session: Running LHC experiments |
ATLAS pixels: Running Experience
CMS pixels: Running Experience
The ATLAS silicon strip detector running experience
Commissioning, operation and performance of the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker detector
ALICE Silicon Detectors: Running Experience
Data Readiness of the LHCb Vertex Locator (VELO)
session: Radiation damage |
Radiation Damage in Silicon Trackers at the Tevatron Experiments
New Operation Scenarios for Severely Irradiated Silicon Detectors
Beam incidents - High particle rate tests of an LHCb/Velo silicon strip module
RD50 Recent Results - Development of radiation hard sensors for SLHC
3D Pixels + New Technologies
session: Future pixels |
MAPS with pixel level sparsified readout: from standard CMOS to vertical integration
CCDs in High Energy Physics
DEPFET vertex detectors
3D Pixels - Recent Results
In-situ Storage Image Sensor for a Vertex Detector at the ILC
session: Alignment |
Alignment results of LHC tracking detectors
Software based alignment
Laser alignment systems
Alignment of the ALICE Tracking Detectors
session: Other applications |
Gridpix - Chip Post-processing
CdTe Imager
Preliminary Results using Timepix as a Particle Tracking Detector
Measuring Polarization using a Si/CdTe camera
Dark Matter search with Ge detectors
session: Electronics & enabling technology |
FE-I4 chip design
Pixel Front-end development for CMS
PANDA pixel chip
The SPi chip as an integrated power management device for serial powering of future HEP experiments
CO2 Cooling Developments for HEP Detectors
Cooling: Experience from ATLAS & CMS
session: Future radhard detectors |
ATLAS Pixel Upgrade
CMS tracker upgrade
Upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector
Atlas Strips Upgrade
LHCb VELO Upgrade
Session:Trigger |
Usage of vertex detectors in the ATLAS trigger software
ATLAS L1 track trigger
CMS L1 track trigger
session: Summary talk |
Summary talk