ACAT - (other acat conferences)
April 23-27, 2007
Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
published July 27, 2009
  1. Computing Technology for Physics Research
    • Multilevel parallelism
    • Distributed computing
    • New architectures
    • High precision computing
    • Software quality control
    • User Interfaces, Common Libraries
    • Online Monitoring and Control
  2. Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
    • Neural Networks and Other Pattern Recognition Techniques
    • Evolutionary and Genetic Algorithms
    • Advanced Data Analysis Environments
    • Statistical Methods
    • Detector and Accelerator Simulations
    • Reconstruction Algorithms
    • Visualization Techniques
  3. Methodology of Computations in Theoretical Physics
    • Automatic Computation Systems: from Processes to Event Generators
    • Multi-dimensional Integration and Event Generators
    • Intensive High Precision Numerical Computations: Algorithms and Systems
    • Computer Algebra Techniques and Applications
conference main image
Plenary speakers
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Plenary speakers
Exploration of the Terascale: the challenges.
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J. Engelen
Providing HPC resources for Philips Research and partners
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R. van Driel
To waht extent can we rely on the results of scientific computations?
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L. Hatton
Recent Progress in Machine Learning
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J. Schmidhuber
Automatic calculations for multi-leg processes.
S. Weinzierl
The Grid: Interaction and Scaling
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J. Templon
Computing Challenges in Oil and Gas Field Simulation
J. Vink
Theoretical Foundations for Computational Physics: Numerical, Symbolic, and Algebraic Computing Grand Challenges: An NSF View
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L. Mullin
Summary session 1
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F. Carminati
Summary of session 2: Data Analysis: Algorithms and Tools
T. Speer
Summary Session 3
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S. Moch
Session 1
The Ganga job management system.
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J. Moscicki
A High Availability Solution for GRID Services
A.L. Garcia
LCG/gLite BDII performance measurements
L. Shamardin
Grid infrastructure analysis with a simple flow model
A. Kryukov
The ALICE Grid. The beat of a different drum
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F. Carminati
EVO: the Next Generation Grid-enable Collaboration
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M. Domaracky
INFN Tier-1 experiences with Castor-2 in CMS computing challenges
D. Bonacorsi
Experience with Fabric Storage Area Network and HSM Software at the Tier1 INFN CNAF.
P.P. Ricci
CRAB: status and perspective
F. Farina
Remote Online Farms
S. Klous
PROOF: the Parallel ROOT Facility. Scheduling and Load-balancing
J. Iwaszkiewicz
The Object Model to Construct the Mixed Open Inventor/ ROOT 3D scenes
V. Fine
Rapid Application Design with the ROOT GUI Classes.
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I. Antcheva
HEP CG: The High Energy Physics Community Grid Project Inside D-Grid
T. Harenberg
The Run Control and Monitoring System of the CMS Experiment.
A. Petrucci
Online Monitoring for the CDF Run II Experiment and the remote operation facilities
F. Scuri
D0 Global Monitoring and Outlook for LHC/CMS remote monitoring
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P. Bhat
The ATLAS Computing Model
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R.W. Jones
LCG MCDB Knowledge Base of Monte Carlo Simulated Events
S. Belov
Database Architecture for the Calibrartion of Atlas Monitored Drift Tube Chambers
E. Vilucchi
Session 2
CHIPS muon capture in Geant4
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M. Kosov
Optimization of tau identification in ATLAS experiment using multivariate tools
M. Wolter
Reconstruction tools for the study of short-lived resonances in ALICE pp collisions at the LHC startup
F. Riggi
A neural network approach to high energy cosmic rays mass identification at the Pierre Auger Observatory
S. Riggi
Efficient algorithms of multidimensional y-ray spectra compression using address randomizing transforms
V. Matousek
A Neural Solution for the Level 2 Trigger in Gamma Ray Astronomy
S. Khatchadourian
Particle Identification at BESIII
K. He
Online Electron/Jet Neural High-level Trigger Over Independent Calorimetry Information
R. Coura Torres
TMVA, the Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis with ROOT
H. Voss, A. Höcker, J. Stelzer and F. Tegenfeldt
StatPatternRecognotion: A C++ Package for Multivariate Classification
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A. Buckley
New Developments of ROOT Mathematical Software Libraries
L. Moneta
BESIII Simulation Software
Z. Deng
Matching between charged tracks and electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCAL) clusters in ALICE.
