NIC XII - (other nic conferences)
August 5-12, 2012
Cairns, Australia
published April 24, 2013
Entries on ADS
Nuclei in the Cosmos is the most important international meeting in the field of nuclear astrophysics. It brings together nuclear experimentalists, nuclear theorists, astronomers, theoretical astrophysicists, cosmochemists, and others interested in the scientific questions at the interface of nuclear physics and astrophysics. These questions concern, for example, the origin of the elements in the cosmos and the nuclear reactions that occur in the big bang, in stars, and in stellar explosions. Past meetings have been held in Heidelberg - Germany (2010), Mackinac Island - USA (2008), Geneva - Switzerland (2006), Vancouver - Canada (2004), Fuji-Yoshida - Japan (2002), Aarhus - Denmark (2000), Volos - Greece (1998), Notre Dame - USA (1996), Gran Sasso - Italy (1994), Karlsruhe - Germany (1992), Baden bei Wien - Austria (1990).

All papers were refereed by at least one independent, international expert referee. Some were not accepted for publication. There was also a number of papers presented at the conference for which a manuscript was not provided.

Editorial Board: John Lattanzio, Amanda Karakas, Maria Lugaro, George Dracoulis.

conference main image
Sunday 5th August. Opening
Topic 1. Nuclear reaction rates and stellar abundances I
Topic 2. The s process
Topic 3. Nuclear properties for astrophysics
Topic 4. High density matter
Topic 5. Novae and XRB
Topic 6. SNIa and the p process
Topic 7. Core collapse SN, mergers and the r process
Topic 8. The early universe
Topic 9. Galaxy evolution
Topic 10. Radioactivity and meteorites
Closing Remarks
Online Support 1 - Inputs for Astrophysics
Online Support 2 - Tools for Astrophysics
One Minute Poster Presentations
Remaining Poster presentations
Sunday 5th August. Opening
New Opportunities in Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics
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M. Wiescher
Topic 1. Nuclear reaction rates and stellar abundances I
Underground experiments and their impact on stellar modelling
G. Imbriani and A. Di Leva
Evolution and nucleosynthesis of low-mass stars
R. Stancliffe
Exploring mechanisms inhibiting nuclear fusion
M. Evers
A surprise in 6 Li(p,γ) 7 Be reaction at low energies
Nitrogen isotopic ratios in Galactic AGB carbon stars
R. Hedrosa, C. Abia, B. Plez and I. Domínguez
M. La Cognata
Low-temperature triple-alpha rate in a full three-body model
N.B. Nguyen, F. Nunes, E.F. Brown and I.J. Thompson
Nuclear astrophysics in hot, dense, and dynamic laboratory plasmas*
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D. McNabb
Rotational Mixing and Light Element Depletion in the Era of Asteroseismology
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M. Pinsonneault
New experimental results for the triple-alpha reaction
H. Fynbo
Metallicities in Stars - what solar neutrinos can do
K. Zuber
Pre-supernova evolution and nucleosynthesis of massive stars
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R. Hirschi
Direct and indirect techniques for reaction rate measurements
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A. Laird
Measuring radiative capture rates at DRAGON
U. Hager
New indirect study of the 12 C(α,γ) 16 O reaction via the 12 C( 7 Li,t) 16 O transfer reaction
F. Hammache
Probing electron captures on 56 Ni: A new technique to extract Gamow-Teller strengths of unstable nuclei.
G. Perdikakis
The 12 C(α,γ) 16 O and the 12 C+ 12 C reaction rates
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F. Strieder
Topic 2. The s process
The slow neutron capture process in Asymptotic Giant Branch stars and in massive stars
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M. Pignatari
On a physical model for the formation of the neutron source for s-processing.
