24-27 June 2014
Montpellier, France
published June 10, 2015
Cosmic rays are a major component of the interstellar medium. They share an equivalent energy density with the magnetic field and the interstellar gas. At low energies cosmic rays possibly take an active part in the dynamics of the structures of the interstellar medium. They contribute to its ionisation. They produce a force through their pressure gradient over the magnetised fluid. They generate plasma waves and magnetic turbulence. This turbulence has in turn an important role in the evolution of molecular gas and in the star formation cycle. At high energies cosmic rays are identified by their interaction with the molecular gas and produce neutral and charged pions and secondary particles (gamma rays, electron-positron and neutrinos). Cosmic rays are also responsible for the spallation nucleosynthesis of light and stable and radioactive elements. They are likely associated with the remnants of supernovae. A large fraction of these supernovae explode as a result of the collapse of the core of massive stars. Massive stars, their evolution and the way they shape their environment appear also to have a central role in the cosmic ray production. Cosmic rays turn out to be a key ingredient in the local and global dynamics of the interstellar medium. But this is only very recently since this component started to be integrated in the modeling of the interstellar medium evolution. The main objective of this international workshop is to contribute to a better account of the multiple effects of the energetic component of the interstellar medium.
Session The cosmic ray spectrum
Cosmic Ray sources:Theory
Session multi-wavelength
Plasma instabilities and cosmic rays
Low energy cosmic rays
The turbulent interstellar medium
The galactic center
Cosmic Ray propagation
Session The cosmic ray spectrum
Direct detection of cosmic rays: Recent observational progresses
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L. Derome
A database of charged cosmic rays (CRDB) and constraints on the interstellar flux
D.A. Maurin, F. Melot and R. Taillet
The highest galactic cosmic ray energies
D. Allard
Proton analysis with AMS-02 and solar modulation level
A. Ghelfi
Cosmic Ray sources:Theory
Origin of Cosmic Rays
L.D. Mria
High energy emission from massive star clusters
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A. Bykov
Hydrodynamics of Young Supernova Remnants and the Implications for their Gamma-ray emission
V. Dwarkadas
The impact of magnetic turbulence spectrum on particle acceleration in SNR IC443
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I. Telezhinsky
Cosmic Rays in star forming galaxies
M. Pierrick
3D simulations of the emission from young supernova remnants including particle acceleration
G. Ferrand, S. Safi-Harb and A. Decourchelle
Session multi-wavelength
An observational view of particle acceleration in cosmic ray sources
Hadronic TeV emission of the supernova remnant W51C observed with the MAGIC Telescopes?
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J. Krause
Particle acceleration in the stellar graveyard and the case of young SNRs
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F. Acero
A Catalogue of High-Energy Observations of Galactic Supernova Remnants
G. Ferrand and S. Safi-Harb
SNR and molecular cloud associations as seen by H.E.S.S
C. Trichard
Gamma Rays from supernova remnants
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D. Fernandez
TeV sources in the Cygnus region observed with VERITAS
M. Krause
The cosmic-ray, dust, and gas content of the local Chamaeleon clouds + reports on Voyager results
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I. Grenier
Gas towards the gamma-ray sources HESS J1731-347 and HESS J1729-345
N. Maxted, G.P. Rowell, P. de Wilt, M. Burton, M. Renaud, Y. Fukui, J. Hawkes, R. Blackwell, F. Voisin, V. Lowe and F. Aharonian
Plasma instabilities and cosmic rays
Cosmic Ray driven instabilities
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E. Zweibel
Propagation of cosmic rays into diffuse clouds
G. Morlino and S. Gabici
Cosmic ray driven winds
Relativistic cosmic-ray back-reaction instabilities along the background magnetic field
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A. Nekrasov
Magnetic field structure from cosmic ray driven dynamo in spiral galaxies
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W. Dominik
Low energy cosmic rays
Cosmic-Ray Ionization of Molecular Clouds
N. Indriolo
Wind-driven Exclusion of Cosmic Rays in the Protoplanetary Disk Environment
I. Cleeves, E.A. Bergin and F.C. Adams
Cosmic-ray induced ionization of a molecular cloud shocked by the W28 supernova remnant
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S. Vaupré
The role of cosmic rays on magnetic field diffusion and the formation of protostellar discs
M. Padovani, D. Galli, P. Hennebelle, B. Commerçon and M. Joos
Cosmic Ray Transport in the Astrospheres of Solar Twins
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P. Rimmer
Cosmic-ray heating of molecular cloud cores
D. Galli and M. Padovani
Localized SiO emission triggered by the passage of the W51C supernova remnant shock
The turbulent interstellar medium
P. André
Recent results from Herschel
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T. Jaffe
Wide-Field Polarimetry: A Unique Probe of Interstellar Turbulence
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E. Falgarone
Synchrotron emission from molecular clouds
A. Strong, C. Dickinson and E. Murphy
X-shape magnetic fields in galactic halos
K. Ferrière
APEX observations of non-stationary magneto-hydrodynamical shocks in W44
S. Anderl
Irradiated shocks in the W28 A2 star-forming region: sites of cosmic-ray acceleration ?
A. Gusdorf, A. Marcowith, M. Gerin and R. Güsten
The galactic center
Non-Thermal Radiation from the Inner Galaxy
R. Crocker
Low-Energy Cosmic Rays in the Galactic Center Region
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V. Tatischeff
Can Cosmic Rays Interacting With Molecular Clouds Explain the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess?
C. Gordon and O. Macias
Cosmic Ray propagation
Cosmic Ray propagation close to their acceleration site
Propagation of high-energy cosmic-ray electrons in the interstellar medium
R. Attallah
Picard: A new Code for The Galactic Cosmic Ray Propagation Problem
R. Kissmann, O. Reimer, A. Strong and M. Werner
A solution to the cosmic ray anisotropy problem
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P. Mertsch
Charged-particle heating in imbalanced MHD turbulence
Cosmic-ray diffusion in magnetized turbulence
Cosmic Ray propagation in local magnetic fields
R. Cohet and A. Marcowith