PhotoDet 2012 - (other photodet conferences)
June 13-15, 2012
LAL Orsay, France
published May 21, 2013
The third edition of the « International Workshop on New Photon-Detectors (PhotoDet 2012) » will be held at the Laboratory of Linear Accelerator (LAL), Orsay, France, from 13th to 15th of June, 2012. The workshop is devoted to recent developments in photo-sensors and their applications in different fields like high energy physics,nuclear physics, cosmic-ray physics, astronomy, cosmology and medical sciences. The Geiger-mode multi-pixel photon detectors and their related front-end and read-out electronics represent the main targets of the workshop. Topics related to Hybrid-PMT, APD, MCP-PMT and other new photon sensors are also covered.
conference main image
Session Jun 14th
Session Jun 13th
Session Jun 15th
Session Poster A
Session Poster B
Session Jun 14th
Overview of SiPM applications
Initial Experience with Digital SiPMs in Detectors for Time-of-Flight PET
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D. Schaart
The AX-PET experiment: A demonstrator for an axial Positron Emission Tomography
SiPM Photodetectors for Highest Time Resolution in PET
S. Gundacker
Test beam experiment with FARICH prototype
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E. Kravchenko
Development of a scintillation counter with MPPC readout for the internal tagging system
H. Kanda, Y. Kasai, K. Maeda, T. Nishizawa and F. Yamamoto
COMPET a high-resolution, high-sensitivity pre-clinical PET scanner
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K.E. Hines
First experience with the FACT camera
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T. Kraehenbuehl
Silicon Photomultiplieres with enhanced Blue-Light Sensitivity
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W. Gebauer
SensL New Fast Timing SPM - High-Speed Silicon Photomultiplier Signal Output for High-Performance Timing Applications
K. O'Neill, N. Pavlov, S. Dolinsky and C. Jackson
Development of very low threshold detection system for low-background experiments
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A. Akindinov
Linear photon-counting with HgCdTe APDs
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G. Vojetta
Neganov-Luke effect assisted Light Sensors
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E. Olivieri
Session Jun 13th
The silicon photo-multiplier physics and technology: a review
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G. Collazuol
Timing resolution of MPPCs
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T. Takeshita
Delayed avalanches in Multi-Pixel Photon Counters
Simulation of Silicon Photomultipliers
P. Eckert, R. Stamen and H.C. Schultz-Coulon
Novel approach for calibration breakdown voltage of large area SiPM
S. Dolinsky
Performance studies of Silicon Photomultipliers with quench resistors integrated to silicon bulk
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J. Ninkovic
Study of PPDs with multi-wavelength laser microscope system
K. Yoshimura and I. Nakamura
Study of 144 Channel Multi-Anode Hybrid Avalanche Photo-Detector for the Belle II RICH Counter
Recent progress in vacuum photon detectors from Hamamatsu
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Y. Yoshizawa
Study on large area photomultipliers with super bialkali photocathode
Lifetime measurements of recent Microchannel-Plate PMTs
A.W. Britting
Session Jun 15th
Overview of SiPM readout electronics
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C. De La Taille
A Fast Waveform-Digitizing ASIC-based Electronics and DAQ for a Position \& Time Sensing Large-Area Photo-Detector System
Using ultra fast analog memories for fast photo-detector readout
D. Breton, E. Delagnes, J. Maalmi, H.M.X. Grabas and P. Rusquart
Latest generation of ASICs for photodetectors readout
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S. Conforti Di Lorenzo
NECTAR: New Electronics for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
C. Naumann, J. Bolmont, P. Corona, E. Delagnes, D. Dzahini, F. Feinstein, D. Gascon, J.F. Glicenstein, P. Nayman, F.E. Rarbi, M. Ribó, A. Sanuy, J. Sieiro, J.P. Tavernet, F. Toussnel, P. Vincent and S. Vorobiov
The development of the multi PPD readout electronics with EASIROC and SiTCP
Design and Characterization of a Micro-Strip RF Anode for Large-Area MCP-based Photodetectors
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H.M.X. Grabas
Characterization of Hamamatsu MPPC for use in liquid xenon scintillation detectors
Evaluation of high UV sensitive SiPMs from MEPhI/MPI for use in liquid argon