M. Busso, E. Maiorca, S. Palmerini, O. Trippella, L. Magrini and S. Randich
The s-process in globular cluster M22: hints for higher-mass polluters
I. Roederer
Neutron sources and neutron poisons in the s process
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J. Görres
Neutron-induced reactions for the s-process, and the case of Fe and Ni isotopes
C. Lederer
New Insights from Observations of Trans-Iron Elements in Planetary Nebulae: AGB Nucleosynthesis and Initial Stellar Composition
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H. Dinerstein
New 90,91,92,93,94,96Zr neutron capture cross-sections
G. Tagliente
First Experimental Constraint on the 59 Fe(n,γ) 60 Fe Reaction via Coulomb Dissociation
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E. Uberseder
Topic 3. Nuclear properties for astrophysics
The resonances of 18Ne
L. Ferreira
Recent mass measurements for the r process at JYFLTRAP
A. Kankainen
Storage ring mass and lifetime spectrometry for nuclear astrophysics
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Y. Litvinov
Beta-decay half-lives and delayed neutron emission of r-process nuclei in the vicinity of 78 Ni
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M. Madurga Flores
Topic 4. High density matter
Quark matter in compact stars and core-collapse supernovae
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I. Sagert
The Theory of High-Density Matter
J. Stone
Is the neutron star's inner crust unique?
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E.F. Brown
Nuclear processes in the crust of accreting neutron stars
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H. Schatz
Implications for compact stars of soft nuclear equation-of-state from heavy-ion data
L. Tolos
Topic 5. Novae and XRB
Nucleosynthesis in classical nova explosions and type I X-ray bursts
A. Parikh
Constraining the Dense Matter from Neutron Star Masses and Radii
A. Steiner, T. Fischer, S. Gandolfi and M. Hempel
Nova Framework: A New Tool For Modeling of Nova Outbursts and Nucleosynthesis
P. Denisenkov
Observations of X-ray bursts
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D. Galloway
Recent models and observations of X-ray bursts and superbursts
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L. Keek
Flame Spread Mechanisms in Type I Bursts
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Y. Cavecchi
X-ray Burst Sensitivities
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R. Cyburt
Radioactive Ion Beam studies of αp process waiting points in X-Ray Bursts
C. Deibel, L. Afanasieva, M. Albers, M. Alcorta, S. Almaraz-Calderon, S.A.M.d. Bedoor, P. Bertone, P. Carnelli, J. Chen, A.A. Chen, J.A. Clark, J.M. Figueira, J.P. Greene, C.R. Hoffman, D. Irvine, C.L. Jiang, B.P. Kay, J. Lai, H.Y. Lee, J. Lighthall, S. Manwell, S.T. Marley, C. Nair, T. Palachan-Hazan, R.C. Pardo, N. Patel, M. Paul, B.C. Rasco, K.E. Rehm, A.M. Rogers, D. Shetty, C. Ugalde, A.H. Wuosmaa and G. Zinkann
Topic 6. SNIa and the p process
p-process in SNIa
C. Travaglio
Type Ia supernovae: exposing models to observations
F. Röpke, M. Fink, W. Hillebrandt, M. Kromer, R. Pakmor, A.J. Ruiter, I. Seitenzahl and S.A. Sim
On Determining the Metallicity of Individual SNIa Progenitors
Cross section measurements via X-ray counting for $\gamma$ process studies
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G.G. Kiss
Sub-Chandrasekhar models for Type Ia supernovae and astrophysical transients
M. Fink, F. Roepke, S.A. Sim, M. Kromer, I. Seitenzahl, A.J. Ruiter and W. Hillebrandt
Shorter half-life of p$-process 146 Sm measured and 146 Sm/ 142 Nd chronology of Solar System
M. Paul
Possible solution to the alpha-potential mystery in the gamma-process and the Nd/Sm ratio in meteorites
T. Rauscher
Topic 7. Core collapse SN, mergers and the r process
On the Status of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosion Theory
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A. Burrows
Weak interaction processes in astrophysics: neutrino winds from proto-neutron stars
G. Martinez-Pinedo, T. Fischer, A. Lohs and L. Huther
Outcomes of Stellar Collapse and their Signatures in Gravitational Waves
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C. Ott
Highly r-Process Enhanced Stars: New Perspectives on Old Stars
T. Beers
Meaurement of the Astrophysically Important 40Ca(α,γ)44Ti Reaction
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D. Robertson
The obstacles of the r process, the nuclear requirements, and the still missing convincing sites
A. Arcones
Nucleosynthesis from Black-Hole Accretion Disks: Neutrino Flavor Transformation
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G.C. Mclaughlin
r-Process in Jet Ejecta of Magnetorotational Core Collapse Supernovae
F. Thielemann
Evolution of Very Massive Stars and Type Ic Supernovae
T. Yoshida, S. Okita and H. Umeda
Observations of supernova light curves and implications for nucleosynthesis
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D. Kasen
A systematic experimental study of r-process nuclei
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S. Nishimura
Dust in Supernovae
J. Danziger
The synthesis of light n-capture elements at low metallicity
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C. Frohlich
The second r-process
C. Hansen
Nucleosynthesis in Hypernovae and Other Unusual Supernovae, compared with the Abundance Patterns of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars
