April 4-6, 2011
Milano, Italy
published July 05, 2011
In 1978, Davidson and Kinman wrote about Markarian 359: "This unusual object merits further observations...". In 1985, Osterbrock and Pogge defined a new class of active galactic nuclei (AGN), named Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1). Twenty-five years later, NLS1s still continue to intrigue and bewilder. NLS1s manifest extreme behaviour at all wavelengths. They exhibit the most extreme X-ray variability seen in radio-quiet AGN, the most intense optical FeII emission, and high rates of star formation. In general, their characteristics are consistent of AGNs with relatively low mass black holes accreting close to the Eddington rate. The 2009 Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope discovery of high-energy (E>100 MeV) gamma rays in a handful of NLS1s has established the existence of relativistic jets in these systems -- a fact previously hinted at by the flat radio spectrum and high brightness temperature seen in some objects. Since NLS1 are generally hosted by spirals, this poses some intriguing questions on the galaxy evolution and on how relativistic jets are generated. It is therefore time for the broad community to come together and discuss what we have discovered in the last quarter century and lay the foundation for future work.

Workshop Topics: * Central engine: BH mass, accretion disk, BLR/NLR, jet * Host galaxy: morphology, star formation, merging history * NLS1 in the Universe: comparison with other types of AGN, surveys/statistics, formation/merging, cosmological evolution

Editorial Board: Luigi Foschini (chair), Monica Colpi, Luigi Gallo, Dirk Grupe, Stefanie Komossa, Karen Leighly, Smita Mathur.

