Sessions |
Default session |
Symposia II |
Oral Contibutions |
Poster Contributions |
Default session |
Thermalization time and specific heat of neutron stars crust
Superfluid Neutrons in the Core of the Cassiopeia-A Neutron Star
Theoretical models in nuclearastrophysics
Recent results in reactions using radioactive ion beams
Strongly Interacting Matter at Very High Energy Density
Symposia II |
Quantum decoherence in low-energy nuclear reaction dynamics?
Nuclear physics in the cosmos
Discovering the Atomic Nucleus
Oral Contibutions |
Nuclear structure and neutrino-nucleus interaction
Faddeev-Yakubovsky technique for Weakly Bound Systems
Manufacturing of thin films of boron for the measurement of the ${}^{10}B(n,\alpha)$${}^{7}Li$ reaction used in BNCT
Active filtering applied to radiographic images unfolded by the Richardson-Lucy algorithm
Deconfinement transition at neutron star cores
Hybrid stars with the Nambu-Jona-Lasineo model
Renormalization of effective field theories for the nuclear force
Neutron Generation and Diffusion Process in Accelerator-Driven Systems Reactors
Poster Contributions |
A Procedure to Fit Nuclear Decay Data With Proper Treatment of Outliers
External gamma dose rate and radon concentration in indoor environments covered with Brazilian granites
A Geometry and Collimation Study of a Compton Backscatter Device for Inclusions Detection in Materials
7Be content in rainfall and soil deposition in South American coastal ecosystems (2011 September 12)
Analysis of the Cell Walls of Ceramic Foams by X-ray Microtomography
Dose-rate dependence of Epitaxial diodes response for gamma dosimetry
Studies of the sensitivity dependence of float zone silicon diodes on gamma absorbed dose
Monte Carlo transport simulation for a Long Counter neutron detector employed as a cosmic rays induced neutron monitor at ground level
The comparison of GEANT 4.8.2 and 4.9.2 results for the 25MeV protons in thick polyethylene
Use of the X-ray Computed Microtomography Technique for the Comparative Morphological Characterization of \textit{Proceratophrys Bigibbosa} Species from Southern Brazil
Natural nuclear radioactivity and crystallography composition of Camburi sand beach (Vitória - ES)
Study of Pulsars and Magnetars
Gravitational Wave Radiated by a Collapsing Ellipsoid
Proto-Neutron Stars with Delta-Resonances using the Zimanyi-Moszkowski Model
Hadronic thermal model with distinct freeze-out temperature for baryons and mesons
Domain of parameters in a model with density-dependent quark mass
Alpha cluster states in light nuclei populated through the (6Li,d) reaction
Shell model formalism for the vector proton asymmetry in the nonmesonic weak hypernuclear decay
A systematic calculation of muon capture rates in the number projected QRPA
Isospin Mixing Within Relativistic Mean-Field Models Including the Delta Meson
Refitting density dependent relativistic model parameters including Center-of-Mass corrections
Interacting neutrino gas in a dense nuclear matter
Relativistic pn-QRPA to the Double Beta Decay
Hadrons in a Dynamical AdS/QCD model
Statistical properties of hot nuclei
Monte Carlo sampling of pair creation transitions in a model of pre-equilibrium reactions
Quasi-Elastic Barrier Distribution for the $^7$Li weakly bound projectile
Study of fragmentation reactions of light nucleus
Simultaneous mutiparticle emission from compound nuclei in evaporation process
One-Proton Radiactivity from Spherical Nuclei