5-10 February, 2012
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN - Frascati (Rome) - Italy
published December 04, 2012

RPC2012 continues the tradition of regular scientific meetings, first started in 1991 at Lecce, with following editions in Roma, Pavia, Napoli, Bari, Coimbra, Clermont-Ferrand, Seoul, Mumbai, Darmstadt. The RPC detection technique has found large application in LHC detectors and in astroparticle physics experiments. The workshop focused on performance of large RPC systems, ageing and detector materials studies, electronics for RPCs, physics of basic processes in the gas, timing applications, new ideas for RPC detectors.

conference main image
Ageing and interactions with materials
Performance of RPC systems
Simulations and modeling
Poster session
Triggering at high rates
New Ideas
R. Santonico
Remembering Anna Piccotti
A. Musso
Remembering Giuseppe Belli
G. Iaselli
Ageing and interactions with materials
Ageing and conductivity of electrodes of high rate RPCs from an ion conductivity approach
M. Morales
Cavern background measurement with the ATLAS RPC system
G. Aielli
Study on Surface Asperities in Bakelite-RPC
N. Majumdar, S. Mukhopadyay, P. Bhattacharya, S. Biswas, S. Bhattacharya, S. Saha and S. Chattopadhyay
Preliminary results on optimization of gas flow rate for RPCs
Development of small easy to build and low gas consumming timing RPCs
M. Morales
Validation of the new filters configuration for the RPC gas systems at LHC experiments
B. Mandelli, M. Capeans, R. Guida, F. Hahn and S. Haider
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A. Joshi
Surface resistivity measurements and related performance studies of the Bakelite RPC detectors
S. Biswas
Production of RPC gaps for CMS upgrade
S.K. Park
Performance of RPC systems
CMS RPC project overview
P. Paolucci
Calibration of the RPC working voltage in the CMS experiment
S. Costantini
Performance and Operation of the ATLAS RPC Detector during the 2011 LHC run
A. Polini
ATLAS RPC time-of-flight performance
G. Chiodini
Performance of the ALICE muon trigger system in Pb–Pb collisions
M. Marchisone
Performance of the MRPC-based Time-Of-Flight detector of ALICE at LHC
A. Alici
Performance and aging of OPERA bakelite RPCs.
A. Paoloni
Results from the ARGO-YBJ experiment
R. Iuppa
The Extreme Energy Events experiment: cosmics rays multigap resistive plate chambers and high school students
M. Abbrescia
R&D mass production of LMRPC module for the STAR-MTD system
H. Chen, Y. Wang, D. Gonzalez Diaz, J. Wang and X. Fan
Aging test of high rate MRPC
Y. Wang, X. Fan, J. Wang, H. Chen and D. Gonzalez Diaz
Conceptual design of the CBM-TOF wall with real-size high-rate MRPC modules based on the newly developed chinese doped glass
J. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Chen, X. Fan and D. Gonzalez Diaz
A Multistrip-MRPC prototype for the CBM Time-of-Flight wall
I. Deppner
Development of large readout area, high time resolution RPCs for LEPS2 at SPring-8
N. Tomida
Phenolic Multigap RPCs for high-rate particle triggers in the CMS experiment
K.S. Lee
Construction and Tests of new Resistive Plate Chambers for the Upgrade of the CMS Endcap System
L. Pant
Performance of timing-RPC prototypes with relativistic heavy ions
C. Paradela Dobarro, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, I. Duran and E. Casarejos
Study of Angular Distribution of Cosmic Muons using INO-ICAL Prototype Detector at TIFR
Performance of FOPI MMRPC Barrel in Recent Heavy-Ion Experiments
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M. Kis
ATLAS RPC detector as Luminosity monitor
M. Bindi
Simulations and modeling
Review of Simulation and Modeling
P. Fonte
Simulation studies on the Effect of SF6 in the RPC gas mixture
S. Bheesette, S. Mohammed, R. Hasan, N. Majumdar and S. Mukhopadyay
RPC simulations from a current stand-point
D. Gonzalez Diaz, Y. Wang and H. Chen
Charge signal diffusion through resistive strip read-outs.
