Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are ubiquitous in the Universe. It is widely accepted that most or all massive galaxies harbors a central SMBH. Apparent correlations between the black hole mass and host galaxy structural/dynamical properties, such as the M/σ relation, give rise to the notion of an intimate link between the growth of SMBHs and their host galaxies. Active galactic nuclei (AGN) represent a phase (phases) in the life of a galaxy, during which the SMBH growth is directly observable. The question is, whether such episodes provide a window onto the relevant aspects of the regulation of the growth of the bulges and the SMBHs. The focus of this workshop is on understanding the conditions of star formation in AGN and the interplay between star formation, the active nuclei, and the host galaxies - especially of intermediate redshift (z<0.1) systems - in order to bridge the gap between local, well-studied AGN and their hosts and marginally resolved high redshift AGN and their hosts.
Session 2 Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies |
Powerful relativistic jets in narrow-line Seyfert 1 glaxies (review)
Eigenvector space of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
Near-infrared FeII emission in IZw1 and other NLS1 galaxies
The variability of the optical spectra of three type 1 AGN
A new determination of black hole spin for a NLS1
Low black hole spin in some narrow line Seyfert 1s
Secular evolution in NLS1 galaxies and the growth of their black holes
Are Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies a special class of Active Galactic Nuclei?
Nuclei of Seyfert galaxies and QSOs - Central engine & conditions of star formation Workshop summary and open questions
Session 1 Nearby galaxies and the Galactic Center |
Galaxies and their nuclei (review)
A statistical study on SDSS radio emitters
The dense stellar systems around galactic massive black holes
The Galactic Center as a pradigm for low-luminosity nuclei? What can be learned from SgrA* for the central engine and conditions of star formation in nuclei of Seyfert galaxies and low luminosity nearby QSOs; The K-band identification of the DSO/G2 source from VLT and Keck data
Simulations of the origin and fate of the Galactic Center cloud G2
The central parsec of galaxies in the IR
Mid-infrared properties of local active galactic nuclei at high angular resolution
The central 3 kpc of NGC 5850
The central kpc of edge-on AGN
Session 3 Outflows, jets, and feedback |
Outflows, feedback, jets (review)
The physics and physical properties of quasar outflows
Star-formation in the host galaxies of radio-AGN
The radio/gamma-ray connection: cm to short-mm band radio and gamma-ray correlated variability in Fermi bright blazars
Rapid variability: what do we learn from correlated mm-/gamma-ray variability in jets?
The lack of QSO outflows and the suppression of star formation in Seyfert galaxies
The kpc-scale molecular outflows in two nearby starburst galaxies, NGC 2146 and NGC 3628
AGN life cycles - the low frequency story as told by LOFAR
The nature of the IR emission in LLAGNs at parsec scales: does the jet dominate at low luminosities?
Session 4 Seyferts and QSOs: Black-hole masses, scaling relations, and star formation |
QSO demographics (review)
Masses of Black Holes in Active Galactic Nuclei
Do AGN and non-AGN galaxies have different M-sigma relations?
Quasar host galaxies and environments in the SDSS Stripe 82
The properties of dusty tori in active galactic nuclei revealed by infrared interferometry
Luminosity dependent covering factor of the dust torus around AGN viewed with AKARI and WISE
Photometric reverberation mapping of 3C120
Modelling reverberation data of 3C120 - evidence for a disk like BLR
Probing the inner regions of MCG-06-30-15: the link between AGN activity and star formation
Structure of the accretion flow at low accretion rates
AGN in the local universe with the SIX survey: evolution and circum-nuclear environment
Nuclear activity and stellar mass in galaxies
Spectral properties of a sample of type 1 AGNs: influence of star formation
Testing the evolutionary sequence between hidden broad line region (HBLR) and non-HBLR Seyfert 2 galaxies
Session 5 Galaxy mergers on all scales |
AGN and star formation activity in local luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (review)
Morphologies of low-redshift AGN host galaxies: what role dies AGN luminosity play?
The anatomy of polar ring minor merger systems: NGC 1614
Merger-triggered AGN activity and binary SMBHs in the local universe: X-shaped radio galaxies and double-nucleus disk galaxies
Star formation and mergers in nearby radio galaxies
Searching for supermassive binary black holes with VLBI
Session 6 Star formation and accretion at high redshift |
Star formation and black hole accretion at high redshift (review)
Measuring black hole masses at high redshift
Star-formation in active galaxies to z~2: a perspective from Herschel studies
Mechanical AGN feedback, from very powerful to moderately strong high-redshift radio galaxies
Submm-bright QSOs at z~2: signposts of co-evolution at high z
AGN in submm galaxies - combining the power of Chandra and ALMA
AGN in dusty hosts: implications for galaxy evolution
Feedback and accretion in young luminous quasars
Probing the inner structure of distant AGNs with gravitational lensing
Properties of the radio jet emission of gamma-ray Narrow Line Seyfert 1s
Posters |
Securing high-z AGN candidates: X-ray spectral analysis for reliable redshifts
A low-luminosity type-1 QSO sample: Near-infrared study of nearby AGN host galaxies
The role of Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies in the frame of the AGN Unified Model
WPVS007: evidence for accelerating wind in a narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy ?
Detecting AGNs using multi-filter imaging data
Luminosity function of Narrow-Line Seyfert galaxies based on SDSS DR7 data
Stellar populations and star formation in AGN hosts at intermediate redshift in the SHARDS survey
Dynamics of the NLR in NGC4151: Interaction of the jet with the NLR and hot H2
Perspectives for multi-wavelength high-angular resolution follow-up studies of X-raying AGN
A 2.5-5 micron Spectroscopic Study of Hard X-ray Selected AGNs using AKARI InfraRed Camera
A low-redshift low luminosity QSO sample: Comparison with NUGA galaxies and PG QSOs and first interferometric images of three sample members
L- and M-band views of the central parsec
Optical microvariability in Seyfert 2 galaxies
Reviewing the possible link between X-ray low- and high-velocity outflows in AGNs
The orientation dependence of quasar single-epoch black hole mass scaling relationships
Polarized NIR observations of Sagittarius A*
The MIR properties of red QSOs
AGN environments: is the viewing angle sufficient to explain the difference between broad-line and narrow-line AGN?
Host galaxies of binary AGN
The shape of broad-line profiles as diagnostic tool for structure and kinematics of the BLR in AGN
On the nature of diffuse NIR emission in the innermost arcsecond of the Galactic Center