8thEVN - (other evn conferences)
September 26-29, 2006
Torun, Poland
published November 22, 2007
This is the eighth in a series of biennial European VLBI Network (EVN) Symposia devoted to reviewing new developments in Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) science and technology. VLBI provides astronomers with their sharpest view of the most energetic phenomena in the universe, including expanding supernovae, pulsars, flare stars, star-forming regions in molecular clouds, the environment surrounding nearby and distant galaxies, gravitational lenses, starburst galaxies and distant active galactic nuclei. The EVN is an interferometric array of radio telescopes spread throughout Europe and beyond, which conducts unique, high resolution, radio astronomical observations of cosmic radio sources; it often observes with other radio telescopes around the world making VLBI a truly global endeavour. The EVN is the most sensitive VLBI array in the world, thanks to the collection of extremely large telescopes that contribute to the network. After the first successes in real-time VLBI (e-VLBI), the EVN continues to make rapid progress in this and other areas of VLBI technological development. Among others, the results obtained using the e-VLBI state-of-the-art technique have been presented.

Editorial Board
Baan Willem, Bachiller Rafael, Booth Roy, Charlot Patrick, Diamond Phil, Garrett Mike, Hong Xiaoyu, Jonas Justin, Kus Andrzej, Mantovani Franco, Marecki Andrzej (chairman), Olofsson Hans, Schlueter Wolfgang, Tornikoski Merja, Wang Na, Zensus Anton

conference main image
VLBI Surveys
VLBI at high frequencies
VLBI polarisation studies
CSS and GPS radio sources
BL Lac objects
Gravitational lensing
Starburst galaxies
Megamasers and young stellar masers
Old stellar masers
Active stars
Recent e-EVN developments
VLBI hard- and software developments
VLBI Surveys
VLBI surveys
S. Frey
VLBI at the highest frequencies - AGN studied with micro-arcsecond resolution
T.P. Krichbaum, I. Agudo, U. Bach, A. Witzel and A. Zensus
Compact radio jets and nuclear regions in active galaxies
A. Lobanov
VLBI at high frequencies
A global 86-GHz VLBI survey of compact radio sources
S.S. Lee, A. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, A. Zensus, M. Bremer, A. Greve and M. Grewing
Deep, wide-field global VLBI observations of the HDF-N
S. Chi, M.A. Garrett and P.D. Barthel
“Oscillating” components in the BL Lac object 0716+714?
S. Britzen, V. Meyer, A. Witzel, I. Agudo, M.F. Aller, H.D. Aller, A. Eckart and A. Zensus
The kinematics of S5 1803+784
N. Kudryavtseva, S. Britzen, A. Witzel, E. Ros, M.F. Aller, H.D. Aller, R.M. Campbell, A. Zensus, A. Eckart, J. Roland and A. Mehta
Effects of the turbulent ISM on radio observations of quasars
K. Gabányi, S. Britzen, T.P. Krichbaum, U. Bach, L. Fuhrmann, A. Kraus, A. Witzel and A. Zensus
Intraday variability of AGNs in the southern hemisphere: the strange case of PMN J1326-5256
G. Cimò, S.P. Ellingsen, C. Senkbail, P. McCulloch, H.E. Bignall and L. Kedziora-Chudczer
VLBA observations of Intraday Variable Sources
B. Moloney and D. Gabuzda
VLBI polarisation studies
The compact polarised emission of AGN - do many AGN jets have helical magnetic fields?
