"More than ever before, astronomical discoveries are driving the frontiers of elementary particle physics, and more than ever before our knowledge of elementary particles is driving progress in understanding the universe and its contents".
The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is by far the most powerful cosmological probe. Its discovery in 1965 established the paradigm of the Hot Big Bang cosmology and also provided the first link between cosmology and particle physics, namely the production of light elements in the first three minutes after the beginning of the expansion. An impressive series of experiments aimed at mapping CMB anisotropies, culminating in the presently flying NASA’s Wilkinson Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), have led to determine that the universe is close to spatially flat, is dominated by dark energy, accounting for about 70% of the present cosmic energy density, and by dark matter comprising about 85% of the matter density, and that primordial fluctuations had a nearly scale-invariant spectrum, consistent with having emerged from a primordial inflationary phase. The tremendous inflationary expansion bridges the gap between the subatomic length scales and astrophysical scales, relating the seeds of the structure we observe in the universe to quantum fluctuations originated some 10-35 seconds after the big bang. In other words, from CMB anisotropies, that are directly related to the primordial density fluctuations, we can learn about physical processes occurring at extreme energies, unattainable in any conceivable accelerator on earth. Thus studies of the CMB bring us to the deepest questions about the origin of the universe. A synergic approach, involving cosmologists and particle physicists, is thus essential to identify an efficient strategy to understand the birth and the early evolution of the universe. This conference aims at providing a context helping to foster exchanges between particle physicists and cosmologists, and to break communication barriers among the two disciplines. Recent technological advances and the widespread recognition of the key role of information encoded in CMB maps are promoting design studies of a new generation of experiments, with at least an order of magnitude better sensitivity than ESA’s Planck satellite. The new experiments will target CMB polarization, and in particular the very weak B-mode, imprinted by the gravity-wave background produced during the very earliest epochs of the universe evolution. Another key aim of this conference is to provide a forum where different projects are compared and discussed, vis-a-vis with scientific priorities and taking into account the status of relevant technologies.
Editorial Board
Danese Luigi, De Zotti Gianfranco (chairman), Lawrence R. Charles, Longair Malcolm, Mandolesi Nazzareno, Novikov Igor, Partridge Bruce, Puget Jean-Loup, Sanz Luis José, Spergel David, Sunyaev Rashid, Vittorio Nicola, Volonté Sergio
Sessions |
Physics of the very early Universe: what can we learn from particle collider experiments?
Physics of the very early Universe: what can we learn from cosmological observations?
The CMB as a re-ionization probe
The CMB as a Dark Energy probe
Constraints on cosmological parameters
Weak lensing of CMB temperature and polarization patterns: implications for large-scale structure
Ongoing and future ground-based and balloon-borne CMB temperature and polarization experiments
Methods and tools for statistical analyses of CMB data
High-frequency large-area surveys of extragalactic sources and their relevance for CMB experiments
Polarized synchrotron emission
Dust polarization
An anomalous dust emission component? – the observations
An anomalous dust emission component?
Round table discussin
Round table discussion
The CMB-Pol project
Quick Detection System for Planck satellite
Investigating Dark Energy with the CMB lensing
The Polarized synchrotron with GEM
Observations of Anomalous Dust
Angular power spectrum of the FastICA CMB component from BEAST data
Level 1 core software end-to-end testing for Planck/LFI
Dipole Straylight Contamination and Low Multipoles
Deconvolution Map-Making
Galaxy catalogs and the diffuse warm gas phase.
Radio Sources in Galaxy Clusters at 15 GHz and Confusion in the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect
Map-making for the Planck 30 GHz channel with Polar and MADAM destriping codes
Results of the Planck 70 GHz Receiver Protoflight Model Test Campaign
Artefacts due to bandpass mis-match
Millimetric observations of the SZE towards Corona Borealis Supercluster
Simulating the Zody Emission in the Planck Mission
SPIDER: A Balloon-Borne Polarimeter for Measuring Large Angular Scale CMB B-modes
Realistic point source maps at Planck frequencies
Dust in High-Velocity Clouds : relevance for Planck
PTD vs PO effects in power and polarization of Planck HFI-100 beams
Simulations of polarized dust emission
HFI L2 destripping and mapmaking tools
Preliminary Simulations of LFI Main Beam Using Feed Horn Patterns
Mapping the ionization sources with Planck polarization measurements
PLANCK: Detectability of Synchrotron emission by DM annihilation.
Planck Reference Sky versus WMAP
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect at supercluster scales with Planck
Magnetic fields: their influence on the reionization epoch
Ray-tracing through N-body simulations and CMB anisotropy estimations
Discriminating secondary from primary non-Gaussian signals
Component Separation in Polarization with FastICA
MEM harmonic space-based component separation for the Planck experiment.
Observations of a large sample of BL Lac objects at 37 GHz
Xspect / Xpol : CMB angular power spectra estimator using cross-correlation
Late stages of stellar evolution with PLANCK
Perseus anomalous emission as seen with VSA
Observational implications of the bandwidth effects in 70 GHz LFI main beams