24-27 February 1999
Trieste, Italy
published June 15, 1999
The meeting of the European Network on Physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) was held in SISSA, Trieste, on 24-27 February 1999. It was the third meeting of the Network after those of Corfu (1998) and Valencia (1997). Its main purpose was the mid-term review of the Network, with representatives of the European Commission. There was also a scientific workshop, where the participants, in particular young post-docs and PhD students, presented a number of talks. The main topics that were discussed include the unification of fundamental forces including gravity, strings and superstrings, electroweak symmetry breaking, Higgs physics and supersymmetry, as well as neutrino physics. The objectives of the BSM Network is to broaden, coordinate and further strengthen the current collaboration amongst a group of European centers working in many aspects of "Physics Beyond the Standard Model". It is supported by the European Union under the Training and Mobility of Researchers programme (contract ERBFMRX-CT96-0090) for the period 1996-2000 , and involves 11 participant institutions established in 8 European countries (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom). Further information can be found in the Network homepage.

Editorial Board
Antoniadis Ignatios, Masiero Antonio, Pastor Sergio (chairman)

Wednesday 24
Thursday 25
Wednesday 24
Neutrino oscillation effects on the indirect signal of neutralino dark matter from the Earth core
N. Fornengo
Unstable relics and the rescue of pure Cold Dark Matter models
D. Montanino
Testing new physics with future low-energy neutrino experiments
O.G. Miranda
Neutrinoless double beta decay in bilinear R-parity breaking SUSY
M. Hirsch
Phenomenology of R-Parity Breaking
A. Akeroyd
Yukawa couplings and proton decay in SUSY models
The decay $b\rightarrow s \gamma$ and the charged Higgs boson mass without R-parity
E. Torrente-Lujan
Degenerate or hierarchical neutrinos in supersymmetric inflation
G. Lazarides
Confining N=1 SUSY gauge theories from Seiberg duality
Supersymmetric Quintessence
F. Rosati
Solutions for atmospheric neutrino anomalies
file missing
O.L.G. Peres
Thursday 25
Hidden wall supersymmetry breakdown
H.P. Nilles
Anomalies, unitarity and irreversibility
D. Anselmi
On the perturbative corrections around D-string instantons
A. Hammou
Non-Supersymmetric Open String Vacua
C. Angelantonj
A consistent calculation of bubble-nucleation rates
N. Tetradis
Supersymmetry Breaking in M-theory
Heterotic Type I Duality in Four Dimensions in the Presence of Anomalous U(1)'s
S. Lavignac
Five-Branes and Three-Family Models in M-Theory
file missing
A. Lukas
Yukawa Unification on the bilinear R-Parity model
J.C. Romao
Stabilized NMSSM without domain walls
K. Tamvakis
Inclusive semileptonic charmless B-decays in SUSY
E. Lunghi
Phenomenological analysis of a quark mass texture
A. Romanino
The why of Seiberg-Witten duality
file missing
L. Baulieu
N=1 Super-Yang-Mills on the Lattice: Weak and Strong Coupling Limits
E. Gabrielli
The effects of the Kaluza Klein states on the gauge coupling unification
D. Ghilencea
Thermodynamics of D-brane probes
E. Kiritsis and T. Taylor