Development of PPD Sensitive to Deep UV Scintillation Photons of Liquid Xenon
W. Ootani, X. Bai, T. Chiba, Y. Fujii, T. Iwamoto, D. Kaneko, S. Mihara, T. Mori, H. Natori, H. Nishiguchi, R. Sawada, A. Stoykov and Y. Uchiyama
Summary talk
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Y. Musienko
Session Poster A
F. Ahmadov, Z. Sadygov, G. Ahmadov, R. Madatov, N. Anfimov, E. Guliyev, A. Olshevski, V. Shvetsov and V. Zhezher
Noise Factor of Micro-channel Plate no/with Ion Barrier Film
Status of ASIC readout for the prototype Si-W electromagnetic calorimeter
Timing properties measurements of STMicroelectronics Silicon Photomultipliers for time-of-flight PET scanners
Application of continuous crystals and SiPM arrays to PET and Compton detectors
Single Photon THz Timer with Radio Frequency PhotoMultiplier Tube
A. Margaryan
GEANT4 Simulation of the Time-Resolution of a Fast Scintillation Detector Read-out by a G-APD
Characterization of a recently developed SiPM for PET
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F. Schneider
Position, timing and particle ID measurement with scintillating fibers readout by SiPMs
A. Papa, A. Antognini, G. Cavoto and E. Ripiccini
Development of economical and large area microchannel plates (MCPs) for photon detectors
Temperature Dependence of Response and Its Correction for a Calorimeter Using PPD to Read out Photons from Scintillator Strips
Development of a Four-Layer Depth of Interaction Detector Based on a 6 x 6 SiPM Array for MR-PET
Miniaturized multi-channels SiPM read-out electronics for medical imaging application
T. Ait Imando and N. Dinu
Hybrid Photo-Detectors for the Hyper-Kamiokande Project
Y. Nishimura
Optical to electrical detection delay in avalanche photodiode based detector and its interpretation
Development of Intraoperative Beta Probes based on Silicon Photomultipliers
N. Hudin, L. Pinot, Y. Charon, N. Dinu, T. Ait Imando, B. Janvier, V. Puill, D. Benoit, M.A. Duval and L. Menard
The developement of the calorimeter with a large MPPC-array
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Y. Akazawa
Toward a Time Resolved Single Photon Image Sensor based on SPAD array
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S. Tudisco
Multi-pixel Geiger mode imager for medical application
Light Emission from Light Detectors
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M.L. Knötig
Session Poster B
Detection of single photons with hybrid ThickGEM-based counters
S. Levorato
SiPM PDE measurement with continuous and pulsed light
Another step towards VSiPMT: recent developments
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G. Barbarino
Study of photocathode aging in MCP PMT
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M. Barnyakov
Study of Geiger-mode APDs performances at cryogenic temperatures
A. Bondar, A. Buzulutskov, A. Dolgov, E. Shemyakina and A. Sokolov
New developments at LNS-INFN on Time Of Flight PET with Depth Of Interaction feasible, based on SiPM detectors
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L. Cosentino
Study of detection effciency distribution and areal homogeneity of SiPMs
M. Tesar, C. Jendrysik, J. Ninkovic and F. Simon
The stability of vacuum phototriodes to varying light pulse loads and long term changes in response
Optimisation of SiPM intrinsic and coincidence time resolution using digital techniques
Development & performance of the Capacitive Division Imaging Readout (CDIR) detector, and future applications
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T. Conneely
Studies for the evaluation of the performance of the Time over Threshold technique for the digitization of the signal of a Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope
G. Bourlis, A. Leisos, A. Tsirigotis and S. Tzamarias
Characterization of the Hamamatsu R11265 Multi-Anode Photomultipliers tube with single photon signals
L. Cadamuro, M. Calvi, A. Giachero, C. Gotti, M. Maino, C. Matteuzzi and G. Pessina
Evaluation of high UV sensitive SiPMs from MEPhI/MPI for use in liquid argon
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B. Lubsandorzhiev
Detailed Monte-Carlo simulation of SiPM-based scintillation detectors for PET
Recovery Time and Double Hit Resolution Measurements of SiPMs Using a Double Pulsed Laser
Bolometric light detectors for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay search
D. Chernyak, M. Tenconi, F. Danevich, A. Giuliani, M. Mancuso, S. Marnieros, E. Olivieri and C. Rusconi
Studies of timing properties of SiPms at Fermilab