HTRS 2011
February 7-11, 2011
Champéry, Switzerland
published December 30, 2011
The High Time Resolution Spectrometer (HTRS) is an instrument proposed to match the top level mission requirement of the International X-ray Observatory to observe a one Crab X-ray source with less than 10 percent deadtime. It will perform high precision timing measurements of bright X-ray sources. It can observe sources with fluxes of one million counts per second in the 0.3-10 keV band without performance degradation, while providing moderate spectral resolution of 150 eV FWHM at 6 keV. The HTRS is dedicated to the study of strong-gravity phenomena and accretion in the vicinity of accreting black holes and neutron stars, through simultaneous fast X-ray timing and spectroscopy. It also offers a unique tool to probe matter at supra-nuclear densities. It addresses primarily the science theme Matter under Extreme Conditions. The main goal of the conference is to stimulate current research that will prepare the science that will be achieved with IXO and the HTRS. The contributions will build on the experience gained through the Rossi-XTE, XMM-Newton, Suzaku and Chandra missions, and will explore the gains offered by HTRS and IXO, focusing in particular on the science that is unique to the HTRS/IXO combination.
conference main image
Session 1: Future X-ray timing missions
Session 2: Science drivers of timing missions
Session 3: Black-hole spins
Session 4: Neutron-star equation of state
Session 5: Strong field geneal-relativity signatures
Session 6: Additional timing science
D. Barret
Session 1: Future X-ray timing missions
Status of IXO and the ESA CV Programme
D. Barret
Detectors for fast X-ray timing and spectroscopy
P. Lechner, A. Niculae, H. Soltau and L. Strueder
HTRS performance simulations
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J. Wilms
The Gravitas mission
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K. Nandra
The AXTAR mission
P. Ray, B. Phlips, K.S. Wood, D. Chakrabarty, R. Remillard and C. Wilson-Hodge
Living in a LOFT
M. Feroci and L. Stella
HIFI - A HI Framerate Imager for Gravitas
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A. Stefanescu
Session 2: Science drivers of timing missions
Timing of XRBs in the HTRS era
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P. Uttley
Timing black-hole binaries: status and prospects
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T. Belloni
Time lags as a constraint on the accretion disk geometry in BH XRBs
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P. Cassatella
Oscillation-phase-resolved spectroscopy in the IXO era
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J. Nielsen
Fast variability as a tracer of states and state transitions in black holes
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T. Munoz-Darias
Persistent, intermittent, and undetected accretion-powered millisecond X-ray pulsations from neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binary systems
S. Boutloukos, K.H. Lo, M.C. Miller and F.K. Lamb
A newly discovered accreting pulsar in Terzan 5
A. Papitto, S. Motta, A. Riggio, A. D'ai, T. Di Salvo, T. Belloni, L. Burderi and R. Iaria
Session 3: Black-hole spins
Relativistic disk reflection in stellar-mass black holes
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J. Miller
Broad iron emission lines in the intermediate star of black-hole transients
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B. Hiemstra
Black-hole spin measurement via X-ray continuum spectroscopy
J. Steiner, J.E. McClintock, R. Narayan and L. Gou
Theoretical disk spectra and black-hole spin determination
A. Rozanska
The properties of high-frequency QPOs and their connection to the physical properties of black holes
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R. Remillard
Session 4: Neutron-star equation of state
What Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts can tell us about Neutron Stars
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M. Falanga
The complete sample of type-I X-ray bursts in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636-53 with RXTE
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G.B. Zhang
Implications of high-precision spectra of thermonuclear X-ray bursts for determining neutron star masses and radii
M.C. Miller, S. Boutloukos, K.H. Lo and F.K. Lamb
Systematic uncertainties in the spectroscopic measurements of neutron-star masses and radii from thermonuclear X-ray bursts
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T. Guver
M/R constraints from neutron-star iron line
M. Diaz Trigo, C. Ng, M. Cadolle Bel and S. Migliari
Spectral and timing features in the utltra-compact X-ray binary 4U 0614+091
O. Madej and P.G. Jonker
M/R constraints from accreting millisecond pulsar//Cooling stages of X-ray bursts
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J. Poutanen
Constraining the mass and moment of inertia of neutron star from quasi-periodic oscillations in X-ray binaries
J. Pétri
Kilohertz quasi-Periodic Oscillations as a tool to probe the neutron-star interior and gravitational field
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M. Méndez
Kilohertz quasi-Periodic oscillations and broad iron emission lines as a probe of strong-filed gravity
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A. Sanna
Session 5: Strong field geneal-relativity signatures
Testing the no-hair theorem with observations of astrophysical black holes
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D. Psaltis
Epicyclic Frequencies, Resonances & QPOs
Signatures of superfluid neutron-star dynamics
B. Haskell
Lense-Thirring precession
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L. Stella
Session 6: Additional timing science
Present and Future of Magnetar bursting/outbursting studies
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G. Israel
A non-magnetar Soft Gamma Repeater
General properties of magnetars and observational developments at high energies
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W. Hermsen
Can a "propelling" disc stay trapped near corotation?