K. Nomoto
Topic 8. The early universe
Observational evidence for the first stars and constraints on stellar models
W. Aoki
Particle and Nuclear Physics Aspects of the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
T. Kajino
Near-pristine gas at high redshifts: a window on early nucleosynthesis
M. Pettini and R. Cooke
Chemical Yields and Structural/Nucleosynthetic Evolution of Ultra Metal-poor Low-mass Stars
S. Campbell and J.C. Lattanzio
Influence of the variation of fundamental constants on the primordial nucleosynthesis
LUNA data on the 2H(alpha,gamma)6Li reaction and Big Bang nucleosynthesis
C. Gustavino
Topic 9. Galaxy evolution
Galactic chemical evolution
G. Cescutti and C. Chiappini
K. Freeman
Chemical Abundances in Globular Clusters
D. Yong
Timescales for Chemical Evolution: Ages with a New Technique
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C. Epstein
The Galactic Terrestrial Zone
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B.K. Gibson
Topic 10. Radioactivity and meteorites
Radioactivity in the Universe
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R. Diehl
Lessons from stardust grains
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L. Nittler
Nucleosynthetic Signatures in Meteoritic Materials
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M. Schonbachler
Extinct Radioactivities in the Early Solar System.
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M. Wadhwa
Ni isotope systematics in chondrules from unequilibrated chondrites to constraint 60Fe in the early Solar system.
R. Mishra, M. Chaussidon and K. Marhas
On the origin of high-density presolar graphite grains
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E. Zinner
Closing Remarks
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B. Schmidt
Online Support 1 - Inputs for Astrophysics
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R. Cyburt
A. Sallaska
JINA R-Matrix Projects
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R. deBoer
MESA/NuGrid Physics Package
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M. Pignatari
Online Support 2 - Tools for Astrophysics
SAGA: Stellar Abundances for Galatic Archeology
T. Suda
SSPP: SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline
T. Beers and Y.S. Lee
B. Meyer
P. Denisenkov
One Minute Poster Presentations
Comparing Experimental and Calculated Electron-capture Rates of pf-shell Nuclei in Explosive Stellar Environments
A. Cole
The Detailed Chemical Abundance Patterns of M31 Globular Clusters
J. Colucci
Large sample stellar abundance analyses of Globular Cluster giant stars
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P. Cottrell
A Novel Approach to Model Hybrid Stars
V. Dexheimer, S. Schramm and J. Stone
Final Fates of Super Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
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C. Doherty
Parametric Studies of the R-Process in Supernova Shocks
M. Eichler, A. Arcones and F.K. Thielemann
Constraining nova observables: direct measurement of 33 S(p,γ) 34 Cl in inverse kinematics
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J. Fallis
A different view on light element anticorrelations in globular clusters: fluorine variations in NGC 6656 (M22)
V. D'Orazi, M. Lugaro, G. Angelou, S. Lucatello, R.G. Gratton, A. Bragaglia, E. Carretta, A. Alves-Brito, I. Ivans, T. Masseron and A. Mucciarelli
The elusive origin of Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor stars
C. Abate
A new experiment on the 2 H(α,γ) 6 Li reaction
M. Anders
Thermal nucleation of antikaon condensed matter in hot and neutrino-trapped matter
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S. Banik
Role of hyperon equation of state in core collapse supernova
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S. Banik
One-proton breakup reactions of proton-rich psd-shell nuclei for relevant reaction rates in explosive hydrogen burning
A. Banu
The mass of 82 Zn and its presence in the crust of neutron stars
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K. Blaum
Analysis of low energy elastic scattering data in 7 Be+p
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L. Buchmann
The other hydrodynamics: modelling gas target properties
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L. Buchmann
Krypton Isotopic compositions in mainstream SiC stardust grains
J. Buntain
Modeling the Li abundances of RGB and AGB stars with a new estimate for the 7 Be half-life
M. Busso and S. Palmerini
Using the National Ignition Facility for Measuring Stellar Nuclear Reactions
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D. McNabb
Quark Mass Variation and its effect on nuclear binding
M. Carrillo-Serrano, I. Cloet, K. Tsushima, A.W. Thomas and I. Afnan
A parametrization of the nucleosynthesis in Type Ia supernovae
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D.A. Chamulak
A Low-energy Platform for Nuclear Astrophysics Studies
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S. Chen
Solar System 48Ca, 50Ti and 138La isotopic variations: mixing between grains condensed from the ejecta of n–rich SNe-Ia and O/Ne zone of SNe-II
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H.W. Chen
Neutron transfer reactions with tin beams and r-process nucleosynthesis
J. Cizewski
Low energy α_x000B_-scattering experiment on 64 Zn and the α_x000B_-nucleus optical potential for heavy element nucleosynthesis.
