The aim of ISGC is to promote the use of grid and cloud computing in the Asia Pacific region. Over the 9 years that ISGC has been running, the programme has evolved to become more user community focused with subjects reaching out to a larger population. Research communities are making widespread use of distributed computing facilities. Linking together data centers, production grids, desktop systems or public clouds, many researchers are able to do more research and produce results more quickly. They could do much more if the computing infrastructures they use worked together more effectively. Changes in the way we approach distributed computing, and new services from commercial providers, mean that boundaries are starting to blur. This opens the way for hybrid solutions that make it easier for researchers to get their job done. Consequently the theme for ISGC2011 was the opportunities that better integrated computing infrastructures can bring, and the steps needed to achieve the vision of a seamless global research infrastructure.
2011 is a year of firsts for ISGC. First the title - while the acronym remains the same, its meaning has changed to reflect the evolution of computing: The International Symposium on Grids and Clouds. Secondly the programming - ISGC 2011 has always included topical workshops and tutorials. But 2011 is the first year that ISGC has been held in conjunction with the Open Grid Forum2 which held its 31st meeting with a series of working group sessions. The ISGC plenary session included keynote speakers from OGF that highlighted the relevance of standards for the research community. ISGC with its focus on applications and operational aspects complemented well with OGF’s focus on standards development. ISGC brought to OGF real-life use cases and needs to be addressed while OGF exposed the state of current developments and issues to be resolved if commonalities are to be exploited.
Another first is for the Proceedings – for 2011, an open access online publishing scheme will ensure these Proceedings will appear more quickly and more people will have access to the results, providing a long-term online archive of the event.
The symposium attracted more than 212 participants from 29 countries spanning Asia, Europe and the Americas. Coming so soon after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the participation of our Japanese colleagues was particularly appreciated. Keynotes by invited speakers highlighted the impact of distributed computing infrastructures in the social sciences and humanities, high energy physics, earth and life sciences. Plenary sessions entitled Grid Activities in Asia Pacific surveyed the state of grid deployment across 11 Asian countries.
Through the parallel sessions, the impact of distributed computing infrastructures in a range of research disciplines was highlighted. Operational procedures, middleware and security aspects were addressed in a dedicated sessions.
The symposium was covered online in real-time by the GridCast team from the GridTalk project. A running blog including summarises of specific sessions as well as video interviews with keynote speakers and personalities and photos.
As with all regions of the world, grid and cloud computing has to be prove it is adding value to researchers if it is be accepted by them and demonstrate its impact on society as a while if it to be supported by national governments, funding agencies and the general public. ISGC has helped foster the emergence of a strong regional interest in the earth and life sciences, notably for natural disaster mitigation and bioinformatics studies.
Prof. Simon C. Lin organised an intense social programme with a gastronomic tour of Taipei culminating with a banquet for all the symposium’s participants at the hotel Palais de Chine.
I would like to thank all the members of the programme committee, the participants and above all our hosts, Prof. Simon C. Lin and his excellent support team at Academia Sinica.
Dr. Bob Jones
Programme Chair
1 http://event.twgrid.org/isgc2011/
2 http://www.gridforum.org/
session Keynote |
Computing at LHC experiments in the first year of data taking at 7 TeV
Grids and Clouds Integration and Interoperability: an overview
session Operation & Management |
A new job migration algorithm to improve data center efficiency
Introduction of GSDC project and activities
The CHAIN Project
Grid Operational Supports for Middleware Deployment and User Administration
session Humanities & Social Sciences Applications |
From Internal Validation to Sensitivity Test: How Grid Computing Facilitates the Construction of an Agent-Based Simulation in Social Sciences
metaDictionary - Towards a Generic e-Infrastructure for Detecting Variation in Language by Exploiting Dictionaries
session Middleware & Interoperability |
Visualisation Element: towards the definition of a new Grid service
SAGA-based application to use resources on different Grids
A Simplified Access to Grid Resources by Science Gateways
Secure Peer to Peer Message Passing using A-JUMP
session Security & Networking |
Proxy Dynamic Delegation in Grid Gateway
A new "lightweight" Crypto Library for supporting an Advanced Grid Authentication Process with Smart Cards
A Race for Security: Identifying Vulnerabilities on 50 000 Hosts Faster than Attackers
A Cloud-Based Anti-Malware Solution
session Data Infrastructure |
Kindura - archiving with iRODS clouds
Large-Scale Data Management and Analysis for Astronomical Research
Towards a distributed Earth Science Data Infrastructure
session Grids & Clouds |
An attempt to integrate Clouds in Grids
Investigation of storage options for scientific computing on Grid and Cloud facilities
Performance improvements in a large scale virtualization system
Repoman: A Simple RESTful X.509 Virtual Machine Image Repository
A Web-based portal to access and manage WNoDeS Virtualized Cloud resources
Defining Generic Architecture for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service Provisioning Model
session Distributed Desktop Grid and Volunteer Computing |
Porting applications to a Distributed Computing Infrastucture incorporating Desktop Grids
session Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications |
A cloud framework for high troughput biological data processing
Bioscience in the Cloud - Next Generation Analysis
A new flexible workflow on the Grid for monitoring H5N1
Enabling JChem on the Grid
session Earth Sciences Applications & Environmental Monitoring & Disaster Mitigation |
The Cloud-Based Sensor Data Warehouse
A Lesson Learned of Cloud Computing in Fleet Management System in Taiwan
Earthquake-tsunami hazard assessment and risk mitigation in Vietnam using GIS
Modeling scenarios of earthquake-generated tsunamis for the Vietnam coasts
The CWB Network Information exChange Environment (NICE)
session HEP Applications |
Simulation and user analysis of BaBar data in a distributed cloud
session Grids and Clouds Activities in Asia Pacific |
Asia Federation Report on International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2011
EU-IndiaGrid2 sustainable e-Infrastructures across Europe and India
Grids and Clouds Activities in KISTI/ Korea
Grids and Clouds in ITB