C. D'Angelo
Cooling accretion-heated neutron stars
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R. Wijnands
X-ray variability of black holes on all mass scales
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S. Vaughan
Fitting a self-consistent physical model to the power spectral density of XTE 1550-564
A. Ingram and C. Done
All-sky Monitoring of Variable Sources with Fermi GBM
C. Wilson-Hodge
Relativistic jets from Galactic accreting binary systems
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S. Corbel
The relevance of jet emitting discs in micro-quasars
P.O. Petrucci, J. Ferreira, G. Henri, C. Cabanac, J. Malzac and R. Belmont
Multiwavelength high-time resolution observations
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P. Casella
Preliminary concept of modern X-ray timing mission
V. Arefiev
The 2008 outburst of the new X-ray transient XTE J1719-291
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M. Armas Padilla
Constraining the equation of state of the dense matter from X-ray burst oscillations
R. Artigue and D. Barret
KHz QPO studies with IXO - Testing the Moving Hotspots Model
M. Becchetti
Re Analysis of Timing Parameters of OAO 1657-415
A. Baykal, S.C. Inam, B. Icdem and E. Beklen
Time lags in 4U 1608-52
M.G. Bronzato de Avellar, M. Méndez, A. Sanna and J.E. Horvath
Implications of Burst Oscillations from IGR J17480-2446
Y. Cavecchi
The COSPIX mission: focusing on the energetic and obscured Universe
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P. Ferrando
Phase lags and cyclotron lines in 4U 0115+63
C. Ferrigno, M. Falanga, E. Bozzo, P.A. Becker, D. Klochkov and A. Santangelo
Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients and other windfed accretors - testing with the Corbet diagram
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S. Grebenev
Aperiodic X-ray variability studies of the black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152
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M. Kalamkar
Dipping and Absorption in the stellar wind in GX 301-2
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I. Kreykenbohm
Pulse-phase spectroscopy as a tool for the study of X-ray pulsars
A. Lutovinov and S. Tsygankov
On the nature of low frequency quasi periodic oscillations: a variability study of the BHC GX 339-4
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S. Motta
X-ray bursts and burst oscillations from the slowly spinning X-ray pulsar IGR J17480-2446
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S. Motta
Spectroscopy of the Pulsar-like White Dwarf AE Aquarii from Chandra and Swift XRT Data
B. Oruru and P. Meintjes
On the time evolution of the lower kHz QPO in 4U 1608-52
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S. Paltani
A filter wheel for the HTRS
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S. Paltani
Central Engines of GRBs
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T. Piran
Hard X-ray Variability of the brightest Swift/BAT AGN
C. Ricci, S. Paltani, S. Soldi and T.J.L. Courvoisier
A type I X-ray burst of the Rapid Burster with photospheric radius expansion as seen by Swift
G. Sala, F. Haberl, J. Jose, A. Parikh and W. Pietsch
A Catalogue of X-ray bursters detected by JEM-X on board INTEGRAL
C. Sanchez-Fernandez, E. Kuulkers and E. Aranzana
Simulations of the performance of the HTRS on IXO
C. Schmid, J. Wilms, T. Oosterbroek, M. Martin, E. Kendziorra, B. Mück, D. Barret, D. Rambaud and P. Lechner
Measuring strong magnetic fields of neutron stars with the next-generation of X-ray instruments
G. Schoenherr, P. Kretschmar, J. Wilms, F. Schwarm, I. Kreykenbohm, K. Pottschmidt and R.E. Rothschild
Investigating the disc-jet coupling in accreting compact objects by studying the "radio quiet" sources
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P. Soleri
XTE J1752-223: A broad band X-ray spectral investigation combined with timing studies
H. Stiele, T. Munoz-Darias, S. Motta and T. Belloni
X-ray bursting neutron star atmosphere models
V. Suleimanov, J. Poutanen and K. Werner
Magnetized neutron star atmosphere:beyond the cold plasma approximation
V. Suleimanov
Extreme-value analysis of the X-ray emission of Cygnus X-1
M. Süveges and S. Paltani
A model for optical/X-ray correlation in black hole X-ray binaries
A. Veledina and J. Poutanen
Fast variability of gamma-ray emission from supermassive black hole binary OJ 287
I. Vovk and A. Neronov
The Digital Data Processing Unit for the HTRS on board IXO
Are the two peaks of the Cathedral QPO real harmonics?
J. Rodriguez and P. Varniere
Internal resonance and the amplitude evolution of neutron-star QPOs
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J. Horak