PoS - Proceedings of Science
EVN2022 11-15 July, 2022 University College Cork, Ireland

The European VLBI Network Symposium is the main forum for discussion of the latest Very Long Baseline Interferometry scientific results and technical and technological developments within the EVN member countries. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was not possible to hold this Symposium in 2020 as originally planned, and an online EVN Mini-Symposium was held during July 12-14, 2021. The full 15th EVN Symposium has now been held during July 11-15, 2022. Topics covered ranged from radio-emitting processes around stars to the innermost structure of active galactic nuclei and the origin of astrophysical jets, and a number of technical topics were also considered.

EVN2021 12-14 July, 2021 online

The European VLBI Network Symposium is the main forum for discussion of the latest Very Long Baseline Interferometry scientific results and technical and technological developments within the EVN member countries. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was not possible to hold this Symposium in 2020 as originally planned; instead, an online EVN Mini-Symposium and Users Meeting was held during July 12-14, 2021. Topics covered ranged from radio-emitting processes around stars to the innermost structure of active galactic nuclei and the origin of astrophysical jets, and a number of technical topics were also considered.

EVN2018 8-11 October Granada, Spain

The 14th European VLBI Network (EVN) Symposium and Users Meeting (http://evnsymp2018.iaa.es) was hosted by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC (IAA-CSIC) in Granada (Spain) on behalf of the EVN Consortium Board of Directors. The meeting took place on October 8-11, 2018 at the main auditorium of the Parque de las Ciencias of Granada, Spain.

This biennial meeting is the main forum for discussion of the latest very long baseline interferometric scientific results and technical and technological developments within the EVN member countries. This makes the European VLBI Network an actively evolving consortium and adds the current capability to lead relevant state-of-the-art scientific and technological projects like those presented during the meeting.

At this 14th EVN Symposium there was also a chance for user input into the future Science Vision for the EVN.

Topics discussed include:
•    Powerful AGN science
•    Starburst galaxies, extragalactic masers, and supernovae
•    Stellar evolution and stellar masers
•    Transient sources and pulsars
•    Astrometric, geodetic & space applications
•    VLBI technology developments
•    Users feedback
•    Current and future VLBI facilities and international cooperation

Moreover, the meeting also focused on the role of EVN on:
•    Very-high sensitivity VLBI with SKA
•    Future multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astronomy including high angular-resolution astronomy at other wavelengths

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730562 [RadioNet]

EVN 2014
EVN 2014 7-10 October 2014 Cagliari, Italy
The Istituto di Radioastronomia (IRA) di Bologna and the Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari (OAC), on behalf of the European VLBI Consortium, hosted the 12th European VLBI Network (EVN) Symposium and Users Meeting. The Conference was held from 7th to 10th of October at the Hotel Regina Margherita, in the center of Cagliari. The latest scientific results and technical developments from VLBI, and, in particular, e-VLBI and space-VLBI (RadioAstron) outcomes were reported. The timing of this meeting coincided with the first successful observational tests of the Sardinia Radio Telescopes within the EVN, and with a number of results from new and upgraded radio facilities around the globe, such as e-MERLIN, ALMA, and the SKA pathfinders. The symposium was attended by 133 participants from all over the world, with the Asian community represented by more than 20 colleagues. The program of the meeting consisted of 70 oral contributions (including 8 invited speakers) and 50 poster that covered a very wide range of VLBI topics both in galactic and extragalactic astrophysics (e.g., AGN, stellar evolution from birth to death, astrometry, and planetary science) as well as technological developments and future international collaborations. The scientific program also included a visit to the 64-m Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) and the EVN Users Meeting, where astronomers have provided useful feedback on various matters regarding EVN operations.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) under grant agreement No 283393 (RadioNet3)