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J. Galan
The CMS RPC performance and simulation
R.M. Hadjiiska
A multigap RPC based detector for gamma rays
B. Pavlov
Simulations of an innovative ToF detector for high energy neutrons based on iron-less RPCs
J. Machado
Poster session
Response of the DHCAL to Hadrons and Positrons
B. Bilki
The on-line monitoring of the ALICE Muon Trigger at LHC
Y.W. Baek
Electronics and data acquisition systems for the RPC based INO ICAL detector
S. Bheesette
Study of RPCs for autonomous stations in cosmic ray research
L. Lopes, P. Fonte and M. Pimenta
Analysis of the radiation background in the CMS RPCs
M. Rodozov
The RPC hits in the CMS muon reconstruction
Operational experience of the GGM at the CMS Experiment
S. Colafranceschi, L. Benussi, S. Bianco, L. Passamonti, D. Piccolo, D. Pierluigi, A. Russo, G. Saviano and C. Vendittozzi
RPC monitoring tools in the CMS experiment
U.M.R. Berzano
Analysis of the front structure of EAS with the HADES tRPC wall
G. Kornakov, A. Blanco Castro, D. Belver, P. Cabanelas, J. Díaz, P. Fonte, J.A. Garzon, A. Gil, D. Gonzalez Diaz, W. Koenig, B. Kolb, L. Lopes, M. Palka, A. Pereira, M. Traxler and P. Zumbruch
Resistive Plate Chambers in the ARGO-YBJ experiment: operational features monitoring and control
P. Camarri
A model for the chemistry of defects in bakelite plates exposed to high-radiation environment
T. Greci, L. Benussi, L. Passamonti, D. Piccolo, D. Pierluigi, A. Russo, F. Felli and G. Saviano
Development of 1 mm low resistivity Bakelite plate for thin-gap RPC detector
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L. Han
TDC Readout Board v3
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G. Korcyl
An improved gas distribution system for the ATLAS RPCs
E. Pastori
CAD: A Current-Mode Amplifier and Discriminator ASIC for MRPC-TOF Detectors
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X. Zhou
Gas purifiers for closed-loop gas systems
R. Aurilio
Tests of gas contaminants and interaction with materials in closed loop recirculation systems
S. Colafranceschi, R. Aurilio, L. Benussi, S. Bianco, M. Ferrini, T. Greci, L. Passamonti, D. Piccolo, D. Pierluigi, A. Russo, G. Saviano and C. Vendittozzi
A study of gas mixtures and HV feedback in a RPC single-gap monitoring system
C. Vendittozzi, L. Benussi, S. Bianco, S. Colafranceschi, D. Piccolo and G. Saviano
Triggering at high rates
A comparison of gaseous detectors for high rate tracking and triggering applications at high luminosity colliders
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A. Sharma
Performance of the ALICE RPC-based muon trigger system in the first two years of data taking at the LHC
F. Bossu and M. Gagliardi
The RPC based muon trigger of the CMS Experiment
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K. Bunkowski
C.Y. Hsieh, N. Tomida, O. Hiroaki, N. Masayuki, W.C. Chang and W.T.T. Lin
The RPC based proposal for the ATLAS forward muon trigger upgrade in view of super-LHC
The phase 1 extension of the CMS endcap Resistive Plate Chamber system
M. Tytgat
Thin-gap RPC Test Results
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L. Han
Test for upgrading the RPCs at very high counting rate
L. Paolozzi and B. Liberti
Ceramic Resistive Plate Chambers for High Rate Environments
A. Laso Garcia, M. Kaspar, B. Kaempfer, R. Kotte, L. Naumann, R. Peschke, D. Stach, C. Wendisch and J. Wüstenfeld
High counting rate differential strip read-out multi gap RPC
M. Petrovici
Proposed Trigger Scheme for the ICAL Detector of India-based Neutrino Observatory
S. Dasgupta, N. Mondal, D. Samuel, M. Saraf, S. Bheesette and S. Upadhya
A fast electronics for RPC based precision tracking muon trigger at high luminosity LHC
R. Cardarelli
New Ideas
Resistive microstrip and microdot detectors: a novel approach in developing spark protected micropattern detectors
V. Peskov
Development of spark-resistance MICROMEGAS with resistive anode strips
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M. Byszewski
SiOx coated plastic fiber optic sensor for gas monitoring in RPC
S. Grassini, M. Ishtaiwi, M. Parvis, L. Benussi, S. Bianco, S. Colafranceschi and D. Piccolo
Use of fiber optic technology for Relative Humidity monitoring in RPC detectors
M. Caponero
Technical design of the RPC-based ToF wall (iTOF) for the R3B experiment at FAIR
E. Casarejos, P. Izquierdo, M. Lopez-Lago, A. Segade, J.A. Vilan, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, I. Duran, C. Paradela and J.R. Pereira
Construction of a Digital Hadron Calorimeter with Resistive Plate Chambers
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L. Xia
Calibration of the DHCAL
J. Repond
Development of large GRPC for an ultra-granular Semi-Digital Hadronic Calorimeter
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I. Laktineh
Performance of the HADES-TOF RPC wall in a Au-Au beam
A. Blanco Castro, P. Fonte, L. Lopes, W. Koenig, J.A. Garzon and G. Kornakov
Muon scattering tomography with resistive plate chambers
P. Baesso, D. Cussans, C. Thomay, J. Velthuis, S. Quillin, S. Robertson and C. Steer
A 2m x 0.5m prototype of a MRPC-based neutron detector with steel converter plates
M. Roeder
TOFtracker: combination of time-of-flight and high-accuracy bidimensional tracking in a single gaseous detector
P. Fonte
A Free-Streaming Readout for the CBM Time of Flight wall
P.A. Loizeau
Challenges of RPCs and Resistive Micropattern Detectors in the Coming Years
V. Peskov
Current Challenges and Perspectives in Resistive Gaseous Detectors: a manifesto from RPC 2012.
D. Gonzalez Diaz and A. Sharma