Table of contents |
Non-perturbative Green’s functions and the QCD effective charge
Shear and bulk viscosities of the gluon plasma in the stochastic-vacuum approach
Schwinger-Dyson equations and the quark-antiquark static potential
On the dynamics of the Kugo-Ojima function
Open issues in confinement, for the lattice and for center vortices
Anomalies and discrete chiral symmetries
Simulating linear covariant gauges on the lattice: a new approach
Magnetic Monopoles in the Deconfined Phase of Yang-Mills Theories
Aspects of the Gribov-Zwanziger framework
Beyond renormalization: an essay on nonlinear sigma model, massive YM and Electroweak Model
Hadrons as Holograms
The static potential in the Gribov-Zwanziger Lagrangian.
Aspects of Confinement in Coulomb Gauge
Lattice Study of Dense Two Color Matter
Physical charges in QED and QCD
Gribov-Zwanziger horizon condition, ghost and gluon propagators and Kugo-Ojima confinement criterion
A fresh look at the confinement mechanism
Infra-red problems and a response
How Many Degrees of Freedom Has the Gluon?
Lattice Landau Gauge and Algebraic Geometry
Numerical test of the Gribov-Zwanziger scenario in landau gauge
Effective Action for Low-Energy Quantum Field Fluctuations
The Hamiltonian Approach to Yang-Mills (2+1): An Update and Corrections to String Tension
QCD phenomenology with infrared finite SDE solutions
Vacuum structure and Casimir scaling in Yang-Mills theories
The lattice infrared Landau gauge gluon propagator: from finite volume to the infinite volume
Gluon masses without seagull divergences
A Ghost Story: Ghosts and Gluons in the IR of QCD
The Electroweak Model based on the Nonlinearly realized Gauge Group
The role of monopoles in a gluon plasma
Hamiltonian approach to Yang-Mills theory in Coulomb gauge
A ghost story (II): Ghost, Gluons and the Gluon Condensate beyond the IR of QCD
General method of solution of Schwinger-Dyson equations in Minkowski space
Large representation Polyakov loop in hot Yang-Mills theory
Confinement, deconfinement and chiral symmetry breaking in QCD
Gluons and deconfinement at high density
Lattice QCD Analysis for Gluons
A candidate for the scalar glueball operator within the Gribov-Zwanziger framework
Symmetry Breaking Patterns in QCD: Chiral and Deconfinement Transitions
Topological solutions in dual formulation of Yang-Mills theories
Screened perturbation theory for 3D Yang-Mills and hot QCD
Exact renormalization group at finite temperature