D. Gabuzda
Searching for helical magnetic fields in BL Lac objects
M. Mahmud and D. Gabuzda
Kinematic studies of the IDV quasar 0917+624
S. Bernhart, T.P. Krichbaum, L. Fuhrmann and A. Kraus
Using Faraday rotation sign-reversals to study magnetic fields in AGN jets
S. O'Sullivan and D. Gabuzda
Imaging of quasars and active galactic nuclei. Fine-scale structure evolution
A. Chuprikov and I. Guirin
Constraining IMBH black hole masses with VLBI
Z. Paragi, M.A. Garrett and A.D. Biggs
e-VLBI observations of a microquasar in outburst
V.M. Tudose, R. Fender, M.A. Garrett, J.C.A. Miller-Jones, Z. Paragi, R.E. Spencer, G.G. Pooley, M. van der Klis and A. Szomoru
CSS and GPS radio sources
Compact Steep Spectrum and GHz-Peaked Spectrum radio sources
C. Stanghellini
Multi-frequency radio observations of BAL quasar 1045+352
M. Kunert-Bajraszewska and A. Marecki
Multi-frequency VSOP and VLBI observations of the quasar 3C309.1
M. Gawronski and A.J. Kus
Low-luminosity radio-loud active galactic nuclei
G. Giovannini and M. Giroletti
Low-power compact radio galaxies at high angular resolution
M. Giroletti, G. Giovannini and G.B. Taylor
BL Lac objects
Towards a kinematic model of the Local Group
A. Brunthaler, M.J. Reid, H. Falcke, C. Henkel and K.M. Menten
BL Lac objects
M. Bondi
EVN & MERLIN studies of a new sample of BL Lac objects
H.E. Bignall, H. Landt, C. Reynolds, P. Padovani and E. Perlman
Multi-wavelength polarization VLBI observations of two BL Lac objects
V. Bezrukovs and D. Gabuzda
Rapid and correlated variability of blazar S5 0716+71 from radio- to sub-mm bands
L. Fuhrmann, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, I. Agudo, S. Britzen, S. Bernhart, V. Impellizzeri, A. Kraus, E. Angelakis, U. Bach, K. Gabanyi, A. Zensus, S.J. Wagner and L. Ostorero
Gravitational lensing
Gravitational lensing
O. Wucknitz
Multi-frequency VLBI observations of the gravitational lens B2016+112
A. More and R. Porcas
Starburst galaxies
Starburst galaxies
T.W.B. Muxlow, R.J. Beswick, A. Richards and H.J. Thrall
Supernova remnants in the central starburst region of M82
D.M. Fenech, T.W.B. Muxlow, R.J. Beswick, A. Pedlar, M. Argo and W.M. Trotman
Multiwavelength radio observations of the compact starburst in Arp 220
R. Parra, J.E. Conway, P. Diamond, H. Thrall, C. Lonsdale, C.J. Lonsdale and H.E. Smith
Megamasers and young stellar masers
Y. Pihlstrom
Molecular tori in AGN: a search using excited states of OH
V. Impellizzeri, A. Roy and C. Henkel
The role of magneticfieldsin massive star-formation
L. Harvey-Smith, W.H.T. Vlemmings and J. Cohen
EVN imaging of methanol masers towards massive protostars
A. Bartkiewicz, M. Szymczak and H.J. van Langevelde
Water masers in NGC7538 region
O. Kameya
Parallax measurements of water maser sources beyond 5 kpc with VERA
M. Honma, T. Bushimata, Y.K. Choi, T. Hirota, K. Iwadate, T. Jike, O. Kameya, R. Kamohara, Y. Kan-ya, N. Kawaguchi, M. Kijima, H. Kobayashi, S. Kuji, T. Kurayama, S. Manabe, T. Miyaji, C.S. Oh, T. Oyama, S. Sakai, K.M. Shibata, H. Suda, Y. Tamura, K. Yamashita, H. Imai, T. Nagayama, A. Nakagawa, T. Omodaka, M. Shintani, M. Tsushima and T. Sasao
Old stellar masers
Beaming in on some stimulating issues in stellar evolution
A. Richards
The magnetically collimated jet of the evolved star W43A
W.H.T. Vlemmings, P. Diamond and H. Imai
Spatio-kinematics and distance of water masers in the pre-planetary nebula IRAS 19134+2131
H. Imai, R. Sahai and M. Morris
OH26.5+0.6: insight into the circumstellar structure of an extreme OH/IR star
S. Etoka and P. Diamond
EVN observations of OH maser burst in OH17.7-2.0
M. Szymczak, A. Bartkiewicz and E. Gerard
Circumstellar SiO masers in the long-period variable star TXCam
R. Soria-Ruiz, F. Colomer, J. Alcolea, V. Bujarrabal, J.F. Desmurs and K.B. Marvel
Active stars
Winds in collision: high energy particles in massive binary systems
