October 9-14, 2011
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN, Frascati (Rome) Italy
published March 29, 2012
The Conference is the 8th of a series of events on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings. The aim of the conference is to create a forum for the presentation and discussion of all aspects of nuclear physics at storage rings with possible extention to adjacent fields.
conference main image
Nuclear Physics II
Nuclear Physics I
Nuclear Physics III
Future facilities and Detectors I
Future facilities and Detectors II
Hadron Physics I
Hadron Physics II
Hadron Physics III
Accelerator Physics and Detectors I
Accelerator Physics and Detectors II
Nuclear Physics II
Polarimeter and Spin Coherence Time Developments at COSY for a Storage Ring EDM search
E. Stephenson, C.J.G. Onderwater and P. Lenisa
Spin Filtering Experiment at COSY - First results
D. Oellers
Hard x-ray polarimetry applied to stored high-Z ions
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G. Weber
A new data analysis technique for isochronous mass measurement at CSRe
Polarized ion beams in atomic physics research
A. Seryakov
Test of Time-Reversal Invariance at COSY
Y. Valdau
Feasibility Studies for the EXL Project at FAIR*
Nuclear Physics I
Nuclear physics program at the ESR storage ring
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F. Bosch
Nuclear Physics at the Lanzhou storage ring
M. Wang
Progress on direct mass measurements with the FRS-ESR facility at GSI
Isomers in the Experimental Storage Ring at GSI
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M. Reed
Measurements of proton – induced reactions on ruthenium-96 in the ESR at GSI
G. Rastrepina
The Nuclear Physics Program at the NESR Storage Ring at FAIR
"Experiments with heavy, highly charged ions - Status of the HITRAP project
F. Herfurth
Nuclear Physics III
Hypernuclear Physics at Storage Rings
A. Feliciello
D.L. Sirghi
Results on the two nucleon–induced Non Mesonic Weak Decay of Lambda hypernuclei
S. Bufalino
First observation of the heavy hyper-hydrogen isotope 6LH
E. Botta
Production of Heavy Baryons at the SuperB
V. Lucherini
Production of Xi hyperons in the storage ring HESR in PANDA
F. Iazzi, R. Introzzzi, A. Lavagno and H. Younis
Kaon-nuclei interaction studies at low energies (The AMADEUS project)
K. Piscicchia
Future facilities and Detectors I
Numerical investigations of the WASA pellet target operation
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V. Varentsov
The ELISe electron rare isotope scattering experiment - status and perspectives
H. Simon
Isomeric beams, LIfetimes and MAsses: The ILIMA project at FAIR
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Y. Litvinov
Gaseous Time of Flight detectors
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P. Fonte
Status of the Storage Ring Design at FAIR
The SuperB project
F. Wilson
”Optical” spin rotation phenomenon and spin-filtering of antiproton beams in a nuclear pseudomagnetic field
A. Rouba
Future facilities and Detectors II
Precursor experiments to search for permanent electric dipole moments of protons and deuterons at COSY
F. Rathmann and N. Nikolaev
PAX - The Road towards Polarized Antiprotons
H. Stroeher
Experiments with stored highly-charged ions at ISOLDE: TSR@HIE-ISOLDE proposal
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Y. Litvinov
Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System
V. Manzari
Development and characterization of microscopic liquid droplet internal target beams
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R. Grisenti
Status of the PANDA experiment at FAIR
A. Vasiliev
FLAIR, a next-generation facility for low-energy antiprotons
E. Widmann
Internal targets for the PANDA Experiment
A. Khoukaz
Hadron Physics I
Internal Experiments at COSY-Juelich
A. Kacharava
Hadron Physics at KLOE and KLOE-2
