Beauty2014 - (other beauty conferences)
14 -18 July, 2014
University of Edinburgh, UK
published May 13, 2015
The purpose of the conference is to review results in the field of B-physics and CP-violation, as well as to explore the physics potential of existing and upcoming B-physics experiments at frontier machines. The conference has an exciting mixture of presentations from theory/phenomenology and experimental results on many interesting topics, including CP violation, rare decays, spectroscopy and production of heavy flavoured B and charmed hadrons.
conference main image
Mixing, Lifetimes, CP Violation
Semileptonic decays at B factories
Heavy flavour production
CP Violation
Spectroscopy, onia and exotics
Charm physics
Other flavour physics
Rare decays
Future programme
F. Muheim
Mixing, Lifetimes, CP Violation
Bs-antiBs mixing and lifetimes
Mixing and CP violation in the decay $B_s\rightarrow J/\psi \phi$ in Atlas
W.J. Dearnaley
Semileptonic decays at B factories
Recent results on semileptonic B meson decays from Belle and Babar
|Vub| and |Vcb| determination via hadronic form factors
A. Bharucha
Heavy flavour production
Quarkonium production and polarization in pp collisions with CMS
V. Knuenz
Measurement of associated production of vector bosons with b-jets, with a charm quark, and with a J/psi meson in ATLAS
M. Watson
Heavy flavour production in ATLAS: Onia and open flavour hadrons
I. Nomidis
Beauty physics with heavy ions and prospects
A. De Falco
Heavy flavour production at CMS in heavy ion collisions
M. Nguyen
Beauty contribution to the proton structure function and charm results
A. Longhin
CP Violation
title Studies of Ds** spectroscopy with Dalitz plot analysis of $B_s\rightarrow \bar{D}^0 K^-\pi^+$ decays
D.C. Craik
Charmless B decays: Dalitz
M. Fontana
Charmless B decays: 2 body and $B\rightarrow VV$
C. Santamarina Rios
Spectroscopy, onia and exotics
Spectroscopy of onia and hadrons with open beauty in ATLAS
R. Henderson
Recent results in exotic charmonium spectroscopy
Charm physics
Searches for CP and T violation in multibody D decays
Leptonic and semileptonic D meson decays
Particle identification for Belle II
T. Hayakawa
Other flavour physics
Exotic searches in LHCb
V. Heijne
Kaon physics
Tau results from B factories
G. Vasseur
CDF B and charm results
J. Rosner
Studies of Lambda_b in ATLAS: decays to charmonium states and parity violating asymmetry
Rare decays
Rare and suppressed decays of B0(s) mesons with the ATLAS detector
W. Walkowiak
Search for $B_s,B^0\rightarrow \mu\mu$ decays at CMS
A. Heister
Rare leptonic B meson decays
M. Misiak
Electroweak penguin decays with di-leptons
C. Langenbruch
Radiative electroweak penguin decays at LHCb
A. Puig Navarro
Study of FCNC in top quark production and decay with the ATLAS detector
J.P. Araque
Rare semileptonic B decays
C. Bobeth
Future programme
New Physics at LHC run II: perspectives, visions
Effective lifetimes of $B\rightarrow hh$ decays
Measurement of CP violation in $B_s\rightarrow J/\psi KK$ decays
D. Ferguson
Measurement of CP violation in $B_s\rightarrow \phi\phi$ decays
A.B. Morris
Characteristics and magnetic field properties of the Hamamatsu R11265 Multi-Anode Photomultiplier Tubes
Measurement of indirect CP asymmetries in $D^0\rightarrow K^-K^+$ and $D^0\rightarrow \pi^-\pi^+$ decays
M.T. Alexander