S. Dougherty and J.M. Pittard
Parallax measurements of the Mira-type star UX Cygni with phase-referenced VLBI
Radio supernovae
R.J. Beswick
The 2006 explosion of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi
T. O'Brien, M.F. Bode, R. Porcas, T.W.B. Muxlow, R.J. Beswick, S.T. Garrington, S.P.S. Eyres, J.P. Osborne, K.L. Page, A.P. Beardmore, M.R. Goad, S. Starrfield, J.U. Ness, A. Evans, G.K. Skinner and R.J. Davis
Recent e-EVN developments
Recent e-EVN developments
A. Szomoru
Developments at the EVN MkIV data processor at JIVE
R.M. Campbell
Data processing software for radio astronomy
H.J. van Langevelde
On-demand radio imaging: access to calibrated data for all astronomers
R.J. Beswick, S.T. Garrington, E. Gonzalez-Solarez, P. Harrison, M.M. Kettenis, T.W.B. Muxlow, A. Richards, H.J. van-Langevelde, N.A. Walton and N. Winstanley
VLBI hard- and software developments
The Swinburne distributed FX (DiFX) software correlator for astronomical and geodetic VLBI
A. Deller, S. Tingay, M. Bailes and C. West
Phase correction of VLBI with water vapour radiometry
A. Roy, H. Rottmann, U. Teuber and R. Keller
VLBI observations of spacecraft
I. Avruch, S.V. Pogrebenko and L. Gurvits
The Long Wavelength Array
Y. Pihlstrom
Recent progress in Korean VLBI Network (KVN) project
B.W. Sohn, H.R. Kim, H.S. Chung, C.H. Lee, D.K. Roh, H.G. Kim, S.T. Han, D.Y. Byun, K.T. Kim, S.O. Wi, S.J. Oh, K. Wajima, M.H. Jung, J.Y. Yi, M.K. Song, J.H. Yeom, T. Jung and T. Sasao
Prospects for Weak Lensing surveys with next-generation arrays
V. Antonuccio-Delogu, S. Paulin-Henriksson and U. Becciani
Main line OH masers in M82
M. Argo, A. Pedlar, R.J. Beswick, T.W.B. Muxlow and D.M. Fenech
AU-scale collimation of protostellar outflows from water masers
J.F. Desmurs, C. Codella, J. Santiago-Garcia, M. Tafalla and R. Bachiller
Analysing very large datasets with ParselTongue
S. Bourke, H.J. van-Langevelde, L. Harvey-Smith and A. Golden
Maser observation in VY CMa with VERA
Y.K. Choi
VLBI data record/playback systems and correlators for Radioastron project
K.G. Belousov, A. Chuprikov, A. Chibisov, O. Dronova, I. Guirin and S. Likhachev
EXPReS SA2: Network provision for a global e-VLBI array
F. Colomer
The VSOP Survey: Final individual results
R. Dodson, S. Horiuchi, W. Scott, E. Fomalont, Z. Paragi, S. Frey, K. Wiik, H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, Y. Murata, G. Moellenbrock, L. Gurvits and S. Tingay
Japanese VLBI Network
A. Doi, K. Fujisawa, K. Harada, T. Nagayama, K. Suematsu, K. Sugiyama, A. Habe, M. Honma, N. Kawaguchi, H. Kobayashi, Y. Koyama, Y. Murata, T. Omodaka, K. Sorai, H. Sudo, H. Takaba, K. Takashima and K.i. Wakamatsu
Comparing the SDSS and VLBI quasar and galaxy positions
S. Frey, P. Veres and K. Vida
Millimeter VLBI detection of the TeV blazar Markarian 501
M. Giroletti and G. Giovannini
EVN and MERLIN observations of nearby BL Lac objects and multiwavelength analysis
M. Giroletti and G. Giovannini
Water masers in the star forming region in L1287
H. Imai, H.J. van Langevelde and T. Umemoto
Phase-delay astrometry of the polar-cap sample at 43 GHz
J.C. Guirado, J.M. Marcaide, I. Marti-Vidal and S. Jimenez
Living life on the edge - wide-field VLBI at 90 cm!
E. Lenc, M.A. Garrett, O. Wucknitz, J. Anderson and S. Tingay
VLBI observations of blazar 0716+714 during the outburst in spring 2004
E. Rastorgueva-Foi and K. Wiik
Results from e-EVN observations of GRS 1915+105
A. Rushton, R.E. Spencer, M. Strong, R.M. Campbell, S. Casey, R. Fender, M.A. Garrett, J.C.A. Miller-Jones, G.G. Pooley, C. Reynolds, A. Szomoru, V. Tudose and Z. Paragi
Description of moving plasma blob
VSOP and VLBA Observations of EGRET-Identified Active Galactic Nuclei
K. Wajima
Dual-frequency VSOP imaging of a high-redshift radio quasar PKS 1402+044
J. Yang, L. Gurvits, A. Lobanov, S. Frey and X.Y. Hong