VERTEX 2009 - (other vertex conferences)
September 13 -18 2009
VELUWE, the Netherlands
published August 10, 2010
Yearly workshop on vertex detectors and related techniques. All presentations are plenary and will cover running LHC experiments, Performance and Alignment, Radiation Hardness, Pixel Detectors, Electronics, sLHC Developments, Space and Medical applications and Enabling Technologies.
session: Running LHC experiments
session: Radiation damage
session: Future pixels
session: Alignment
session: Other applications
session: Electronics & enabling technology
session: Future radhard detectors
session: Summary talk
session: Running LHC experiments
ATLAS pixels: Running Experience
CMS pixels: Running Experience
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K. Ecklund
The ATLAS silicon strip detector running experience
Commissioning, operation and performance of the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker detector
ALICE Silicon Detectors: Running Experience
V. Manzari
Data Readiness of the LHCb Vertex Locator (VELO)
K. Hennessy
session: Radiation damage
Radiation Damage in Silicon Trackers at the Tevatron Experiments
O. Gonzalez Lopez
New Operation Scenarios for Severely Irradiated Silicon Detectors
G. Casse, A.A. Affolder, P.P. Allport, H. Brown and C. Wiglesworth
Beam incidents - High particle rate tests of an LHCb/Velo silicon strip module
L. Eklund, K. Akiba, O. Behrendt, M. van Beuzekom, J. Buytaert, P. Collins, M. Ferro-Luzzi, K. Hennessy and J. Imong
RD50 Recent Results - Development of radiation hard sensors for SLHC
A. Macchiolo
3D Pixels + New Technologies
session: Future pixels
MAPS with pixel level sparsified readout: from standard CMOS to vertical integration
L. Gaioni, A. Manazza, M. Manghisoni, L. Ratti, V. Re and G. Traversi
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C. Hu-Guo
CCDs in High Energy Physics
J. Goldstein
DEPFET vertex detectors
3D Pixels - Recent Results
In-situ Storage Image Sensor for a Vertex Detector at the ILC
session: Alignment
Alignment results of LHC tracking detectors
E. Migliore
Software based alignment
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W. Hulsbergen
Laser alignment systems
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B. Wittmer
Alignment of the ALICE Tracking Detectors
A. Dainese
session: Other applications
Gridpix - Chip Post-processing
J. Schmitz
CdTe Imager
Preliminary Results using Timepix as a Particle Tracking Detector
R. Plackett, K. Akiba, M. Artuso, F. Bayer, J. Buytaert, M. Campbell, P. Collins, M. Crossley, R. Dumps, L. Eklund, D. Esperante, L. Ferre Llin, A. Gallas Torreira, M. Gandelman, M. Gersabeck, V. Gligorov, T. Huse, M. John, X. Llopart, D. Maneuski, T. Michel, M. Nicol, C. Parkes, T. Poikela, E. Rodrigues and L. Tlustos
Measuring Polarization using a Si/CdTe camera
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S. Watanabe
Dark Matter search with Ge detectors
session: Electronics & enabling technology
FE-I4 chip design
M. Barbero
Pixel Front-end development for CMS
PANDA pixel chip
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R. Wheadon
The SPi chip as an integrated power management device for serial powering of future HEP experiments
CO2 Cooling Developments for HEP Detectors
B. Verlaat and A.P. Colijn
Cooling: Experience from ATLAS & CMS
session: Future radhard detectors
ATLAS Pixel Upgrade
CMS tracker upgrade
D. Abbaneo
Upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector
Atlas Strips Upgrade
LHCb VELO Upgrade
Usage of vertex detectors in the ATLAS trigger software
A. Coccaro
ATLAS L1 track trigger
N. Konstantinidis
CMS L1 track trigger
session: Summary talk
Summary talk
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M. Demarteau