Welcomes and Introductions |
Welcome from Kerastari village
Welcome from the National Archaeological Museum
Introduction to the Workshop
Linking modern and ancient technology - the structure of the meeting
Workshop photograph
The Antikythera Mechanism |
The NAM Antikythera treasures
The Antikythera Mechanism: From the bottom of the sea to the scrutiny of modern technology
The research history of the Antikythera shipwreck
Exhibition of Antikythera Mechanism (poster)
The Antikythera Mechanism and Shipwreck: The sensitive issue of announcing the discovery to the public (poster)
History of scientific endeavour |
Prerequisites for the production of the Antikythera Mechanism during the 2nd century
A Bridge too far ?
The history of innovation in radio astronomy
Musings on innovation and technology
The path to wireless internet - 802.11
You can't design what you can't conceive - what can we learn from history (presented by Ron Ekers)
Building the Cosmos in the Antikythera Mechanism
Before and After the Antikythera Mechanism
Recent results from the study of Antikythera Mechanism: astronomical clock, Lunar trajectory and Archimedes
Johannes Kepler: his place in Astronomy
Imaging |
X-ray Tomography of the Antikythera Mechanism
Exploiting measurement diversity in radio interferometry
Imaging with a modern synthesis radio telescope – the LOFAR experience
Surface Analysis with Photogrametry
The HP imaging Dome and the Antikythera Machine Inscriptions (presented by Haida Liang)
Contributions of astronomy to the study of art conservation and archaeology
Positional astronomy and VLBI |
The Antikythera Mechanism: a census of planetary extensions.
Positional Astronomy: The Parapegma of the Antikythera Mechanism
Modern astrometry
A Clock for the Square Kilometre Array
Pulsar timing arrays
SHEVE '82, Tasso and the coming of Age of Southern Hemisphere VLBI
Innovation at the Science, Engineering, Computing nexus |
The Reconstruction of the Antikythera Mechanism(poster)
The value of making models
Are the modern computer simulations a substitute for physical models? The Antikythera case
Are the modern computer models a substitute for physical models? The SKA case
Science and Technology: (Antikythera Mechanism and the past -SKA and the future) |
The Antikythera Mechanism and the Public Face of Hellenistic Science
Early Greek Astrophysics
Ancient technology and modern imaging instrument from Japan
Radio Astronomy Transformed: Aperture Arrays – Past, Present & Future
ASKAP: the Genesis of New Technology
Plato – from Greek philosopher to Antarctic observatory
Astronomy |
SURO-LC: a space-based ultra-long wavelength radio observatory
The Differential in Astronomy : Past to Present
Hanny’s Voorwerp and the Antikythera Mechanism – similarities, differences and insights.
Summary of the Workshop |
Worskshop summary