Editorial Board
Dattagupta S., El-Azab Anter, Krupanidhi S.B., Noronha Silvester, Shivashankar A. S., Zaiser Michael (chairman)
Continuum models of dislocation systems |
Fundamentals of a continuum theory of dislocations
Coupling the dynamical behavior of compatible/incompatible dislocation distributions
Gauge theory of defects in continuous media I
Gauge theory of defects in continuous media II
Kinetic theory of dislocations: A time-dependent projection operator approach
Discrete dislocation modeling of plasticity |
Stress-Strain response of irradiated material using dislocation dynamics modelling
Evolution of self-affine surface roughness in plastically deforming KCl single crystals
Brittle – ductile transition and scatter in fracture toughness of ferritic steels
Dynamical systems and stochastic processes |
Monte Carlo techniques in statistical physics
Threshold-crossing statistics in diffusion with a time-dependent control parameter
Modeling constitutive behavior of a 15Cr-15Ni-2.2Mo-Ti modified austenitic stainless steel under hot compression using artificial neural network
Energetics of a simple microscopic heat engine
Large dynamic characterizers of spatiotemporal intermittency
Fracture and failure of disordered solids |
Computational challenges in the large-scale simulation of fracture in disordered media
Plastic Instabilities |
Bistability, negative strain rate sensitivity and visualization of dislocation configurations
Scaling behaviour of Portevin-Le Chatelier effect
Plastic instability in omega forming alloy systems
Plasticity of soft and vortex matter |
Stress-induced solidification in colloidal suspensions
Velocity distributions in a cooling granular gas
Plasticity and grain boundary motion in vortex matter
Scaling and scale invariance in deformation and failure |
1/f noise and plastic deformation
On the predictability of individual events in power-law systems
The 'yielding transition' in crystal plasticity - discrete dislocations and continuum models
Scaling relations for dislocation structure and response
Scaling and glassy dynamics in the relaxation of dislocation systems
Transformation-induced plasticity |
A two-dimensional model of some unusual features of martensites