Editorial Board
Domokos Gabor (chairman), Kovesi-Domokos Susan, Nachtmann Otto
Session 1 |
Soft and hard QCD
High energy reactions and vacuum properties
Scattering amplitudes: from Minkowski to Euclidean space
Semiclassical Theory of High Energy Collisions and RHIC Puzzles
High energy reactions and string theory
Testing pQCD at colliders
From QCD-instantons at HERA to electroweak (B+L)-violation at VLHC
Testing the electroweak theory at linear colliders
High energy cosmic ray observations
What we can learn from cosmic rays?
Very high energy cosmic rays and search for physics beyond the standard model
Status and prospects of high pT physics at the Tevatron
The meson, in particular the glueball spectrum (experiments)
Experiments on high energy reactions in the diffractive regime at LHC