S. Giovannella
Absolute measurement of the differential cross section for pp elastic scattering at ANKE-COSY
D. Chiladze
Excitation of the Delta(1232) isobar in deuteron charge exchange on hydrogen at 1.6, 1.8 and 2.3 GeV
D. Mchedlishvili
Pion production in diproton reactions with polarized beams at ANKE-COSY
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S. Dymov
Results from the kaonic hydrogen X-ray measurement at DAFNE and outlook to future experiments
M. Cargnelli
Measurement of p 0 decays with the WASA detector at COSY
C.O. Gullstroem
Hadron Physics II
Phi-meson production on nuclei and in-medium phi-meson width
A. Polyanskiy
Exploiting di-muon production at PANDA
M. De Stefanis
Recent GRAAL Results on Nucleon Spectroscopy at 750-1500 MeV
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V.G. Nedorezov
Search for the 4He-eta bound state with WASA-at-COSY
W. Krzemień
Extensive high precision studies of proton deuteron breakup reactions at COSY
P. Thorngren, S. Bertelli, P. Lenisa, D. Chiladze, A. Kacharava, B. Lorentz, A. Nass, D. Oellers, F. Rathmann, R. Schleichert, H. Stroeher, C. Weidemann, N. Lomidze, M. Tabidze, S. Barsov, S. Mikirtychiants, G. Macharashvili, S. Merzlyakov and M. Contalbrigo
Study of pionless two-nucleon $K^-$ absorption at rest by FINUDA
A. Filippi
The eta\rightarrow pi+ pi- pi0 decay with WASA-at-COSY
P. Adlarson
Results on the $K^-_{stop} A$ $\rightarrow$ $\Sigma^\pm\pi^\mp A'$ reaction on light nuclei
P. Camerini
Hadron Physics III
Recent BESIII results
S. Spataro
Strangeness production on the neutron
C. Wilkin
Neutral kaon interferometry at KLOE and KLOE-2
I. Balwierz
What can be learned from light meson decays
C.F. Redmer
KLOE measurement of the $\sigma(e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-(\gamma))$ with Initial State Radiation and its contribution to the muon (g-2)
G. Mandaglio
Investigations of the charge symmetry conserving reaction dd\rightarrow 3Henpi^0 with WASA at COSY
A. Magiera, V. Hejny, P. Podkopal and A. Wronska
Precision measurement of the eta-mass at ANKE-COSY
P. Goslawski
Accelerator Physics and Detectors I
Atomic Physics Research with Highly Charged Ions and Exotic Nuclei at the future FAIR facilities
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T. Stoehlker
TSR@ISOLDE - The First Storage Ring Facility at an ISOL Facility
F. Wenander
Spin control by RF fields
Y.M. Shatunov
Synchrotron Oscillations Effects on Observations of an RF-solenoid Spin resonance for a polarized deuteron beam at COSY
G. Guidoboni, E. Stephenson and P. Lenisa
Design and Performance of the Future Cluster-Jet Target for PANDA at FAIR
E. Köhler, D. Bonaventura, A.K. Hergemöller, A. Khoukaz, H.W. Ortjohann and A. Täschner
Towards the Diagnostic of Spin-Polarized Particle Beams: Application of Compton Polarimeters
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R. Maertin
Velocity determination of hydrogen clusters at a cluster-jet target
A. Täschner, A. Khoukaz, E. Köhler and H.W. Ortjohann
Accelerator Physics and Detectors II
Performance and Perspectives of Hadron Storage Rings
A. Lehrach
Comparison of detector systems for general purpose experiments at the LHC and the Tevatron
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P. De Barbaro
The Evolution of Lepton Collider Detectors
J. Hauptman
Present status of storage rings at HIRFL
Y.J. Yuan, J.W. Xia, J.C. Yang, H.W. Zhao, X.D. Yang, M.T. Song and H.S. Xu
Present status of Rare-RI Ring project in RIKEN RI Beam Factory
Y. Yamaguchi, M. Wakasugi, H. Suzuki, T. Fujinawa, T. Uesaka, Y. Yano, A. Ozawa, D. Nagae, T. Yamaguchi, T. Suzuki, T. Kikuchi, W. Jiang, T. Sasaki and A. Tokuchi
Design and Construction of a Cylindrical GEM Detector as Inner Tracker Device at KLOE2
G. Morello
Implementation of Silicon Detector Arrays in the UHV environment of Storage Rings
B. Streicher