Plenary Sessions |
Efficient computation methods for 3D microscopic ellipsometry
Addressing Dirac's challenge: practical quantum mechanics for materials
Computational studies of two-dimensional materials: From graphene to few-layer graphene and beyond
QCD at one petaflops
New frontiers opened by the K Computer
Scalability, portability, and numerical stability in GPU computing
An algorithm for finding eigenpairs in the interior of the spectrum of large hermitian matrices
Small is different: self-assembly and self-selection of size, shape, and form in the nanoscale
Theoretical Studies on Recently Discovered Organic Superconductors
Multi-scale fluid flows with moving boundaries using locally adaptive cartesian grid methods
Why we need Exascale, and why we won't get there by 2020
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics |
Quantum coherent control of pi-electron rotations in a nonplanar chiral molecule
Resonance-enhanced below-threshold harmonic generation of He atoms in few-cycle laser fields
Comparisons of optical absorption spectra of bulk gold by PBE and GLLB-SC
Radiation induced force in dielectric waveguide
Chemical Dynamics on Interfaces |
CO2 binding by nucleophilic attack: from methodology comparison to the reaction dynamics
The reaction dynamics of ethylene adsorption onto Si(001) surface: Short time Fourier transform approach
Microkinetic study of ammonia oxidation on RuO2(110) surfaces
Computational Biofluids |
Computational model for investigating acoustic hemostasis
Chemotactic bioconvection of aerotactic bacteria
Numerical analysis of coupled effects of pulsatile blood flow and thermal relaxation time during thermal therapy
Computational Condensed Matter Physics and Material Sciences |
Modulating electrons and phonons in two-dimensional silicon nanostructures
A novel transfer matrix renormalization group method on the accurate long-time dynamics of quantum chains
On ground states of spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates with/without external magnetic field
Correlated valence-bond states
Materials simulations using QMC, GWA and BSE
Annihilation and creation of Majorana fermions through quantum quench: a quantum information perspective
Entanglement entropy scaling of the XXZ chain
Field induced superlattice modulation in hole-doped iron-pnictide superconductors
Coherent control and enhancement of high-order harmonic spectra of atoms driven by intense frequency comb laser fields
Computational Geosciences |
Application of shallow-water models in the analysis of landslide motion
Numerical simulation of turbulent Rayleigh-Taylor instability induced by the suspension of fine particles
Numerical solutions of the initial value problems of two-dimensional semi-classical Boltzmann model equations
Condensed-Phase Quantum Dynamics |
Semiclassical approach for all-atom nonadabatic simulations of excitation energy transfer processes in photosynthetic complexes
Witnessing quantum coherence
Coherent charge transport in organic semiconductor
Density Functional Theory and Its Applications |
Restoration of the derivative discontinuity in Kohn-Sham density functional theory: An efficient scheme for energy gap correction
Single-molecule conductance through chiral gold nanotubes
Analytical derivative techniques for TDDFT excited-state properties: Theory and application
Fractional charge behaviour and band gap preditions with the XYG3 type of doubly hybrid density functionals
Density functional theory for comprehensive orbital energy calculations
Efficient methods for computing exchange-correlation potentials for orbital-dependent functionals
Density functional study for weakly interacting systems: Recent development of local response dispersion method
A constrained reduced-dimensionality search algorithm for studying complicated chemical reactions
Multi-scale modeling of junctionless field-effect transistors
Time-dependent effective potential and exchange kernel of homogeneous electron gas
Two-Point Weighted Density Approximations for the Kinetic Energy and Exchange-Correlation Energy
Finite Element and Particle Methods for Fluid Problems |
Point-implicit diffusion operator in a moving particle method (MPPM)
Pseudospectral and Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods for second-order wave equations
A discontinuous Galerkin method for initial value problems of Rarefied gas flows of arbitrary statistics
MPS simulation on flow sequence of liquid particles
HPC and Its Applications |
Massive System deployment with open source software, Clonezilla
The development of peta-scale earth science observation database
Numerical simulation of laser wake field acceleration with air medium
Lattice QCD |
Probing TeV physics through lattice neutron-decay matrix elements
Multigrid algorithms for lattice nuclear physics
Selected lattice QCD results from Budapest, Marseille and Wuppertal
Projection of low-lying eigenmodes in lattice QCD with domain-wall fermion
One-Flavor Algorithms for Simulation of Lattice QCD with Domain-Wall Fermion: EOFA versus RHMC
Multiscale Modeling of Complex Molecular Systems |
Multiscale Markov state modeling of Ligand-Perturbed protein dynamics
Multiscale modeling and simulation via fluctuating hydrodynamics
Multiscale molecular simulation of solution-processed bulk Heterojunction polymer solar cells
Numerical Linear Algebra and Its Applications |
Eigendecomposition of the discrete double-curl operator with application to fast eigensolver for 3D photonic crystals
Numerical experiences in band gap simulation of three-dimensional photonic crystals
Novel linear algebraic theory and one-hundred-million-atom quantum material simulations on the K computer
Supercomputer/GPU and Algorithms |
Multi-dimensional Range Query Processing on the GPU
Design and implementation of fast DGEMM on GPUs
Accelerated composite distribution function methods for computational fluid dynamics using GPU
A GPU accelerated explicit finite-volume Euler equation solver with ghost-cell approach
High-performance linear recurrence, and its applications
A new non-blocking approach on GPU dynamical memory management
An accurate implicit anti-diffusive Weno Rans solver for the simulation of Axisymmetric Scramjet flows