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A. Pulvirenti
A two-dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
R. Lopes
Electron bremstrahlung recovery in ATLAS tracking using Dynamic Noise Adjustment
V. Kartvelishvili
FEDRA: Framework for Emulsion Data Reconstruction and Analysis In the OPERA experiment
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V. Tioukov
An inference method of luminosity spectrum in a future high luminosity e+e- linear collider
A. Shibata
Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector
R. Haertel
CEDAR: HepData, JetWeb and Rivet
A. Buckley
Application of Gene Expression Programming to Event Selection in High Energy Physics
L. Teodorescu
GARCON - Genetic Algorithm for Rectangular Cuts OptimizatioN.
A. Drozdetskiy
Unfolding Problem: A Machine Learning Approach.
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N. Gagunashvili
The Muon Trigger in ATLAS
G. Siragusa
Self-organized mapping of calorimetry information for high efficient online electron/jet identification in ATLAS
J. Seixas
The Global Tracking Trigger of the ZEUS experiment
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V. Roberfroid
Energy loss correction for a crystal calorimeter
M. He
A Fast Vertex Fitter for ATLAS Level 2 Trigger
D. Emeliyanov
Upper limit for Poisson variable incorporating systematic uncertainty by Bayesian approach
Y. Zhu
Pearson's Test Modifications for Comparison of Unweighted and Weighted Histograms and Two Weighted Histograms
N. Gagunashvili
Statistical bias of fit parameters
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S. Redin
The Transform between the space of observed values and the space of possible values of the parameter
S. Bityukov
Multivariate Methods in HEP.
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P. Bhat
Interactive visualization of multidimensional coincidence spectra
M. Morhac
Separation of Higgs boson signal from Drell-Yan background with self-organizing maps
A. Heikkinen
ATLAS B-physics analysis packages
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J. Catmore
Cosmic ray triggering using muon signal detected by the Hadronic Calorimeter of ATLAS
B. Carneiro Ferreira
ATLAS Inner Detector commissioning with cosmic rays
M.J. Costa
A ROOT Tool for 3D Event Visualization in ATLAS Calorimeters
L. Manhaes de Andrade
Session 3
The use of Mellin-Barnes Integrals for the Calculation of Two-loop massive Operator Matrix Elements
I. Bierenbaum
PHOTOS Monte Carlo for precision simulations of QED in decays
Z. Was
Structure of analytical QCD predictions for the Gottfried sums rule
A. Kataev
Error-free algorithms to solve special and general discrete systems of linear equations
M. Morhac
Extensions in FormCalc 5.3
T. Hahn
MadGraph/MadEvent V4: from models to events
R. Frederix
The Pluto++ Event Generator.
I. Froehlich
SANC: precision calculations for the SM processes
D. Bardin
A uniform algebraically-based approach to computational physics and efficient programming
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J. Raynolds
Three loop DIS and transversity operator anomalous dimensions in the RI' scheme
J. Gracey
Geometrized Feynman diagrams and their epsilon expansion
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A. Davydychev
AMBRE - a Mathematica package for the automatic derivation of Mellin-Barnes Representations for Feynman Integrals
T. Riemann
The summation package Sigma evaluates Feynman integrals
C. Schneider
From Feynman Integrals to Nested Sums
S.O. Moch
Structural Relations between Harmonic Sums up to w=6
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J. Bluemlein
Reduction of Feynman integrals to master integrals
A. Smirnov
Computing of Charged Current DIS at three loops
M. Rogal
Precise Numerical Results of IR-vertex and box integration with Extrapolation Method
F. Yuasa
Current status of FORM parallelization.
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M. Tentyukov