session monday morning |
Introductory words
Ileana Iori and INFN
The early activity of Ileana on nuclear physics: reactions induced by nucleons
Ileana and Aladin - a fortunate concurrence
Ileana and Hades: a successful adventure into a large collaboration
A life spent for the research in nuclear science and.....
session monday afternoon |
Shear stress and shear flow in a partonic cascade
Relativistic Shocks in viscous Gluon Matter
PANDA EMC Trigger and Data Acquisition Algorithm Development
Perspectives for the study of quarkonium production in pp collisions with the ALICE muon spectrometer
Operational characteristics of SiC diodes as ionizing radiation detectors
Digitizer for Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors
A demonstrator for the Micro-Vertex Detector of the CBM experiment
Search for ppK- state in p+p@3,1 GeV
First Kaon Measurement with scintillating fibers read by MPPC at the DaFNE e+/e- collider
session tuesday morning |
Exploring the World by Reading the Isotope Language
Nuclei far from stability
Physics at FRIB
Superheavy elements - laying the grounds for the landing on the island of stability
session tuesday afternoon |
Experimental Tests of the Standard Model of Weak Interactions
Flubber experiment: measuring 17F Coulomb breakup
2He Decay from 18Ne Excited States: Status and Perspectives
Reaction mechanisms in collisions induced by halo and weakly bound nuclei around the Coulomb barrier
session wednesday morning |
Recent results from BESIII
Hadron physics with PANDA
Development of new photodetectors
Studies of Hyperons and Antihyperons in Nuclei
Physics with low energy antiprotons
Kaonic atoms measurements at DAFNE by SIDDHARTA
session wednesday afternoon |
Confinement and chiral symmetry breaking critical points
The data processing in the ALICE experiment
Investigating dense nuclear matter with electromagnetic and rare hadronic probes
Phase structure of strongly interacting matter and results for heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars
CVD Diamond Detectors - R&D Status and New Results
The Micro Vertex Detector of the CBM-Experiment
session thursday morning |
Charmonia production in heavy-ion collisions: status and perspectives
Chiral symmetry, di-electrons and charm
session thursday afternoon |
The Pamela Satellite Experiment: An Observatory in Space for Particles, Antiparticles and Nuclei in the Cosmic Rays.
Current Issues in Kaon Photoelectro-Production of the Nucleon
Search for saturation effects at the LHC with the ALICE experiment
Dielectron production in Ar+KCl collisions at E = 1.76 AGeV
Measurement of the Lambda(1405)-Resonance with the HADES-Spectrometer
session friday morning |
Novel Detection Techniques for High Energy neutrinos
Nuclear astrophysics deep underground: the LUNA experiment
Last results of stopped K^{-} physics with FINUDA
Applications of particle accelerators in medical physics
Phase Coexistence and Phase Transitions in Small Systems
session friday afternoon |
Equation-of-State of Nuclear Matter with Light Clusters
The symmetry energy from heavy ion reactions
Direct Photons in Heavy Ion Collisions from transport theory and hybrid model calculations
The Forward Muon Spectrometer of ALICE - Status and commissioning results.
Heavy flavour analysis in proton-proton collisions at the LHC with ALICE