ISGC 2012 - (other isgc conferences)
26 February- 2 March
Taipei, Taiwan
published August 07, 2012
The International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2012 will be held at Academia Sinica in Taipei from 26 February to 2 March 2012, with co-located events and workshops. The conference is hosted by the Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre (ASGC). 2012 is the decennium anniversary of the ISGC which over the last decade has tracked the convergence, collaboration and innovation of individual researchers across the Asia Pacific region to a coherent community. With the continuous support and dedication from the delegates, ISGC has provided the primary international distributed computing platform where distinguished researchers and collaboration partners from around the world share their knowledge and experiences. The last decade has seen the wide-scale emergence of e-Infrastructure as a critical asset for the modern e-Scientist. The emergence of large-scale research infrastructures and instruments that has produced a torrent of electronic data is forcing a generational change in the scientific process and the mechanisms used to analyse the resulting data deluge. No longer can the processing of these vast amounts of data and production of relevant scientific results be undertaken by a single scientist. Virtual Research Communities that span organisations around the world, through an integrated digital infrastructure that connects the trust and administrative domains of multiple resource providers, have become critical in supporting these analyses. Topics covered in ISGC 2012 include: High Energy Physics, Biomedicine & Life Sciences, Earth Science, Environmental Changes and Natural Disaster Mitigation, Humanities & Social Sciences, Operations & Management, Middleware & Interoperability, Security and Networking, Infrastructure Clouds & Virtualisation, Business Models & Sustainability, Data Management, Distributed Volunteer & Desktop Grid Computing, High Throughput Computing, and High Performance, Manycore & GPU Computing.
conference main image
Session Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
Session Business Models & Sustainability
Session Cloud Operation & Management
Session Cloud Security
Session Data Management
Session Earth Sciences, Environmental Changes and Natural Disaster Mitigation Applications
Session HEP Application
Session High Performance, Manycore & GPU Computing
Session Humanities & Social Sciences Applications
Session Infrastructure Cloud & Virtualisation
Session Middleware & Interoperability
Session Operation & Management
Session Security & Networking
Session Security Middleware
Session Standards Adoption
Session Distributed Volunteer & Desktop Grid Computing
Session Keynote
Session e-Science Activities in Asia Pacific
Session Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
On the Performance Enhancement of WISDOM Production Environment
T.Q. Bui, T.T. Doan, H.T. Nguyen, Q.M. Pham, S.V. Nguyen, V. Breton, L.Q. Pham, H.M. Le, H.Q. Nguyen and E. Medernach
Drug Design for KEGG Pathways with Answer Set Programming
D. Seipel
Session Business Models & Sustainability
ScienceSoft: Open Software for Open Science
A. Di Meglio and F. Estrella
Session Cloud Operation & Management
Parameter Prediction in Fault Management Framework
T. Chalermarrewong, S. See and T. Achalakul
Distributed Cloud for e-Science
E. Yen, H.T. Lee and S.C. Lin
Session Cloud Security
User Centric Identity for Grids and Clouds
L. Matyska and M. Prochazka
Session Data Management
A Novel Data Analysis Service Oriented Architecture Using R Statistics Engine
Performance and Stability of the Chelonia Storage System
S.Z. Toor, J.K. Nilsen, Z. Nagy, B. Mohn and A.L. Read
A Data Engine for Science Gateways: enabling easy data transfer and sharing
R. Rotondo, M. Fargetta and R. Barbera
Session Earth Sciences, Environmental Changes and Natural Disaster Mitigation Applications
Seasonal Forecast Modeling Application on the GARUDA Grid Infrastructure
R.N. Laveti, S. Janakiraman, M. Ved and B.B.P. Rao
Definition of Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Scenarios by Exploiting EU-IndiaGrid e-infrastructures
A. Peresan
Porting the WRF Model to EumedGrid and Simulation of Air Quality in Urban Zones
C. El Amrani
Session HEP Application
Evolution of the Atlas Data and Computing Model for a Tier2 in the EGI Infrastructure
F.C. Álvaro, M. Villaplana Pérez, G. De La Hoz Santiago and J. Salt Cairols
Use of the Virtualized HPC Infrastructure of Novosibirsk Scientific Center for Running Production Analysis for HEP Experiments at BINP
V. Kaplin, K. Skovpen, A.A. Korol, A. Sukharev, S. Belov, A. Zaytsev, A. Adakin, D. Chubarov, V. Nikultsev, N. Kuchin, S. Lomakin and V. Kalyuzhny
ATLAS Distributed Computing Operations in the First Two Years of Data Taking
Constant Monitoring of Multi-site Network Connectivity at the Tokyo Tier2 center
T. Nakamura
Session High Performance, Manycore & GPU Computing
Automotive Grid Malaysia Experience
Session Humanities & Social Sciences Applications
A Tool for Collaborative Rule-Based Morpheme Annotation
D. Seipel
Session Infrastructure Cloud & Virtualisation
The CONTRAIL Approach to Cloud Federations
M. Coppola, P. Dazzi, A. Lazouski, F. Martinelli, P. Mori, J. Jensen, I. Johnson and P. Kershaw
Session Middleware & Interoperability
Multi-Grid Job Scheduling
K. Rieger and R. Spurzem
Universal Grid User Interface (UGI) for Multiple Grids and Clouds
Y. Kawai, G. Iwai, W. Takase, T. Sasaki and Y. Watase
Session Operation & Management
The CMS Online Cluster: Setup, Operation and Maintenance of an Evolving Cluster
J.A. Coarasa
Live process migration for load balancing and/or fault tolerance
A. Reber and P. Väterlein
Session Security & Networking
IPv6 Deployment in Tier2 Site in FZU in Prague
M. Elias, L. Fiala, J. Chudoba and T. Kouba
EGI Security Monitoring
M. Ma, K. Daniel, C. L'Orphelin, T. Christos and M. Prochazka
Session Security Middleware
A security architecture for the ALICE Grid Services
S. Schreiner
Session Standards Adoption
Transparent Collaboration of GridRPC Middleware using the OGF Standardized GridRPC Data Management API
Y. Caniou, E. Caron, G. Le Mahec and H. Nakada
Session Distributed Volunteer & Desktop Grid Computing
Virtual Machines & Volunteer Computing: Experience from LHC@Home: Test4Theory project
D. Lombrana Gonzalez, F. Grey, J. Blomer, P. Buncic, A. Harutyunyan, M. Marquina, B. Segal, P. Skands and A. Karneyeu
Session Keynote
Towards an Execution Model for HPC Clouds
T. Sterling
Session e-Science Activities in Asia Pacific
Status of e-Science Activities in Mongolia
B. Nergui and B. Gankhuyag
Grids and Clouds Activities in Asia-Pacific
S.C. Lin and E. Yen
Support E-Science Activities in Indonesia
B. Suhardiman