VERTEX 2008 - (other vertex conferences)
July 28–August 1, 2008
Utö Island, Sweden
published July 03, 2009
Vertex 2008, the 17th international workshop on vertex detectors was held on Utö Island between July 28-August 1, 2008. The aim of the conference is: Review progress on Silicon based Vertex detectors with emphasis on existing and future detectors, new materials, software, alignment, electronics, triggering, 3D devices, monolithic structures, new developments, applications to other fields.
conference main image
Experience with running experiments
Commissioning experience with pixel detectors
Commissioning experience with strip detectors
R&D on future detectors
Tracking and vertexing
Novel detectors and electronics, part 1
Novel detectors and electronics, part 2
Performance and data quality
Experience with running experiments
D0 Run II experience
Radiation damage study in D0 tracking system
First results from the HERMES Recoil Detector
A. Mussgiller
Commissioning experience with pixel detectors
Commissioning experience of the ATLAS pixel detector
G. Gaycken
Integration and installation of the CMS pixel barrel detector
H.C. Kaestli
Experience with CMS pixel software commissioning
V. Chiochia
Commissioning experience with strip detectors
CMS pixel experience in detector commissioning
CMS track reconstruction performance and latest results with cosmic muons
B. Mangano
Experience in commissioning the CMS Silicon Tracker and readiness for LHC beams
Commissioning experience of the LHCb detector
ATLAS diamond BCM
The GLAST Large Area Telescope: the LAT tracker performance and first results after launch
F. Gargano
R&D on future detectors
Development of tracking detectors for FAIR
The upgrade program of the CMS Tracker at SLHC
The LHCb upgrade
Optimization of the new vertex detector for Belle
Front-end electronics for the B-layer replacement or SLHC in ATLAS
R. Becchrle
Tracking and vertexing
D0 silicon track trigger
K.R. Herner
Vertex, Track Reconstruction and Luminosity Monitoring at LHCb
T. Szumlak
Track based alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector
C. Escobar
CMS Tracker latest alignment results with cosmics data and strategy at the startup
R. Covarelli
Challenges with decay vertex detection in CBM using an ultra-thin pixel detector system linked with the silicon tracker
M. Deveaux, S. Amar-Youcef, C.A. Dritsa, I. Froehlich, C. Müntz, S. Seddiki, J. Stroth, T. Tischler and C. Trageser
LFCI Vertex Package
S. Hillert
EUDET-Pixel Telescope
I.M. Gregor
Gamma tracking with the AGATA detector
P.A. Söderström, A. Al-Adili, J. Nyberg, F. Recchia, E. Farnea and A. Gadea
Novel detectors and electronics, part 1
Vertex detector development for ILC
C. Damerell
CMOS pixel vertex detector at STAR
M. Szelezniak
A CMOS pixel-based Recoil Proton Telescope for fast neutrons
Fine pixel CCD for ILC Vertex Detector
Novel detectors and electronics, part 2
CCE studies in silicon
Micropattern gas detectors
J. Kaminski
3D detectors
Performance and data quality
CMS pixel data quality monitoring
Experience with DAQ for ATLAS SCT
Experience & plan for monitoring & calibration the CMS Tracker
D. Giordano
Data quality monitoring in ATLAS, ID