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D. Galaviz
Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VI Conference
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D. Galaviz
A new approach to investigate (p,n) cross sections at astrophysical relevant energies
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D. Galaviz
The Role of Feedback in Shaping the Abundance Gradients and Age-Metallicity Relations of Galaxies
B.K. Gibson, K. Pilkington, J. Bailin, C. Brook and G. Stinson
Producing baryons from neutralinos in small H2 clumps over cosmological ages
E. Giraud
Heavy elements in the early Galaxy
T. Hansen
Three-Dimensional Modelling of Proton Ingestion Episodes in Low-Mass Stars
S. Heap
The Galactic R Coronae Borealis Stars: The C2 Swan Bands, The Carbon Problem, and The 12C/13C Ratio
B. Hema, G. Pandey and D.L. Lambert
Dwarf galaxies and the cosmic chemical matter cycle
G. Hensler and S. Recchi
Database for nuclear EoS
C. Ishizuka, T. Suda, H. Suzuki, A. Ohnishi and K. Sumiyoshi
Rare presolar graphite grains from evolved low- and intermediate-mass stars
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M. Jadhav
A History of Galactic Nucleosynthesis Using APOGEE Abundances and Kepler Asteroseismology
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J. Johnson
Experimental study of resonant states in 26 Si and 27 P via elastic scattering of 25 Al+p and 26 Si+p
H.S. Jung
Measurement of the 30 S+α system for type I X-ray bursts
D. Kahl, A.A. Chen, S. Kubono, T. Hashimoto, D.N. Binh, J. Chen, S. Cherubini, S. Hayakawa, N. Iwasa, H.S. Jung, S. Kato, Y.K. Kwon, S.I. Michimasa, S. Nishimura, S. Ota, K. Setoodehnia, T. Teranishi, H. Yamaguchi and L. Zhang
Neutrino nucleosynthesis for heavy nuclides in supernovae
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T. Kajino
Pair conversion spectroscopy of the Hoyle state and carbon production in stars
T. Kibedi
Elastic alpha scattering experiments and the alpha-nucleus optical potential at low energies
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G.G. Kiss
The astrophysically important resonances in 20 Na and 30 S
G. Koldste
Study of level structure on 26 Si for the astrophysical interest in 26 Al production
T. Komatsubara
Gamma-ray multiplicity study in 40,43,44 Ca(n,g) reactions using DANCE at LANSCE
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H.Y. Lee
Two- and three-dimensional simulations of core-collapse supernovae with CHIMERA
E. Lentz
Study of the primordial Lithium abundance at CIAE
Neodymium Isotopic Composition in Single SiC Grains from the Murchison Meteorite
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N. Liu
β-delayed proton emission of 69 Kr and the 68 Se rp-process waiting point
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Z. Meisel
Nucleosynthesis analysis of a post double degenerate white dwarf merger object - clues to understanding R Coronae Borealis stars
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A. Menon
Weak Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium and the Production of Neutron-Rich Iron-Group Isotopes
T. Yu and B. Meyer
The ReAccelerator Facility ReA for Rare Isotopes
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F. Montes
New Elements in old tools: nucleosynthesis in N-body codes
G. Moyano Loyola and J.R. Hurley
The r-process in the neutrino-induced relativistic jet of a gamma-ray burst
K. Nakamura
Core-Collapse Supernovae via the Quark-Hadron Phase Transition as an Origin of Heavy Elements
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N. Nishimura
Non-uniform structures in low-density nuclear matter and neutron star crust
M. Okamoto, T. Maruyama, K. Yabana and T. Tatsumi
The study of nucleosynthesis by means of scandium45 + p reaction
T. Onishi
Inelastic electronic and atomic collisions in stellar atmospheres
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Y. Osorio
Study on low-energy resonances of 22 Ne (α,γ) 26 Mg using 22 Ne + 6 Li reaction
The sensitivity of nucleosynthesis in models of Type Ia supernovae to variations in thermonuclear reaction-rates
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A. Parikh
Signatures of Distinct Nucleosynthesis Events among Metal-Poor Stars
R. Peterson
The Distribution Of Metals In Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulations Of Dwarf Disk Galaxies
