Plenary sessions |
Theoretical Status of Neutrino Physics
Neutrino-nucleus Scattering Physics Theory
Hyper-KamiokaNDE Project
European Long-baseline Neutrino Oscillation Projects
Muon Accelerator R&D Programme
Lepton Flavour Violation Experiments
Working Group 1 (WG1): neutrino physics |
Model comparison and experimental constraints
Neutrino masses and mixings from continous symmetries and discussion
T2K oscillation results
Tagged electron neutrinos
Short-baseline oscillation measurements at T2K
Recent oscillation analysis results from Daya Bay
New Results from RENO
Status of the Double Chooz experiment
The measurement of the reactor antineutrino flux and spectrum of Daya Bay Experiment
MIND at Neutrino Factories
Constraints on non-standard flavor-dependent interactions from Superkamiokande and Hyperkamiokande
Working Group 2 (WG2): neutrino scattering physics |
nuPRISM: A new way of probing neutrino interactions
Fine-Grained Tracker as a Near Detector for LBNE
T2K off-axis cross section measurements
Status of muon neutrino cross section measurements with the T2K on-axis detectors
Hadron Production measurements at the NA61/SHINE experiment for the T2K Neutrino Flux Prediction
Hadronization processes in neutrino interactions
Extraction of Neutrino Flux from the Inclusive Muon Cross Section
Quasielastic neutrino-nucleus scattering in a continuum random phase approximation approach
Using electron scattering to constrain the axial-vector form factor
2p-2h excitations in neutrino scattering: angular distribution and frozen approximation
Measurement of electron neutrino CCQE-like cross-section in MINERvA
Measurement of Resonance Interaction in The NOMAD Detector
The observation of gamma rays via neutral current interaction at Super-Kamiokande using the T2K neutrino beam.
Working Group 3 (WG3): accelerator physics |
The Status of the Construction of MICE Step IV
The Physics Programme of MICE Step IV
Progress Towards Completion of the MICE Demonstration of Sustainable Muon Ionization Cooling
Optimization of Beam Line Settings for MICE Step IV
NuSTORM FODO solution
Final results from IDS-NF study
ESSvSB: Update on secondary beam studies
High-intensity muon sources for high energy physics experiments
Hybrid 6D cooling channel
Final cooling
Working Group 4 (WG4): muon physics |
The search for CLF violation in the MEG & MEG II experiments
The Mu3e Experiment - Introduction and Current Status
MuSun Experiment: Measuring the Rate of Muon Capture on Deuteron
The MUSE Experiment: Studying the Proton Radius Puzzle with muon-proton Elastic Scattering
Search for muon to electron conversion at J-PARC MLF : Recent status on DeeMe
Status of the New Muonium HFS Experiment at J-PARC/MUSE
Status of the Alcap experiment
Tuning of the ultra slow muon beamline by utilizing ionized hydrogen.
g-2 at Fermilab
Working Group 1 and 2 joint sessions |
Energy Measurement in the T2K Oscillation Analysis
NEUT development for T2K and relevance of updated 2p2h models
Implications of recent MINERvA results for neutrino energy reconstruction
Working Group 3 and 4 joint sessions |
Status of MuSIC facility
Posters |
Enhancing the reach of INO-ICAL using correlated muon and hadron information
The ANNIE Experiment
Study of the background events from the tau decay in the INO-ICAL detector
The RF System for the MICE Experiment
Measurement of the intrinsic electron neutrino and electron anti-neutrino components in the T2K beam with the ND280 Tracker
Oscillation Sensitivity with Upward-going Muons in ICAL at India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO)