The quest for a complete understanding of the Dark Matter constituent of the Universe is one of the fundamental challenges of Modern Physics.
Motivated by several independent experimental observations and theoretical insights, this Dark Matter is still eluding us. Nevertheless, many major experiments, aimed at cosmological observations or direct, indirect, and collider searches of a Dark Matter signal, are already taking data or will do so in the near future, with the goal of constraining the nature of this mysterious constituent of the Universe, if not of actually detecting it. The 8th installment of the conference cycle "Identification of Dark Matter" will bring together experts in the field to discuss upcoming or running experiments and new theoretical advances.
Plenary session : Dark Matter Direct Searches 1 |
The CDMS II Experiment: Dark Matter results from the complete data set
DAMA/LIBRA results
Results of the Edelweiss-II dark matter search experiment.
Plenary session : Indirect Searches 1 |
Electron and antiproton measurements and Dark Matter Searches
The Galactic electron and positron "excesses": astrophysical versus dark matter interpretations
Cosmic Ray propagation uncertainties and Dark Matter
Poster Session |
The Assembly of the Milky Way halo
Cosmic-ray mapping and the search for dark matter annihilation signal from the Sun
Comment on Calculation of Positron Flux from Galactic Dark Matter
Shield design for the XENON1T experiment at LSM
From Galaxyzoo to dark matter
Instrumentation Acquisition and Analysis of the SIMPLE Dark Matter Search Signals
Diffusion and mobility measurements in CS2 and CS2 mixtures.
Galaxy evolution as it appears at z < 1
The Dark-Matter Density Profiles and Binary Black Holes
Parallel session : Direct Searches 1 |
Ion-Channeling in Direct Dark Matter Crystalline Detectors
Lowering the low-energy threshold of xenon-based detectors
LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) - 3 tonne and 20 tonne LXe dark matter direct detection experiments
Feasibility Study of Dark Matter Searches with the CUORE experiment
Low energy events in NaI scintillators. ANAIS status and prospects.
Search for inelastic dark matter with the CDMS experiment
Parallel session : Indirect Searches 1 |
Reconstructing dark matter properties via gamma-rays indirect detection
Evaluating the dark matter contribution to galactic synchrotron radiation
What can we really learn from positron flux ’anomalies’?
Indirect dark matter search with the PAMELA experiment
The Electron Injection Spectrum Determined by Anomalous Excesses in Cosmic Ray Gamma Ray and Microwave Signals
Gamma-ray and neutrino signatures of unstable dark matter
Plenary session : Dark Matter Direct Searches 3 |
First Results of XENON100
Microwave Cavity Searches for Axions
Plenary session : Structure Formation & N-body Simulation |
Baryons in structure formation simulations
Dwarf Galaxies Milky Way Satellites and Stellar Streams: A Review
Dark matter in the Galactic Centre and in Stars
Parallel session : Indirect Searches 2 |
Energetic axion-like particle production in galaxies
Reionizing the Universe with dark matter: constraints on self- annihilation cross sections
Dark Matter Identification using Gamma Rays from Dwarf Galaxies
New Approaches in the Search for Solar WIMPs
Effects of WIMP DM transport in the Sun
Parallel session : Direct Searches 2 |
Effects of Residue Background Events in Direct Detection Experiments on Determining Properties of Halo Dark Matter
Status of Nuclear Emulsion for Directional Dark Matter Search
Directional direct non-baryonic dark matter detection with MIMAC
DMTPC: a dark matter detector with directional sensitivity
Spin-Dependent Limits from DRIFT
Background Rejection in DRIFT
Towards a Massive Directional WIMP Detector
Parallel Session : Structure Formation & N-body simulations 1 |
Universal Mass Accretion Rates and Concentrations of Dark Matter Halos
Superdense dark matter clumps
Plenary session : Indirect Searches 2 |
Indirect detection of Dark matter with gamma-rays
Multi-channel cosmic ray signatures of dark matter
Radio and Microwave Constraints on Dark Matter
Parallel session : Direct Searches 3 |
Background rejection and sensitivity for new generation Ge detectors experiments
Calibration of noble liquid dark matter detectors
Study of the performances of the shield and muon veto of the XENON1T experiment.