K. Pilkington
Progenitor evolution of Type Ia supernovae and the influence of triple stars
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O. Pols
High Resolution Integrated Light Spectroscopy of Galactic Globular Clusters
C. Sakari, K. Venn, A. McWilliam, M. Shetrone and A. Dotter
STARLIB: A next-generation reaction-rate library for nuclear astrophysics
A. Sallaska
The Sulfur Anomaly in Planetary Nebulae and Post-AGB Stars
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L. Shingles
Carbon, nitrogen and barium abundances of giant branch stars of ω Centauri using spectral matching
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J. Simpson
Modelling CO in the circumstellar envelope of IRAS15194-5115
C. Smith, A.A. Zijlstra, L. Decin and R. Lombaert
AGB Evolution and Nucleosynthesis at Low-Metallicity Constrained by the Star Formation History of Our Galaxy
T. Suda
Electron Capture Reactions and β-decays in Astrophysical Processes
T. Suzuki
Variational Method for Nuclear Matter with an Explicit Energy Functional
M. Takano
Quark beta decay in an inhomogeneous chiral phase and cooling of hybrid stars
T. Tatsumi and T. Muto
Properties of supernovae in the early universe
N. Tominaga
Abundance Evolution in Rotating Magnetised Stars
C.A. Tout
Iron Isotopic Abundances in Presolar SiC Grains – A Tracer for Galactic Chemical Evolution
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R. Trappitsch
Dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the Local Group: star formation history and s-process enrichment
C. Travaglio
Beta decay of 26 P to determine the 25 Al(p, γ) 26 Si reaction rate in novae
C. Wrede
The power of chemical tagging for studying Galactic evolution
E. Wylie-de Boer, K. Freeman and G. De Silva
Recent astrophysical studies at the low-energy RI beam separator CRIB
H. Yamaguchi
Background reduction systems for direct measurement of 4 He( 12 C, 16 O)γ reaction
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H. Yamaguchi
Is PSCNe possible within the local universe?
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N. Yusof
Remaining Poster presentations
CNO and F abundances in the globular cluster M22
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A. Alves-Brito
Extra Mixing in Globular Clusters of Varying Metallicity
G. Angelou, S. Martell, R. Church, R. Stancliffe and J.C. Lattanzio
Impact of Nuclear Reaction Uncertainties on AGB Nucleosynthesis Models
S. Bisterzo, R. Gallino, K. Franz, M. Wiescher and C. Travaglio
β delayed neutron emission measurements around r-process peak
R. Caballero-Folch
LAMOST disk target selection for the disk pilot survey
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L. Chen
The Galactic Archaeology with HERMES Survey
G. De Silva
Reducing experimental uncertainties on production and destruction of 7 Be in hydrogen burning
A. Di Leva
Links Between High-K and Low-K States in 176 Lu and 180 Ta
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G. Dracoulis
An alternative approach to measure β-delayed neutron emission
A. Evdokimov, I. Dillmann, M. Marta, F. Bosch, A. Dolinskii, C. Kozhuharov, Y. Litvinov, F. Nolden, M. Steck, H. Weick, T. Faestermann, R. Gernhaeuser and L. Maier
Investigation of particle-nucleus optical potentials for p-process nucleosynthesis
J. Glorius, R. Reifarth and K. Sonnabend
Deconvoluting TOFSIMS depth profiles of presolar SiC grains
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T. Henkel
Nucleosynthesis in neutrino driven winds
L. Huther, T. Fischer, G. Martinez-Pinedo and K. Langanke
A High-Resolution Study of Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars
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C. Kennedy
Lithium Production in White Dwarf Mergers
R. Longland, P. Lorén-Aguilar, J. José, E. García-Berro and L. Althaus
Chemical evolution of a classical bulge: The case of M31
M. Marcon-Uchida, F. Matteucci and G. Lanfranchi
Abundance of presolar silicates in Cold Bokkeveld
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K. Marhas
Pasta structures in neutrino-degenerate nuclear matter
T. Maruyama, N. Yasutake and T. Tatsumi
The Rare Earth Peak: An Overlooked r-Process Diagnostic
M. Mumpower, G.C. McLaughlin and R. Surman
56 Ni production in aspherical explosion of massive CO star
S. Okita