conference main image
General Properties, Surveys
High Energy Emission, Jets and Outflows
Masses, Host Galaxies, Evolution
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G. Pareschi
General Properties, Surveys
A quarter century of Narrow-Line Sefert 1s (invited)
R.W. Pogge
NLS1 properties and demographics (invited)
T.A. Boroson
Statistical analysis of an AGN sample with simultaneous UV and X-ray observations with Swift
D. Grupe
The continuum and emission line properties of NLS1s based on a new SDSS sample of low luminosity type-1 AGN
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J. Stern
The narrow-line region of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
D. Xu and S. Komossa
Molecular hydrogen in NLSys and its implications for the SED
G. Ferland
The long-term variability of a large sample of AGN
R. Saxton
The near-IR broad-emission line region of AGN
H. Landt
Enhanced star formation in Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies
E. Sani
Hot dust, warm dust and star formation in NLS1s
R. Mor
Dynamics of clouds in the broad-line region
M. Krause, M. Schartmann and A. Burkert
Emission line profiles and X-ray observations of broad and narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies
G. La Mura, S. Ciroi, V. Cracco, D. Ilic, L. Popovic and P. Rafanelli
Water masers in NLS1 galaxies
A. Tarchi, P. Castangia, A. Columbano, F. Panessa and J.A. Braatz
High Energy Emission, Jets and Outflows
An X-ray view of NLS1 (invited)
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A.C. Fabian
The X-ray weak state of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies
L. Gallo
X-ray signatures of circumnuclear gas in AGN
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T.J. Turner
X-ray reverberation in NLS1
L. Miller and T.J. Turner
X-ray reverberation delays in NLS1
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A. Zoghbi
The average hard X-ray spectrum of NLS1
C. Ricci
The INTEGRAL Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
F. Panessa, A. De Rosa, L. Bassani, A. Bazzano, T. Bird, R. Landi, A. Malizia, G. Miniutti, M. Molina and P. Ubertini
Evidence of powerful relativistic jets in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
L. Foschini
Global eVLBI observations of J0948+0022
M. Giroletti, Z. Paragi, H.E. Bignall, A. Doi, L. Foschini, K. Gabányi and C. Reynolds
Long-term multiwavelength properties of PKS 0558-504, a highly accreting BH with a radio jet
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M. Gliozzi
Gamma-ray NLSy1s and 'classical' blazars: are they different at radio cm/mm bands?
L. Fuhrmann
Mass outflows in Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
M.D. Crenshaw
Outflowing clouds in the NLS1 Mrk 766
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G. Risaliti
Contemporaneous Chandra HETG and Suzaku X-ray observations of NGC 4051
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A. Lobban
Disentangling the complex absorption spectrum of NGC 7314
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J. Ebrero
Masses, Host Galaxies, Evolution
Masses of Black Holes in Active Galactic Nuclei: Implications for Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies'' (invited)
B. Peterson
Black hole scaling relationships and NLS1s
M. Bentz
Addressing systematic uncertainties in black hole mass measurements
K. Denney, R.J. Assef, M. Bentz, M. Dietrich, K. Horne, C.S. Kochanek, S. Mathur, B. Peterson, R.W. Pogge and M. Vestergaard
Host galaxies of NLS1s
S. Mathur
Past and present secular evolution in the host galaxies of NLS1s
G. Orban de Xivry, R. Davies, M. Schartmann, S. Komossa, A. Marconi, E. Hicks, H. Engel and L. Tacconi
Cosmic Evolution of NLS1 and the Growth of their Black Holes
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R. Davies
Black hole mass estimations: limitations and uncertainties
M. Vestergaard, K. Denney, X. Fan, J.J. Jensen, B.C. Kelly, P.S. Osmer, B. Peterson and C.A. Tremonti
The overall uncertainty of single-epoch virial black hole mass estimators and its implication to the M-sigma relation
J.H. Woo and D. Park
The effect of radiation pressure on virial black hole mass estimates: the case of narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies
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A. Marconi
BH masses in NLS1: the role of the broad-line region geometry
R. Decarli, M. Dotti, F. Haardt and S. Zibetti
On the BH-galaxy relation of AGN and NLS1
A. Wandel
Mass determination of the supermassive black hole of NGC 4051 Seyfert 1 galaxy based on X-ray spectrum fitting with generic Comptonization model
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A. Chekhtman
Rest optical spectroscopy of FeLoBALs and LoBALs at intermediate redshift
K. Aoki
X-ray properties of a sample of NLS1 selected from the SDSS
N. Castello-Mor
X-ray selected Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
A. Caccianiga, P. Severgnini, R. Della Ceca, A. Corral, R. Fanali and E. Marchese
Gamma-ray variability of radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
G. Calderone
Modelling the full X-ray spectra of MGC -6-30-15 with a relativistic reflection model
C.Y. Chiang and A.C. Fabian
Narrow-Line Seyfert 1s: a luminosity dependent definition
D. Dultzin
Optical polarization observations of RL NLS1 Galaxies
J. Eggen, H.R. Miller and J. Maune
Are Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies viewed pole-on?
T. Fischer, M.D. Crenshaw, S.B. Kraemer and H.R. Schmitt
New results in reverberation mapping
C. Grier, B. Peterson, K. Denney, M. Bentz and R.W. Pogge
WPVS 007 and Mkn 335: the link between NLS1s and BAL QSOs
D. Grupe
Is the SDSS J094533.99+100950.1 higher mass equivalent to narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies?
K. Hryniewicz
Radio properties of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
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S. Komossa
Inhomogeneous partial covering in Markarian 766
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A.C. Liebmann
The properties of nearby BL Lac Objects with optical jets
E. Liuzzo, R. Falomo and A. Treves
A search for rapid optical variations in very radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert galaxies
J. Maune
Narrow-Line AGNs: confirming the relationship between metallicity and accretion rate
D. Neri-Larios, R. Coziol, J.P. Torres-Papaqui, H. Andernach, J.M. Islas-Islas, I. Plauchu-Frayn and R.A. Ortega-Minakata
A preliminary census of soft excess occurrence from a small sample of RL-NLSy1
L. Pacciani
X-ray study of narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies with strong Fe II emission
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E. Piconcelli
Implications from the optical to UV flux ratio of FeII emission in SDSS DR7 quasars
H. Sameshima
High-energy emission from NGC 5506, the brightest hard X-ray NLS1
S. Soldi, V. Beckmann, N. Gehrels, S. De Jong and P. Lubinski
Variability, optical-to-X-ray slope and accretion disc properties in a sample of Seyfert 1s
R. Vasudevan, L. Gallo, D. Robertson and K. Fulford
MERLIN 18cm observations of intermediate redshift NLS1 galaxies
J. Zuther, S. Fischer and A. Eckart