April 17-20,2012
Manchester, UK
published December 19, 2012
For more than half a century, radio interferometry has revolutionised our view of the Universe. New phenomena, such as relativistic motion in AGN have been discovered, and a wealth of detail has been revealed about a wide variety of astronomical sources, from nearby stars to the most distant galaxies. These discoveries have been enabled by radio interferometry's routine capability to deliver images with sub-milliarcsecond resolution and micro-arcsecond precision astrometry. Major new advances in both the interferometric technique and the science it delivers are expected over the coming decade. This conference will take a look at the past, present and future of radio interferometry, as the astronomical community prepares for the next big step forward, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). The meeting coincides with the retirement of Prof. Richard T. Schilizzi, Director of the SKA Project Development Office (SPDO) and past director of the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE). We celebrate the major contribution Richard has made to the field with a scientific programme that will address the following topics: key historical developments in interferometry, the study of micro-quasars and AGN, the development of advanced interferometry techniques and new calibration algorithms, future interferometers (incl. ALMA, SKA and the SKA pathfinders & precursors), mm and sub-mm interferometry, precision spacecraft navigation, geodetic VLBI and Space VLBI.
conference main image
Session 1-1
Session 1-2
Session 1-3
Session 2-1
Session 2-2
Session 2-3
Session 3-1
Session 3-2
Session 3-3
Session 3-4
Session 1-1
Resolving The Sky (RTS 2012) - Radio Interferometry: Past, Present and Future
M.A. Garrett and C. Greenwood
First Interferometry in Radio Astronomy- Ruby Payne-Scott - Type I Solar Bursts Observed on Australia Day, 26 January 1946
The structure of radio sources - the Molonglo papers
B. McAdam
Breaking the Milliarcsecond Barrier
K.I. Kellermann
Early VLBI in the USSR
L. Matveenko
Session 1-2
The beginnings of the EVN, JIVE and early space VLBI in Europe
R. Booth
Highlights of the expansion of SN1993J
J.M. Marcaide and I. Marti-Vidal
The History of the SKA - born global
R.D. Ekers
The start of SKA: What really happened
J.E. Noordam
Connecting Early VLBI to SKA capabilities
A. van Ardenne
Session 1-3
A short history of space VLBI
R. Schilizzi
Space-VLBI as seen from Japan
H. Hirabayashi
The developement of VLBI in China and its related to EVN
X.Y. Hong
Beyond VLBI - Microarcsecond resolution with Inter-Stellar Scintillation
D.L. Jauncey
Session 2-1
Recent WSRT Results on Two Prototypical Compact AGN
G.A.G. de Bruyn
Combining VLBI and MASIV - how intrinsic properties influence interstellar scintillation of AGN
H.E. Bignall, J.Y. Koay, J. Lovell, D.L. Jauncey, J.P. Macquart, T. Pursimo, R. Ojha, B. Rickett, L. Kedziora-Chudczer and C. Reynolds
The evolution of compact radio sources
P. Alexander
Cold gas in the life of radio sources
R. Morganti
Submm VLBI toward shadow image of Super Massive Black Hole
M. Inoue
Survey Science with the SKA Molongo Pathfinder
A. Green
Flux density variations of radio sources in M82
M.A. Gendre, D.M. Fenech, R.J. Beswick, T.W.B. Muxlow and M. Argo
WSRT and LOFAR observations of the Lockman Hole
G. Guglielmino
Session 2-2
The High Frequency Flares in the Broad Absorption Line QSO, Mrk 231.
C. Reynolds
X-shaped radio sources as partent population of core-dominated triple blazars
A. Marecki
FR dichotomy, accretion modes and environmental factors in the local Universe
M.A. Gendre, P.N. Best and J. Wall
Session 2-3
SS433, microquasars, and other transients
Z. Paragi, R.C. Vermeulen and R.E. Spencer
VERA and East Asian VLBI network
H. Kobayashi
High angular radio observations of (U-)LIRGs
A. Alberdi
Session 3-1
CMB interferometry
C. Dickinson
Resolving The Sky with LOFAR - Status and Results
R.C. Vermeulen
Realisation of a low frequency SKA Precursor: The Murchison Widefield Array
S. Tingay
Mid-frequency aperture arrays: the future of radio astronomy
I. van Bemmel
Session 3-2
Implementing a high performance AA-mid in SKA2
A.J. Faulkner
Long March with SKA
B. Peng
Space VLBI mission RadioAstron: current status and early science program
Y.Y. Kovalev
Redshift, Time, Spectrum - the most distant radio quasars with VLBI
S. Frey, L. Gurvits, Z. Paragi and K. Gabanyi
SKA Studies of the Radio Transient Universe
P. Hall, T. Colegate, J.P. Macquart, N. Clarke, S. Tingay, R. Wayth and C. Trott
Session 3-3
Fundamental limits of radio interferometers: calibration and source parameter estimation
C. Trott, R. Wayth and S. Tingay
HI research in the era of SKA pathfinders
T.M. van der Hulst
Space radio astronomy in the next 1000001 (binary) years
L. Gurvits
VLBI Astrometry of Planetary Orbiters
D. Jones
Success drivers for large high-technology projects: implications for the SKA
P. Crosby and P.J. Hall
Session 3-4
Future of VLBI
H.J. van Langevelde
After the SKA - Radio Astronomy in 2049
L. Harvey-Smith