RD13 - (other rd conferences)
3-5 July, 2013
Florence, Italy
published March 25, 2015
The primary goal of the Conference is to review the present status of the Semiconductor Detector apparatuses in the field of High Energy or Astroparticle Physics. In both cases the requests on the detector systems are very demanding: very large instrumented surface, radiation hardness and high reliability. Part of the talks will be devoted to describe the pixel and microstrip silicon-based detectors presently operated at the LHC experiments. The operational experience and the detector performance with the p-p runs 2009-2012 will be discussed. Another fraction of the talks will be devoted to plans for upgrading the LHC tracker detectors for the next runs of the LHC and on strategies for future high luminosity upgrades of the LHC. Studies on radiation hardness of silicon materials, diamond-based detectors, innovative solutions for optical links and power device components will be reported. The astroparticle detectors activity will also be reviewed. Semiconductor applications in different fields, like medical imaging, radioactive monitoring and one quantum-physics experiment will be rapidly touched.
conference main image
Main session
Performance and operation experience of the Atlas Semiconductor Tracker
P. Dervan and T. Kondo
Operation of CMS silicon tracker
S. Taroni
Status of the ATLAS Pixel Detector at the LHC and its performance after three years of operation.
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K. Lantzsch
Tracking performances in CMS
V. Gori
The Alignment of the CMS Silicon Tracker
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M. Musich
GigaTracker, a Thin and Fast Silicon Pixels Tracker
B. Velghe, G. Aglieri Rinella, S. Bonacini, A. Ceccucci, J. Kaplon, A. Kluge, A. Mapelli, M. Morel, J. Noël, M. Noy, L. Perktold, P. Petagna, K. Poltorak, P. Riedler, G. Romagnoli, S. Chiozzi, A. Cotta Ramusino, M. Fiorini, A. Gianoli, F. Petrucci, H. Wahl, R. Arcidiacono, P. Jarron, F. Marchetto, E. Cortina Gil, G. Nuessle and N. Szilasi
Radiation performance of new semiconductor power devices for the LHC experiment upgrades
S. Gerardin
Radiation-Hard/High-Speed Parallel Optical Engine
K.K. Gan
Development and Test of a 3D Diamond Detectors for Ionizing Radiation
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F. Bachmair
Pulsed laser fabrication of 3D diamond sensors
S. Lagomarsino
The Phase-1 upgrade of the CMS silicon pixel detector
M. Menichelli
Overview of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer (IBL) Project
D.L. Pohl
The Associative Memory system for the FTK processor at ATLAS
S. Citraro, R. Cipriani, S. Donati, P. Giannetti, A. Lanza, P. Luciano, D. Magalotti and M. Piendibene
Variable resolution Associative Memory optimization and simulation for the ATLAS FastTracker project
C. Luongo
Performance of different silicon materials for the upgraded CMS tracker
T. Maenpaa
The upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System
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S. Beole'
First results of beamtests of a MAPS based ElectroMagnetic calorimeter
G. Nooren
The strip detector of the PANDA MVD
T. Quagli, K.T. Brinkmann, R. Schnell and H.G. Zaunick
Development of a Proton Computed Tomography system based on silicon microstrip detectors and YAG:Ce scintillating crystals
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M. Bruzzi
The Silicon Tracker of the DAMPE satellite mission
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G. Ambrosi
Development of a homogeneous, isotropic, and high dynamic range calorimeter for the study of primary cosmic rays in space experiments
O. Starodubtsev, O. Adriani, M. Bongi, S. Bottai, R. D’Alessandro, S. Detti, P. Lenzi, N. Mori, P. Papini, E. Vannuccini, E. Berti and A. Tiberio
A silicon array for cosmic-ray particle identification in space
S. Bonechi, A. Basti, M.G. Bagliesi, G. Bigongiari, B. Paolo, P. Maestro, P.S. Marrocchesi, F. Morsani, F. Pacciani, A. Sulaj and L. Teimuraz
Single event effects irradiation tests at INFN-LNS
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S. Scirè Scappuzzo
On-line remote monitoring of radioactive waste repositories
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A. Pappalardo
Extraction of electric field of non-irradiated microstrip detectors using the edge-TCT technique
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M. Fernández García
Single Electron Interference and Diffraction Experiments with a High Energy Physics Detector
G.L. Alberghi, R. Dona', A. Gabrielli, F.M. Giorgi, M. Villa, G. Matteucci, N. Semprini Cesari, A. Zoccoli, S. Frabboni and G.C. Gazzadi