Origin of Anomalous Xe-H in Presolar Diamonds: Indications of a "cold" r-Process
K. Farouqi, K.L. Kratz and U. Ott
Decay properties of waiting-point nuclei for the rp-process
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P. Sarriguren
resonances in 31 S with relevance to the astrophysically important 30 P(p,γ) 31 S reaction
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K. Setoodehnia
Accelerator-SIMS for isotopic analysis in nano-diamonds
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C. Vockenhuber
Neutron star properties with hyperons
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D. Whittenbury
Nuclear Thermometers for Classical Novae
L. Downen, C. Iliadis, J. Jose and S. Starrfield
Improved Astrophysical S-factor for Deuterium Reactions
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H. Abu Kassim
Beta decay and the r-process
J. Cass, G. Passucci, R. Surman and A. Aprahamian
Photonuclear and Radiative Capture Reaction Rates for Nuclear Astrophysics
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M. Beard
Thermonuclear reaction rate for 18 O(p,γ) 19 F
M. Buckner, C. Iliadis, J.M. Cesaratto, C. Howard, T.B. Clegg, A.E. Champagne and S. Daigle
The importance of quarks in the study of the high density equation of state
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J. Carroll
Thermonuclear combustion in steep density gradients.
C. Charignon
The New SuperORRUBA Array for Transfer Reaction Studies of Exotic Nuclei
J. Cizewski and D.W. Bardayan
Over the last 60 years, a large amount of experimental nuclear data has been obtained for reactions which probe the 16 O compound nucleus near the alpha and proton separation energies, the energy regimes most important for nuclear astrophysics.
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R. deBoer
19F production in stars: toward an experimental study of key reactions 14;15N(alpha, gamma)18;19F
A. Di Leva
Production of p-nuclei in ejecta from a neutrino-driven, aspherical supernova
S.i. Fujimoto
Uncertainties of Oxygen Formation During Stellar Helium Burning
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M. Gai
The recoils mass separator ERNA at the CIRCE laboratory
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L. Gialanella
A study of the thermonuclear 30 P( p , γ ) 31 S reaction rate
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D. Irvine
Nucleosynthesis in Helium Shell Flashes on Accreting Carbon-Oxygen White Dwarfs
Y. Kamiya
Recent research activities of nuclear astrophysics in University of Tsukuba
T. Komatsubara
Electron Screening in Metals
M. Lipoglavšek
Measurement of reaction, decay of astrophysical interest and progress of RI beam facilities
News on the s process from young open clusters
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E. Maiorca
Coulomb breakup of 17 Ne from the view point of nuclear astrophysics
J. Marganiec
The 14 N(p,γ) 15 O reaction studied at 0.5 - 2.5 MeV
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M. Marta
Ground State Nuclei in Strongly Magnetized Neutron Stars
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R. Nandi
The astrophysical S factor of 12 C(α,γ) 16 O at stellar energy
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D. Schuermann
CHILI: analyzing stardust with ultimate lateral resolution and sensitivity
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T. Stephan
AMS within Eurogenesis: Nanodiamonds and SN-signatures
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A. Wallner
Neutron capture on the s-process branch point nucleus 63 Ni
M. Weigand
A new tool for exploring nuclear reactions of relevance to the cosmological 7 Li problem
E. Williams
Experimental study of key astrophysical 18 Ne( α , p$) 21 Na reaction
L. Zhang
Fast fragmentation measurements with MoNA and LISA
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J. Finck
Using neutron-capture abundances as a tracer of Galactic halo formation
C. Fishlock, A. Karakas, M. Lugaro and D. Yong
Direct measurement of the 4He(12C, 16O)gamma cross section in inverse kinematics
K. Fujita
A new equation of state with abundances of all nuclei in core collapse simulations of massive stars
S. Furusawa, K. Sumiyoshi, S. Yamada and H. Suzuki
Lithium-Rich stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
S. Martell and M. Shetrone