C. Albertus-Torres, J.E. Amaro, M. Barbaro, J.A. Caballero and W. Donnelly
Measurement of electron neutrino CCQE-like cross-section in MINERvA
J. Wolcott
Measurement of Resonance Interaction in The NOMAD Detector
H. Duyang, X. Tian and S. Mishra
The observation of gamma rays via neutral current interaction at Super-Kamiokande using the T2K neutrino beam.
Y. Koshio
Working Group 3 (WG3): accelerator physics
The Status of the Construction of MICE Step IV
C. Pidcott
The Physics Programme of MICE Step IV
Progress Towards Completion of the MICE Demonstration of Sustainable Muon Ionization Cooling
P. Hanlet
Optimization of Beam Line Settings for MICE Step IV
J.C. Nugent and J. Pasternak
NuSTORM FODO solution
D. Neuffer, A. Liu and A. Bross
Final results from IDS-NF study
ESSvSB: Update on secondary beam studies
N. Vassilopoulos
High-intensity muon sources for high energy physics experiments
D. Stratakis
Hybrid 6D cooling channel
D. Stratakis
Final cooling
D. Neuffer
Working Group 4 (WG4): muon physics
The search for CLF violation in the MEG & MEG II experiments
F. Tenchini
The Mu3e Experiment - Introduction and Current Status
MuSun Experiment: Measuring the Rate of Muon Capture on Deuteron
The MUSE Experiment: Studying the Proton Radius Puzzle with muon-proton Elastic Scattering
K. Mesick
Search for muon to electron conversion at J-PARC MLF : Recent status on DeeMe
Y. Nakatsugawa
Status of the New Muonium HFS Experiment at J-PARC/MUSE
P. Strasser
Status of the Alcap experiment
P. Litchfield
Tuning of the ultra slow muon beamline by utilizing ionized hydrogen.
T. Adachi, Y. Ikedo, A. Yabuuchi, P. Strasser, K.M. Kojima, S. Makimura, J. Nakamura, K. Shimomura, T. Nagatomo, W. Higemoto, T.U. Ito and E. Torikai
g-2 at Fermilab
J.M. Grange
Working Group 1 and 2 joint sessions
Energy Measurement in the T2K Oscillation Analysis
S. Cartwright
NEUT development for T2K and relevance of updated 2p2h models
C. Wilkinson
Implications of recent MINERvA results for neutrino energy reconstruction
J. Wolcott
Working Group 3 and 4 joint sessions
Status of MuSIC facility
Y. Matsumoto
P. Litchfield
Enhancing the reach of INO-ICAL using correlated muon and hadron information
M.M. Devi
The ANNIE Experiment
F. Di Lodovico
Study of the background events from the tau decay in the INO-ICAL detector
S. Pal and D. Indumathi
The RF System for the MICE Experiment
A.J. Dick, C.G. Whyte, A.R. Young, P. MacInnes, D.C. Speirs, K. Ronald, A. Moss, C. White, A. Grant, T. Stanley, S. Alsari, P.J. Smith and Y. Torun
Measurement of the intrinsic electron neutrino and electron anti-neutrino components in the T2K beam with the ND280 Tracker
L. Southwell and L. Kormos
Oscillation Sensitivity with Upward-going Muons in ICAL at India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO)
K. Rawat, V. Bhatnagar and D. Indumathi