Sessions |
session Application |
session Automatic System |
session Computing and Physics |
session Loop |
Session Round Table Discussion |
session Application |
Light Higgs plus forward jets at the LHC with CompHEP
NLO-QCD Event Generator with GRACE
Recent Physical Results using GRACE/SUSY
GR@PPA event generator
session Automatic System |
Automatic Computation for Particle Interactions
CompHEP: developments and applications
Modern Feynman Diagrammatic One-Loop Calculations with Golem, Samurai & Co.
Progress in FDC Project
Slepton NLG in GRACE/SUSY-loop
session Computing and Physics |
Numerical calculation of one-loop integration
Methods for IR divergent integrals based on Extrapolation
FORM development
High-Accurate Computation of One-Loop Integralsby Several Hundred Digits Multiple-Precision Arithmetic
NLO corrections to WWZ and ZZZ production at the ILC
session Loop |
A geometric approach to sector decomposition
One- and two-loop four-point integrals with XLOOPS-GiNaC
Numerical approach to calculation of Feynman loop integrals
Session Round Table Discussion |
Discussion summary