Editorial Board
Baan Willem, Bachiller Rafael, Booth Roy, Charlot Patrick, Diamond Phil, Garrett Mike, Hong Xiaoyu, Jonas Justin, Kus Andrzej, Mantovani Franco, Marecki Andrzej (chairman), Olofsson Hans, Schlueter Wolfgang, Tornikoski Merja, Wang Na, Zensus Anton
VLBI Surveys |
VLBI surveys
VLBI at the highest frequencies - AGN studied with micro-arcsecond resolution
Compact radio jets and nuclear regions in active galaxies
VLBI at high frequencies |
A global 86-GHz VLBI survey of compact radio sources
Deep, wide-field global VLBI observations of the HDF-N
“Oscillating” components in the BL Lac object 0716+714?
The kinematics of S5 1803+784
Effects of the turbulent ISM on radio observations of quasars
Intraday variability of AGNs in the southern hemisphere: the strange case of PMN J1326-5256
VLBA observations of Intraday Variable Sources
VLBI polarisation studies |
The compact polarised emission of AGN - do many AGN jets have helical magnetic fields?
Searching for helical magnetic fields in BL Lac objects
Kinematic studies of the IDV quasar 0917+624
Using Faraday rotation sign-reversals to study magnetic fields in AGN jets
Imaging of quasars and active galactic nuclei. Fine-scale structure evolution
Constraining IMBH black hole masses with VLBI
e-VLBI observations of a microquasar in outburst
CSS and GPS radio sources |
Compact Steep Spectrum and GHz-Peaked Spectrum radio sources
Multi-frequency radio observations of BAL quasar 1045+352
Multi-frequency VSOP and VLBI observations of the quasar 3C309.1
Low-luminosity radio-loud active galactic nuclei
Low-power compact radio galaxies at high angular resolution
BL Lac objects |
Towards a kinematic model of the Local Group
BL Lac objects
EVN & MERLIN studies of a new sample of BL Lac objects
Multi-wavelength polarization VLBI observations of two BL Lac objects
Rapid and correlated variability of blazar S5 0716+71 from radio- to sub-mm bands
Gravitational lensing |
Gravitational lensing
Multi-frequency VLBI observations of the gravitational lens B2016+112
Starburst galaxies |
Starburst galaxies
Supernova remnants in the central starburst region of M82
Multiwavelength radio observations of the compact starburst in Arp 220
Megamasers and young stellar masers |
Molecular tori in AGN: a search using excited states of OH
The role of magneticfieldsin massive star-formation
EVN imaging of methanol masers towards massive protostars
Water masers in NGC7538 region
Parallax measurements of water maser sources beyond 5 kpc with VERA
Old stellar masers |
Beaming in on some stimulating issues in stellar evolution
The magnetically collimated jet of the evolved star W43A
Spatio-kinematics and distance of water masers in the pre-planetary nebula IRAS 19134+2131
OH26.5+0.6: insight into the circumstellar structure of an extreme OH/IR star
EVN observations of OH maser burst in OH17.7-2.0
Circumstellar SiO masers in the long-period variable star TXCam
Active stars |
Winds in collision: high energy particles in massive binary systems
Parallax measurements of the Mira-type star UX Cygni with phase-referenced VLBI
Radio supernovae
The 2006 explosion of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi
Recent e-EVN developments |
Recent e-EVN developments
Developments at the EVN MkIV data processor at JIVE
Data processing software for radio astronomy
On-demand radio imaging: access to calibrated data for all astronomers
VLBI hard- and software developments |
The Swinburne distributed FX (DiFX) software correlator for astronomical and geodetic VLBI
Phase correction of VLBI with water vapour radiometry
VLBI observations of spacecraft
The Long Wavelength Array
Recent progress in Korean VLBI Network (KVN) project
Posters |
Prospects for Weak Lensing surveys with next-generation arrays
Main line OH masers in M82
AU-scale collimation of protostellar outflows from water masers
Analysing very large datasets with ParselTongue
Maser observation in VY CMa with VERA
VLBI data record/playback systems and correlators for Radioastron project
EXPReS SA2: Network provision for a global e-VLBI array
The VSOP Survey: Final individual results
Japanese VLBI Network
Comparing the SDSS and VLBI quasar and galaxy positions
Millimeter VLBI detection of the TeV blazar Markarian 501
EVN and MERLIN observations of nearby BL Lac objects and multiwavelength analysis
Water masers in the star forming region in L1287
Phase-delay astrometry of the polar-cap sample at 43 GHz
Living life on the edge - wide-field VLBI at 90 cm!
VLBI observations of blazar 0716+714 during the outburst in spring 2004
Results from e-EVN observations of GRS 1915+105
Description of moving plasma blob
VSOP and VLBA Observations of EGRET-Identified Active Galactic Nuclei
Dual-frequency VSOP imaging of a high-redshift radio quasar PKS 1402+044