Sessions |
Spectroscopy |
CP Violation |
Neutrino Physics |
Kaon Physics |
Lepton Flavour Violation |
Top Quark Physics |
Rare Decays |
New Experiments |
Summary and Closeout |
Poster Session |
Spectroscopy |
New Spectroscopy of Heavy Mesons.
Production and properties of b-hadrons.
Excited b and c hadrons.
Charmonium(-like) states.
Bottomonium(-like) states.
High precision measurement of the form factors of the semileptonic decays K+-\rightarrow pi0 l+- nu (Kl3).
Charm semileptonic decays.
Exclusive charmed/charmless semileptonic decays (mini-review).
Inclusive charmed/charmless semileptonic decays (mini-review) and B\rightarrow D(*) tau nu at BaBar.
Leptonic and semileptonic B decays with tau at the B factories.
CP Violation |
Charm mixing and CPV.
Measurement of phi_s.
Measurement of gamma.
Direct and mixing-induced CP violation in charmless two-body B decays.
Recent Topics in CP Violation
CP Violation at ATLAS.
CP and Time Reversal Violation from BABAR
CP Violation at Belle.
Searches for BSM physics through CP violation at CDF.
Neutrino Physics |
Observation of electron-antineutrino disappearance at Daya Bay.
Recent Results on Solar Neutrinos.
Status of the geoneutrino study.
Developments on double beta decay search.
Searches for high energy neutrinos.
Kaon Physics |
Chiral perturbation theory tests.
Lepton Universality Tests in Kaon Decays at NA62.
The NA62 experiment at CERN.
The Music of KOTO: K0_L -\rightarrow 0 anti-.
Recent results on CP and CPT tests at KLOE.
Kaon Physics: Theory Overview
Lepton Flavour Violation |
Lepton Flavor Violation in tau and B meson decays.
Search for charged-lepton-flavor-violation in rare muon decays.
Muon to e Conversion: Experimental Status in Japan and US.
Top Quark Physics |
Top Quark Production @ Tevatron.
Measurement of top quark properties at Tevatron.
Top production and ttbar at LHC.
Measurement of top quark properties at LHC.
CP violation in top-quark pair production and decay.
Rare Decays |
Rare B decays at CMS including B\rightarrow di-muonic decays.
Rare heavy flavor decays at LHCb
Rare B decays at ATLAS including B\rightarrow di-muonic decays.
Rare decay searches at BaBar and Belle.
Rare decay searches at CDF
Theory status of b\rightarrow s l^+ l^- decays and their combined analysis
New Experiments |
ORKA, The Golden Kaon Experiment: Precision measurement of K+\rightarrow pi+,nu,nubar and other ultra-rare processes.
The LHCb upgrade.
Belle II status and plans.
Nova status and plans.
SNO+ status.
Introduction to Project X.
Summary and Closeout |
Summary of the CP Violation session.
Summary of the Neutrino Physics session.
Summary of the Rare Decays session.
Summary of the Top Physics session.
Summary of the New Experiments session.
Poster Session |
Physics with Tau Lepton Final States in ATLAS
Reconstruction and Identification of Hadronically Decaying Tau Leptons at ATLAS
Two approach to the ratio of the charm structure functions
4th generation searches at ATLAS
Implication of the LHCb results in the anomalous tsW couplings
Lepton Flavor violation processes in 331 models
Optimization of the Belle II Vertex Detector
Top A_FB and charge asymmetry in chiral U(1)' model with flavored Higgs doublets