2010 update on the ROSEBUD project
The CAST experiment: status and perspectives
Status of the XMASS Experiment
Parallel session : Indirect Searches 3 |
Fermi Gamma-ray Haze via Dark Matter and Millisecond Pulsars
Electroweak bremsstrahlung and indirect detection of Dark Matter by neutrino telescopes
Indirect searches of dark matter
DMMW: A tool for multi-wavelength dark matter searches
Annihilation vs. Decay: Constraining Dark Matter Properties from a Gamma-Ray Detection in Dwarf Galaxies
The General Antiparticle Spectrometer (GAPS) - Hunt for dark matter using low energy antideuterons
Plenary session : Indirect Searches and Neutrinos |
Dark matter searches with IceCube
Indirect Search for Dark Matter with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
Constraining neutrinos masses in the PLANCK era
Plenary session : Dark Matter Candidates 1 |
Feebly Interacting Dark Matter
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Dark Matter Axions
Parallel session : Direct Searches 5 |
Laboratory Searches for Dark Matter Signatures with Electron Beams at JLAB
Direct detection data and possible hints for low-mass WIMPs
Identification of galactic Dark Matter with directional detection
Neutron background studies for direct dark matter searches in LSM
Parallel session : Indirect Searches 5 |
VERITAS Indirect Search for Dark Matter Program
DM searches with H.E.S.S. towards dwarf spheroidal galaxies
Searches for DM signals from the Galactic Center region with HESS
Internal bremsstrahlung in neutralino annhilition: revised impact on indirect detection by gamma rays
Parallel Session : Structure Formation & N-body simulations 2 |
Milky Way Satellites and Lambda Cold Dark Matter
The Impact of Dark Matter Microhalos on Signatures for Direct and Indirect Detection
The distribution of dark matter around galaxies : Mean surface density profile and outer structure
Parallel session : Dark Matter Candidates 1 |
Gravitino dark Matter Candidate and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
New decay modes of gravitino dark matter
Semi-annihilation of Dark Matter
Constraints on decaying-dark-matter models from simulations of isolated halos
Parallel Session : Structure Formation & N-body simulations 3 |
The observational signatures of high-redshift dark stars
Signatures of Dark Star Remnants in the Galactic Halo
JWST Detecting Dark Stars
WIMP capture for dark stars in the early universe
Watching dark matter stars burn - possible signatures of Dark Stars in the EBL
The Inter-Galactic Populations and Unbound Dark Matter
Parallel session : Dark Matter Candidates 2 |
New Signatures of WIMPless Dark Matter
The Sommerfeld Enhancement for Inelastic Dark Matter
Dark Matter that can form Dark Stars
Light neutralino DM in light Higgs scenario related with the CoGeNT DAMA/LIBRA and CDMS II results
A new vision of the inert doublet model of dark matter
keV sterile neutrino Dark Matter in gauge extensions of the Standard Model
Plenary session : Dark Matter Candidates 2 |
Theoretical Perspectives on DAMA in Light of Recent Searches
On the stability of particle dark matter
Sterile neutrino dark matter
SuperWIMP dark matter and astrophysical connections
Bayesian constraints on supersymmetric neutralino dark matter
Parallel session : DM at colliders and neutrinos |
Sensitivity Enhancement for the Searches of Neutrino Magnetic Moments through Atomic Ionization
Status report and performance of the T2K experiment
The NEXT experiment in the new Canfranc Underground Laboratory
Higgs decays to dark sector
Plenary session : Dark Matter Direct Searches 2 |
The ArDM Experiment
Dark Matter Search at SNOLAB with DEAP-3600
Parallel session : Indirect Searches 4 |
Constraints on Dark Matter Annihilation from the Fermi-LAT Diffuse Gamma-Ray Measurement
Dark Matter multi-wavelength constraints from radio observations and from diffuse Fermi-LAT gamma-ray observations
Fermi-LAT constraints on diffuse Dark Matter annihilation from the Galactic Halo
Anisotropies in the diffuse gamma-ray background measured by the Fermi-LAT
Dark Matter Subhalos In the Fermi First Source Catalog
Constraining dark matter signal from a combined analysis of Milky Way satellites using the Fermi-LAT
Parallel session : Direct Searches 4 |
GEANT4 Simulations of Neutron-Argon Interactions
Leptophilic Dark Matter in Direct Detection Experiments and in the Sun
The CHASE laboratory search for chameleon dark energy
Background radiation in direct dark matter experiments
Dark Matter Searches with Germanium Detectors with sub-keV Sensitivities
DARWIN: dark matter WIMP search with noble liquids
Parallel session : Dark Matter Candidates 3 |
Recent developments in supersymmetric QCD effects on dark matter annihilation
XENON10/100 dark matter constraints: examining the L_eff dependence
An estimate of the mass from quarkonium spectra.
A light scalar WIMP through the Higgs portal
Plenary session : Dark Matter Searches at the LHC |
First LHC Results
Metastable Particles at the LHC
Theoretical expectations for dark matter detection at the LHC
Keynote conclusion |
Keynote conclusion