Wed. April 14 morning session, "Recombination vs Fragmentation" Chairperson: Denes Molnar |
"Hadrons from quarks, gluons and first principles"
"Review of particle spectrum data"
"Parton fragmentation in nuclear collisions"
"Recombination in nuclear collisions"
Wed. April 14 afternoon session, "Recombination vs Fragmentation" Chairperson: Mike Tannenbaum |
"Elliptic flow: A survey"
"RHIC paradigms: Early thermalization and collectivity—are they achieved in RHIC’s new state of matter?"
"Strings, jets and quark coalescence in transport models"
"Quark recombination in heavy ion collisions"
Wednesday Q&A |
"Discussion on coalescence vs fragmentation, hadronization mechanisms and their effects on the observed final state"
Wednesday Question and Answer Transcripts
Thur. April 15 morning session, "Hydrodynamics vs Semi-Hard Jets - Minijets" Chairperson: Thorsten Renk |
"Hydrodynamics at RHIC (ideal and viscous): Where it works, where and how it breaks down, and why"
"The azimuth quadrupole in nuclear collisions"
"From the ridges and jet v2 to magnetic plasma"
"Review of minimum-bias jet systematics at RHIC"
Thur. April 15 afternoon session, "Hydrodynamics vs Semi-Hard Jets - Minijets" Chairperson: Boris Kopeliovich |
"Dissecting the hydro paradigm"
"Do two-dimensional correlation data falsify RHIC paradigms?"
"Dissipative corrections to spectra and v2 at large momentum"
Thursday Q&A |
"Discussion on initial conditions, minijet survival, quadrupole vs minijet systematics"
Thursday Question and Answer Transcripts
Fri. April 16 morning session, "High pt Spectra, Jets and pQCD" Chairperson: Rudy Hwa |
"Critical examination of RHIC paradigms - mostly high pt"
"Can we make sense of the correlation data at RHIC?"
"Is jet quenching perturbative — why we see mainly unmodified probes and where to look for interesting things"
"Jet reconstruction — understanding the backgrounds and biases is key"
Fri. April 16 afternoon session, "High pt Spectra, Jets and pQCD" Chairperson: Charles Chiu |
"Positive progress from hard scattering"
"Experimental review of high-pt phenomena at mid-rapidity at RHIC"
"High-pt paradigms revisited"
"Jet properties from dihadron correlations — from RHIC to LHC"
Friday Q&A |
"Discussion on jet and spectrum structure vs pQCD from high pt down to the soft sector"
Friday Question and Answer Transcripts
Sat. April 17 morning session, "High Energy Physics Perspectives for RHIC" Chairperson: Yuri Dokshitzer |
"Azimuthal correlation between jets and ridges"
"How strong is the strong coupling constant in Au+Au at RHIC?"
"How well can we treat energy loss and hydrodynamics?"
"Hydro paradigm and covariant transport"
Saturday Q&A |
"Closing discussion with brief comments"
Saturday Question and Answer Transcripts