Andrea Tarchi
Marcello Giroletti
Luigina Feretti
11th EVN Symposium
11th EVN Symposium 9-12 October, 2012 Bordeaux (France)
The Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux (LAB) at the University of Bordeaux (France), on behalf of the European VLBI Consortium, hosted the 11th European VLBI Network (EVN) Symposium and EVN Users Meeting on October 9-12, 2012. The Symposium was held at the "Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Bordeaux", located in the "Palais de la Bourse", in the center of Bordeaux. The conference highlighted the latest scientific results and technical developments from VLBI, space VLBI and e-VLBI. All fields of astrophysics were concerned - stellar, galactic and extragalactic - as well as astrometry and planetary science. Presentations addressing synergy between (e-)VLBI and other new or planned radio facilities (ALMA, LOFAR, e-MERLIN,...) or instruments at other wavelengths (Fermi, CTA, Gaia,...) were also an integral part of the program. The scientific program was organized in 11 sessions including 71 oral presentations, with an additional 43 posters available for viewing during the entire length of the conference. An EVN Users Meeting was also held during one of the evening to foster interaction between the EVN users and the EVN organization. The symposium was attended by a total of 122 delegates originating from 47 institutes world-wide, sharing new VLBI science and innovations while also building links with other communities.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 283393 (RadioNet3).
10th EVN Symposium
10th EVN Symposium September 20-24, 2010 Manchester, UK
Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics and the University of Manchester, on behalf of the European VLBI Consortium, will host the 10th European VLBI Network Symposium and the EVN Users Meeting from September 20th - 24th, 2010, entitled "VLBI and the new generation of radio arrays". The Symposium will be held at the University of Manchester, UK. At this conference the latest scientific results and technical developments from VLBI and e-VLBI results will be reported. The timing of this meeting coincides with the development of, and first results from a number of new and upgraded radio facilities around the globe, such as e-MERLIN, LOFAR, EVLA, ALMA, and the SKA pathfinders ASKAP and MeerKAT. This meeting will incorporate some of the first results from these new instruments, in addition to the unique scientific and technical contribution of VLBI in this new era of radio astronomy.
IX EVN Symposium
IX EVN Symposium September 23-26, 2008 Bologna, Italy
The Istituto di Radioastronomia (INAF) on behalf of the European VLBI Consortium, will host the 9th European VLBI Network Symposium on "The role of VLBI in the Golden Age for Radio Astronomy" and the EVN Users Meeting from September 23 to 26, 2008. The Symposium will be held in Bologna at the Conference Centre of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica. The purpose of this conference is to report on the very latest VLBI and e-VLBI results, including both recent scientific and technical developments in an era during which many new powerful radio facilities, e.g. e-MERLIN, e-VLA, LOFAR, ALMA, SKA, etc. are coming along. The meeting will have an informal character and includes reviews, contributed talks, and posters. The list of topics includes AGNs and jet physics, Starburst Galaxies, VLBI surveys, gravitational lenses, masers, supernovae and their remnants, active stars, transients, new developments in hardware and software techniques. During the conference, also the EVN Users Meeting will be held.
8thEVN September 26-29, 2006 Torun, Poland
This is the eighth in a series of biennial European VLBI Network (EVN) Symposia devoted to reviewing new developments in Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) science and technology. VLBI provides astronomers with their sharpest view of the most energetic phenomena in the universe, including expanding supernovae, pulsars, flare stars, star-forming regions in molecular clouds, the environment surrounding nearby and distant galaxies, gravitational lenses, starburst galaxies and distant active galactic nuclei. The EVN is an interferometric array of radio telescopes spread throughout Europe and beyond, which conducts unique, high resolution, radio astronomical observations of cosmic radio sources; it often observes with other radio telescopes around the world making VLBI a truly global endeavour. The EVN is the most sensitive VLBI array in the world, thanks to the collection of extremely large telescopes that contribute to the network. After the first successes in real-time VLBI (e-VLBI), the EVN continues to make rapid progress in this and other areas of VLBI technological development. Among others, the results obtained using the e-VLBI state-of-the-art technique have been presented.

Editorial Board
Baan Willem, Bachiller Rafael, Booth Roy, Charlot Patrick, Diamond Phil, Garrett Mike, Hong Xiaoyu, Jonas Justin, Kus Andrzej, Mantovani Franco, Marecki Andrzej (chairman), Olofsson Hans, Schlueter Wolfgang, Tornikoski Merja, Wang Na, Zensus Anton