HQL 2012 - (other hql conferences)
11-15 June, 2012
Prague,The Czech Republic
published December 14, 2012
The XIth International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons continues the tradition of regular scientific meetings, first started in 1993 at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati in Rome, Italy, under the name "Heavy Quarks at Fixed Target". In 2002 the scope was widened to include leptons with the workshop renamed to what is known as today. This workshop is dedicated to the study of the heavy quarks, namely charm, bottom and top, with obvious extensions to interesting topics involving the strange quark. Neutrino oscillation studies and new insights in mu and tau lepton phenomenology are also included.
conference main image
CP Violation
Neutrino Physics
Kaon Physics
Lepton Flavour Violation
Top Quark Physics
Rare Decays
New Experiments
Summary and Closeout
Poster Session
New Spectroscopy of Heavy Mesons.
F. De Fazio
Production and properties of b-hadrons.
N. Pozzobon
Excited b and c hadrons.
A. Poluektov
Charmonium(-like) states.
G. Cibinetto
Bottomonium(-like) states.
High precision measurement of the form factors of the semileptonic decays K+-\rightarrow pi0 l+- nu (Kl3).
R. Wanke
Charm semileptonic decays.
A. Oyanguren
Exclusive charmed/charmless semileptonic decays (mini-review).
A. Sibidanov
Inclusive charmed/charmless semileptonic decays (mini-review) and B\rightarrow D(*) tau nu at BaBar.
C. Bozzi
Leptonic and semileptonic B decays with tau at the B factories.
Y. Horii
CP Violation
Charm mixing and CPV.
V. Gligorov
Measurement of phi_s.
Y. Amhis
Measurement of gamma.
M.P. Whitehead
Direct and mixing-induced CP violation in charmless two-body B decays.
D. Derkach
Recent Topics in CP Violation
CP Violation at ATLAS.
T. Jovin
CP and Time Reversal Violation from BABAR
F. Martinez Vidal
CP Violation at Belle.
K. Negishi
Searches for BSM physics through CP violation at CDF.
Neutrino Physics
Observation of electron-antineutrino disappearance at Daya Bay.
Recent Results on Solar Neutrinos.
G. Ranucci
Status of the geoneutrino study.
S. Zavatarelli
Developments on double beta decay search.
O. Cremonesi
Searches for high energy neutrinos.
J. Brunner
Kaon Physics
Chiral perturbation theory tests.
R. Fantechi
Lepton Universality Tests in Kaon Decays at NA62.
F. Bucci
The NA62 experiment at CERN.
M. Fiorini
The Music of KOTO: K0_L -\rightarrow 0  anti-.
J. Comfort
Recent results on CP and CPT tests at KLOE.
A. De Santis
Kaon Physics: Theory Overview
Lepton Flavour Violation
Lepton Flavor Violation in tau and B meson decays.
M. Calvi
Search for charged-lepton-flavor-violation in rare muon decays.
Muon to e Conversion: Experimental Status in Japan and US.
J. Miller
Top Quark Physics
Top Quark Production @ Tevatron.
Measurement of top quark properties at Tevatron.
P. Vokáč
Top production and ttbar at LHC.
S. Walsh
Measurement of top quark properties at LHC.
CP violation in top-quark pair production and decay.
G. Valencia
Rare Decays
Rare B decays at CMS including B\rightarrow di-muonic decays.
P. Ronchese
Rare heavy flavor decays at LHCb
F. Archilli
Rare B decays at ATLAS including B\rightarrow di-muonic decays.
I. Ibragimov
Rare decay searches at BaBar and Belle.
F. Wilson
Rare decay searches at CDF
P. Maestro
Theory status of b\rightarrow s l^+ l^- decays and their combined analysis
C. Bobeth
New Experiments
ORKA, The Golden Kaon Experiment: Precision measurement of K+\rightarrow pi+,nu,nubar and other ultra-rare processes.
J. Comfort
The LHCb upgrade.
T. Szumlak
Belle II status and plans.
C. Schwanda
Nova status and plans.
A. Norman
SNO+ status.
B. von Krosigk
Introduction to Project X.
A. Norman
Summary and Closeout
Summary of the CP Violation session.
M. Smizanska
Summary of the Neutrino Physics session.
R. Leitner
Summary of the Rare Decays session.
B. Cox and W. Walkowiak
Summary of the Top Physics session.
K. Soustruznik
Summary of the New Experiments session.
Z. Dolezal and A. Lopez
Poster Session
Physics with Tau Lepton Final States in ATLAS
N. Ruthmann
Reconstruction and Identification of Hadronically Decaying Tau Leptons at ATLAS
D. Jennens
Two approach to the ratio of the charm structure functions
G.R. Boroun
4th generation searches at ATLAS
S. Nektarijevic
Implication of the LHCb results in the anomalous tsW couplings
K.Y. Lee and J.P. Lee
Lepton Flavor violation processes in 331 models
J.A. Rodriguez
Optimization of the Belle II Vertex Detector
Z. Drasal and K. Prothmann
Top A_FB and charge asymmetry in chiral U(1)' model with flavored Higgs doublets
P. Ko, Y. Omura and C. Yu