ATLAS Higgs search
LHCb: physics, performance, perspectives
LHCb: inclusive bb-quarkonium production
pQCD predictions for hadron collider physics: getting beyond the leading order
ATLAS overview and recent results
ATLAS Standard Model results
Rare Decays at LHCb
Top Physics at the Tevatron
Effective actions for high energy scattering in QCD and in gravity
Small-x physics and hard QCD processes at the LHC
Non-perturbative effects in the electro-weak theory versus TEVATRON and LHC data
Pion-photon transition form factor in light-cone sum rules: Theoretical results and expectations
Search for heavy neutrino in K\rightarrow \mu \nu \gamma decay at ISTRA+ setup
Heavy flavours and QCD studies at HERA
SVD experiment: status and physics results
Recent results in QCD sum rule calculations of heavy meson properties
First CMS results from PbPb collisions at the LHC
Status and results of the OPERA experiment
SUSY/Exotics searches in ATLAS
Recent Results from Belle
Results from BaBar
The COMPASS experiment at CERN
Collider physics |
CMS ridge effect at the LHC as a manifestation of Bremsstrahlung of gluons off quarks accelerated in a strong color field
Dilepton excess from local parity breaking in baryon matter
Study of the process of scalar top pairs production at ILC
Prompt photon production in the kt-factorization approach at modern colliders
The double Dalitz decays of Bs-meson and new physics
Top quark at colliders |
Hadron multiplicity induced by top quark decays at the LHC
Technical aspects of the search for anomalous Wtb couplings
Search for a single top quark production at CMS
Top quark in the SM and beyond |
Top-pair production and decay at the NLC
Top quark pair production at linear collider in the minimal gauge extension of the SM
Results of numerical simulations for unstable-particles pair production in modified perturbation theory in NNLO
Higgs sector in the SM and beyond |
Update on the CP-Violating Inert-Doublet Model
Higgs sector in supersymmetric models: masses and couplings
Scenarios of Higgs bosons manifestation in the minimal gauge extension of the SM
Self-energy corrections to the MSSM finite-temperature Higgs potential
Physics beyond the SM and Cosmology |
The problem of domain walls and dark matter in MSSM
Light inflaton in Bottom decays: a close look at the dawn of the Universe
On the pre-inflationary dark sector fields influence on the cosmological perturbations
SUSY Enhancement of Heavy Higgs Production
A new mechanism of Higgs-radion mixing
The Isotopic Foldy-Wouthuysen Representation and Chiral Symmetry. The The Standard Model in the Isotopic Foldy-Wouthuysen Represetation without Higgs Bosons in the Fermion Sector
Linear approximation in Möller gravity
Localization of scalar fields on branes with asymmetric geometries in the bulk
Gravity Theory |
Stability of de Sitter Solutions in Non-local Cosmological Models
The geodesics analysis for off-central charged domain walls collision
The mass spectrum of four-dimensional modes in seven-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory with a spontaneous compactification solution of Freund-Rubin type
Neutrino physics |
Flavour puzzle or Why neutrinos are different?
Quintessence, Neutrino Masses and Unification of the Dark Sector
Chiral symmetry and form factors of neutrino-nucleon interactions
The problem of quantization of lightcone QCD
Local-Duality QCD Sum Rules for Pion Elastic and (\pi^0,eta,eta')\rightarrow gamma gamma^* transition form factors revisited
Bjorken sum rule at four loops
Bound states and hadron resonances |
Non-perturbative renormalization scheme in application to chiral perturbation theory in the nucleon sector
Nucleon-to-resonance transition form factors in a vector-meson-dominance model
CP-violation hypothesis and the relativistic electromagnetic structure of nucleons
Relativistic description of the double P-wave charmonium production in e+ e- annihilation
Bc\rightarrow J/Psi (Bs, Bs+) + n pi decays
Analytical and Numerical methods in QFT |
Numerical approach to multi-loop integrals
Novel mathematical aspects of Feynman integrals
No-go results for non-topological solitons in some types of gauge field theories