DSU 2012 - (other dsu conferences)
June 10-15, 2012
Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
published June 19, 2013
Recent observations suggest that about 95% of the Universe's energy lies in a dark sector. This sector is comprised of dark matter, a form of non-luminous matter, and dark energy whose origin and composition is unknown. Dark matter seems to make up 23% of the Universe and it possibly consists of new exotic particles that interact very weakly with ordinary matter. Dark energy, about 73% of the Universe, is responsible for a mysterious force that is speeding up its expansion. The origin and microscopic composition of dark matter and dark energy are outstanding fundamental problems in physics, and may possibly find a resolution in new theories pointing beyond the standard models of particle physics and cosmology. This prompts a strong connection between particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. The aim of the meeting is to bring together experts from all around the world to discuss the latest advances in the theoretical, phenomenological and experimental aspects of the field.
conference main image
1 day
2 day
3 day
4 day
5 day
1 day
Precision Cosmology from large-scale structure observations
A. Sánchez
A Competitive Crossing Checking for the Hubble Constant
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J.A. Sales Lima
Numerical simulations of galaxy formation
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M. Steinmetz
When particle physics meets the dark Universe: current status of dark matter candidates
N. Fornengo
Should we still believe in constrained supersymmetry?
C. Balazs, A. Buckley, D. Carter, B. Farmer and M. White
Supersymmetric Dark Matter in Light of Recent LHC results
K. Olive
Observational Properties of Galaxies
C.J. Conselice
Last results of the MASS ASSEMBLY SURVEY with SINFONI in VVDS
V. Perret
Probing the Dark Side of the Universe with Gravitational Arcs: The Contribution from Wide-field Imaging Surveys
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M. Makler
Axino mass
J.E. Kim
Hidden sector dark matter and Higgs physics
Dark matter and Higgs searches at LHC
Y. Mambrini
2 day
Dark Matter in galaxies: leads to its nature
P. Salucci
Dwarf spheroidal galaxies and dark matter
M. Blaña Díaz, M. Fellhauer and R. Smith
Constraints for dark matter local substructure properties from dynamic System-DM substructure interactions
A.X.G. Morales
MOND and universality of average surface densities in galaxies
G. Gentile
Observational Probes of Dark Energy
SNIa analysis independent of dark energy models
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A.C. Guimarães
Observational aspects of an inhomogeneous cosmology
C. Saulder, S. Mieske and W.W. Zeilinger
The limits of general relativity and how to test them
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T. Sotiriou
Delta-gravity and Dark Energy
J. Alfaro
Elliptical galaxies kinematics within general relativity with renormalization group effects
D.C. Rodrigues, O.F. Piattella, J. Fabris and I.L. Shapiro
Determining the properties of Dark Matter halos from gravitational lensing measurements in galaxies clusters
L.J. Beraldo E Silva, M. Lima and L. Sodré Jr.
The CUSP/CORE problem from a 2D view
J.C.B. Pineda, C. Mendes de Oliveira, C.E. Barbosa, P. Amram and V. Perret
Dark Matter Phase Transition Constrained at O(0.1)eV with LSB Rotation Curves
J.H. Mastache De Los Santos
3 day
Heavy Majorana Neutrinos and Delta L=2 B and top decays in B factories
D. Delepine, G. Lopez Castro and N. Quintero
TIme-dependent Lepton asymmetry with Primordial Magnetic Fields
J. Barranco, R.O.G. Cota, D. Delepine and S. Khalil
Neutrino mass textures and lepton flavor violation with a determined $\theta_{13}
M.E. Gomez
Direct detection of fourth generation Majorana neutrino dark matter
Y.F. Zhou
The effects of quark interactions on the dark matter kinetic decoupling
K. Kadota
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
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C. Bonifazi
The ANDES underground laboratory in South America
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C. Bonifazi
Current status of the ANGRA project: monitoring nuclear reactors with antineutrino detectors
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J. Anjos
The Pierre Auger Observatory latest results
H. Lyberis
The DOUBLE CHOOZ experiment
L.F.G. Gonzalez
Results from the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
P. Ochoa
Prospects for resolving the neutrino mass hierarchy and theta-23 octant ambiguity, and observing leptonic CP violation in US experiments NOvA and LBNE.
C. Bromberg
KATRIN, an experiment for determination of the ν-mass: status and outlook
M. Sturm
4 day
Overview of Direct Detection Dark Matter Experiments
J. Cooley
Search for Dark Matter in the sky
A. Morselli
Results and Status of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) collaboration
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P. Brink
The dark matter density at the Sun's location
F. Nesti and P. Salucci
Indirect dark matter search with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
G. Lambard
Limits on spin-dependent WIMP-proton cross-sections from the neutrino experiment of the Baksan Ungerground Scintillator Telescope
O. Suvorova, M. Boliev, S. Demidov and S. Mikheyev
Gamma ray signal from gravitationally boosted neutralinos at the galactic center
M. Cannoni
Searches for gamma-ray lines from \mu \nu SSM gravitino dark matter
C. Munoz
Direct Dark Matter and Axion Detection with CUORE CUORE Collaboration
C.G. Maiano
The XENON Dark Matter programme: from XENON100 to XENON1T
M. Alfonsi
Target complementarity for direct dark matter detection
D.G. Cerdeno
Black Holes and the Strong CP Problem
J. Swain
Simple vector WIMP dark matter
T. Abe, M. Kakizaki, S. Matsumoto and O. Seto
Dark energy cosmological models with observational H (z) data
A.M. Ribeiro
The mask effect in non-Gaussian analyses in CMB data
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A. Bernui
Distance and internal dynamics of the Shapley Supercluster
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C. Coral Cortés
Exact cosmological solutions of models with an interacting dark sector
E.G.M. Ferreira, A.B. Pavan, S. Micheletti, E. Abdalla and J.C.C. de Souza
Spiral Galaxies rotation curves with renormalization group effects to gravity
P.L.C. De Oliveira
5 day
The Planck Mission
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K. Ganga
NumCosmo: Numerical Cosmology Library
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M. Penna Lima
Isocurvature perturbations in dark radiation
E. Kawakami, M. Kawasaki, K. Miyamoto, K. Nakayama and T. Sekiguchi
Quantization of Cosmological Perturbations in a Quantum Background
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S.D.P. Vitenti